the hand of sth
3. a hand
(help) 帮助;协助
- If you ever need a hand, let me know. 如果需要帮忙的话就告诉我。
4. the hand of sb/sth
(influence) 某人∕某事物的影响(或作用)
- the hidden hand of the market 市场看不见的影响力
- The hand of the military authorities can be seen in the entire electoral process. 选举的整个过程都有军事当局插手。
5. (worker) 工人;劳工;体力劳动者
6. 【海】 (crew member) 船员;水手
- All hands on deck! 全体船员到甲板上集合!
7. a big hand
(applause) 热烈的掌声
- Let's have a big hand for the winner! 让我们为胜利者热烈鼓掌!
8. 【牌】 (cards dealt) 一手牌
- Maureen had three aces in her hand. 莫琳牌里有三张A。
9. 【牌】 (player) 玩牌者
10. 【牌】 (single game) 一盘;一局
11. <文> (handwriting) 字迹;笔迹
- She had a neat, flowing hand. 她字迹整洁流畅。
in sb's hand
(written by sb) 出自某人手笔;是某人的笔迹
12. 【马术】 (measurement) 一手之宽(长度单位, 合4英寸, 用于测量马的高度)
13. (on clock or dial) 指针
See: hand
the hand of sth
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典