to be bent double

to be bent double
to be bent double
[person +] (因剧痛、大笑等而)弯着身子
- Everyone was bent double in laughter. 所有人都笑弯了腰。
- Pickers are bent double, plucking each flower with lightning speed. 采花人弓着身子飞快地摘花。
See: double
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
to be bent double
1. (out of shape) [+ lever, axle, nail, fork] 弯曲变形的; [+ tree] 弯曲折断的
(intentionally) [+ wire, pipe] 折弯的;弄弯的
- He'd found a bent nail on the ground. 他在地上找到一根弯曲变形的钉子。
- The trees were all bent and twisted from the wind. 所有的树都被风吹弯折断了。
- The door was secured with a piece of bent wire. 一根折弯的金属丝把房门牢牢地拴住了。
2. (bowed) [+ head] 低垂的
- The singer stood with bent head. 那名歌手低头站着(鞠躬致谢)。
3. [+ person] 驼背的;弯腰曲背的
- a bent, frail, old man 虚弱的驼背老人
4. <英,非正式> (dishonest) [+ person] 不老实的;不正派的;贪赃枉法的;腐败的
- a bent accountant 弄虚作假的会计师
- a bent copper 贪赃枉法的警察
5. <英,非正式> (stolen) [+ goods] 偷来的
6. to be bent on sth<贬> (set on) 决意做某事;下定决心做某事
- He's bent on suicide. 他执意要自杀。
7. <过时,非正式> (mad) 古怪的;乖张的;癫狂的
8. <冒犯,非正式> (gay) 同性恋的
9. to be bent double<英> to be bent over double<美> (in pain)(因疼痛而)蜷缩着身子
- He left the courtroom on the first day bent double with stomach pain. 第一天他就因为胃疼得直不起腰来而离开了法庭。
(laughing) (因大笑而)弯着腰, 直不起腰
- They bumped against each other and bent over double, convulsed with laughter. 他俩撞在一起。两人弯着腰笑, 笑得站不起来。
See: bent
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典