to be popular with sb
1. (well-liked) 受到喜爱的;受欢迎的
- This is the most popular ball game ever devised. 这是有史以来发明的最受欢迎的球类运动。
- the most popular politician in France 法国最受人爱戴的政治家
- These delicious pastries will be very popular. 这些美味的油酥点心会很受欢迎。
- She's a very popular girl. 她是个人缘很好的女孩子。
- This is a very popular style. 这是一种十分盛行的风格。
2. to be popular with sb
[food, activity +] 为某人所喜爱
- Skateboarding and rollerblading are particularly popular with young boys. 滑板运动和滚轴溜冰尤其受到男孩子们的喜爱。
- Ice cream is always popular with children. 冰激凌一直是孩子们爱吃的东西。
[person +] 受到某人的欢迎
- He was not only talented but immensely popular with his colleagues. 他不仅有才华, 而且在同事们中间人缘极好。
3. [+ name] 时髦的;流行的
- 'Jack' is a popular name for boys these days. “杰克”是当下很流行的男孩子的名字。
4. (common) [+ ideas, feelings, attitudes] 大众化的;普遍的
- The book has great popular appeal. 这本书很对大众的胃口。
- According to popular wisdom, if the berries are still on the bushes in November, the winter will be hard. 按照普遍的观点, 如果到了11月份浆果还在灌木丛上长着, 这一年的冬天就会很冷。
See: popular
to be popular with sb
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典