
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(sweeping, swept,sweeps)
1. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you sweep an area of floor or ground, you push dirt or rubbish off it using a brush with a long handle. 打扫
- The owner of the shop was sweeping his floor when I walked in. 当我走进来时,那个店的店主正在扫地板。
- She was in the kitchen sweeping crumbs into a dust pan. 她在厨房里正把面包屑扫到一个簸箕里。
2. 及物动词 If you sweep things off something, you push them off with a quick smooth movement of your arm. 拂去
- I swept rainwater off the flat top of a gravestone. 我拂去一块墓碑平顶上的雨水。
- With a gesture of frustration, she swept the cards from the table. 她沮丧地把桌上的那张卡片拂开。
3. 及物动词 If someone with long hair sweeps their hair into a particular style, they put it into that style. 梳 (头发)
- ...stylish ways of sweeping your hair off your face. …把头发梳开不挡住脸的时髦发式。
4. 及物动词/不及物动词 If your arm or hand sweeps in a particular direction, or if you sweep it there, it moves quickly and smoothly in that direction. 挥动
- His arm swept around the room. 他的手臂向房间来回挥动。
- Daniels swept his arm over his friend's shoulder. 丹尼尔斯一把将手臂搭在他朋友的肩上。
5. 可数名词 Sweep is also a noun. 挥动
- With one sweep of her hand she threw back the sheets. 她手一挥把那些床单扔了回来。
6. 及物动词 If wind, a stormy sea, or another strong force sweeps someone or something along, it moves them quickly along. (风、海浪等) 卷走
- ...landslides that buried homes and swept cars into the sea. …掩埋了住宅并把汽车卷入海里的山体滑坡。
7. 及物动词 If you are swept somewhere, you are taken there very quickly. 快速地带到
- The visitors were swept past various monuments. 那些游客们被快速地带着游览了各种纪念碑。
8. 不及物动词 If something sweeps from one place to another, it moves there extremely quickly. 极快速地移动 [书面]
- An icy wind swept through the streets. 一阵寒风扫过那些街道。
9. 及物动词/不及物动词 If events, ideas, or beliefs sweep through a place or sweep a place, they spread quickly through it. 使迅速传播; 迅速传播
- A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow. 一场流感正在莫斯科迅速传播。
10. 及物动词/不及物动词 If a person or group sweeps an election or sweeps to victory, they win the election easily. 轻松赢得
- ...a man who's promised to make radical changes to benefit the poor has swept the election. …一个承诺过要进行彻底的变革以造福穷人的男子已轻松赢得该选举。
11. 可数名词 If someone makes a sweep of a place, they search it, usually because they are looking for people who are hiding or for an illegal activity. 搜查
- Two of the soldiers swiftly began making a sweep of the premises. 其中的两名士兵立即开始对该场所进行搜查。
12. → see also sweeping
13. 习语 If someone sweeps something bad or wrong under the carpet, or if they sweep it under the rug, they try to prevent people from hearing about it. 试图掩盖某事
- For a long time this problem has been swept under the carpet. 很长一段时间这个问题一直被掩盖着。
14. 习语 If you make a clean sweep of something such as a series of games or tournaments, you win them all. 彻底的胜利
- ...the first club to make a clean sweep of all three trophies. …第1个赢得全部3个奖杯的俱乐部。
15. to sweep the board →see board
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典