(spelling, spelt,spells)
1. 及物动词 When you spell a word, you write or speak each letter in the word in the correct order. 拼写; 拼读
- He gave his name and then helpfully spelled it. 他说出了他的名字,然后又热心地把它拼读了出来。
- How do you spell "potato?" “”怎么拼写?
2. 动词词组 Spell out means the same as . 拼写; 拼读
- If I don't know a word, I ask them to spell it out for me. 假如我不知道某个词,我请他们替我拼写出来。
3. 及物动词/不及物动词 Someone who can spell knows the correct order of letters in words. 写; 写字 [no cont]
- It's shocking how students can't spell these days. 如今学生居然不会写字真让人震惊。
- He can't even spell his own name. 他甚至不会写自己的名字。
4. 及物动词 If something spells a particular outcome, often an unpleasant one, it suggests that this will be the result. 预示 (通常不好的结果) [no cont]
- If the irrigation plan goes ahead, it could spell disaster for the birds. 如果该灌溉计划继续的话,这对鸟类可能预示着灾难。
5. 可数名词 A spell of a particular type of weather or a particular activity is a short period of time during which this type of weather or activity occurs. (某种天气或活动的) 短暂发生期
- There has been a long spell of dry weather. 干旱天气已持续很长一段时间了。
6. 动词 to take over from (a person) for an interval of time; relieve temporarily 在间歇期接替(某人); 暂时换岗
7. 可数名词 A spell is a situation in which events are controlled by a magical power. 魔
- They say she died after a witch cast a spell on her. 人们说一个女巫对她施了魔后她就死了。
8. 名词 a period or tour of duty after which one person or group relieves another 轮班的时间
9. → see also spelling
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