to be bursting at the seams
to be bursting at the seams 太满;过于拥挤;挤爆
- The hall was bursting at the seams. 大厅被挤爆了。
to come apart at the seams or to fall apart at the seams
[garment +] 开线
- The dress is falling apart at the seams. 连衣裙开线了。
(collapse) 开始破裂;几近崩溃
- Her marriage was falling apart at the seams. 她的婚姻开始破裂。
See: seam
to be bursting at the seams
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
to be bursting at the seams
1. to be bursting with sth
(teeming with) 充满…;遍布…
- The place appears to be bursting with women directors. 这个地方似乎挤满了女导演。
- a terraced vegetable garden, bursting with produce 郁郁葱葱的梯田菜园
(crammed full of) 塞满…
- The wardrobes were bursting with clothes. 衣柜里塞满了衣服。
(with pride, excitement) 充满…;满怀…
- I was bursting with curiosity. 我满心好奇。
- She was bursting with energy and vivacity. 她精力充沛, 活力四射。
2. <非正式> (very eager) 急切的;迫切的
- She was bursting to tell everyone. 她迫不及待地要告诉每个人。
3. to be bursting<口> (in need of toilet) 急需撒尿
4. to be bursting at the seams
[place +] 人满为患
- The camps are said to be bursting at the seams. 据说露营地已经满员了。
See: bursting
1. to be bursting with sth
(teeming with) 充满…;遍布…
- The place appears to be bursting with women directors. 这个地方似乎挤满了女导演。
- a terraced vegetable garden, bursting with produce 郁郁葱葱的梯田菜园
(crammed full of) 塞满…
- The wardrobes were bursting with clothes. 衣柜里塞满了衣服。
(with pride, excitement) 充满…;满怀…
- I was bursting with curiosity. 我满心好奇。
- She was bursting with energy and vivacity. 她精力充沛, 活力四射。
2. <非正式> (very eager) 急切的;迫切的
- She was bursting to tell everyone. 她迫不及待地要告诉每个人。
3. to be bursting<口> (in need of toilet) 急需撒尿
4. to be bursting at the seams
[place +] 人满为患
- The camps are said to be bursting at the seams. 据说露营地已经满员了。
See: bursting
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典