
(比较级: richer; 最高级: richest)
Having much money or many possessions; wealthy. 富裕的;富有的。
- The persons who become rich are, generally speaking, industrious. 一般而言,富者恒勤。
Expensive; valuable. 昂贵之衣服。
Great in amount; abundant. 丰富的;丰足的。
- rich crops 丰收。
Fertile. 膏腴的。
- rich soil 膏腴之土地。
Abounding in pleasing, desirable, or valuable qualities. 浓厚的;味浓的。
- rich perfumes or food 浓厚之香水或美味之食品。
Vivid. 鲜艳的。
- rich colors 鲜艳色彩。
Sweet and full in sound. 了亮的;甜美的。
Very amusing. 【口】好玩的。
Ridiculous. 【口】可笑的。
(Of food) containing a large proportion of fat, oil, butter, eggs, etc. (食物)含有大量的脂肪、油、蛋、奶油等;油腻的。
- a rich diet 油腻的食物。
rich and poor 富人和穷人。
(as) rich as a Jew [as Croesus] 非常有钱。
the new rich 暴发户。
(复数: riches)
Wealthy people collectively. 富人之统称。
Wealth. 财富。
rich mixture (内燃机的)高混合比的油气(含高比例的燃料,点火容易)。
adj, opulent, affluent, fruitful.
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. (wealthy) [+ person, country] 富有的;富裕的
- You're going to be a very rich man. 你会成为一个非常有钱的人。
- With nothing but his own talent, he made himself rich and famous. 他仅靠自身才华, 就为自己赢得了财富和声望。
- There is hunger in many parts of the world, even in rich countries. 饥馑在世界许多地方都存在, 即使在富裕国家也是如此。
to get rich 发财;致富
- Their one aim in life is to get rich. 他们的人生目标之一就是发财。
2. (with abundant natural resources) 资源丰富的
to be rich in sth 盛产某物
- a land rich in metals 金属资源丰富的土地
3. (fertile) [+ soil, earth] 肥沃的;富饶的;丰饶的
- the beautiful, rich farmland of southern Ontario 安大略南部美丽富饶的农田
4. [+ source, supply, deposit] 深厚的;丰盛的;充裕的; [+ history, heritage] 深厚的;丰厚的
- Fish is a rich source of protein. 鱼肉富含蛋白质。
- The director discovered a rich vein of sentimentality. 导演挖掘出了非常感伤的情绪。
- My collection of Victorian literature turned out to be a rich and often hilarious source of information. 我收藏的维多利亚时期的文学作品成了一个信息丰富的宝库, 而且内容常常令人捧腹。
- a rich vocabulary 丰富的词汇量
to live a rich life 过丰富多彩的生活
to be rich in sth 富含某物
- Liver and kidney are particularly rich in vitamin A. 肝脏和肾脏中尤其富含维生素A。
5. (valuable) 宝贵的;贵重的
a rich collection of antiques 珍贵的古玩收藏
6. (luxuriant) 繁茂的;茂密的
a rich growth of weeds 长势旺盛的野草
7. (costly) [+ gift, clothes, fabrics] 昂贵精美的;奢华的
8. (flavoursome, fatty) [+ cake, dish, sauce] 味浓的;油腻的
- The sauce was too rich. 这种调味酱太油腻了。
9. (full-bodied) 味道醇厚的;醇香的
a rich ruby port 味道醇浓的红宝石波尔图葡萄酒
10. [+ smell] 浓烈的;浓郁的
- coffee with a rich aroma 香气浓郁的咖啡
11. (intense) [+ colour] 浓艳的
a glossy rich red colour 富有光泽的艳红色
12. (resonant) [+ voice, sound] 浑厚的;圆润的;洪亮的
- She has a lovely, rich singing voice. 她的歌声动听而圆润。
13. 【汽车】 (high in fuel) (混合燃料)可燃成分高的
14. that's rich!orthat's a bit rich!<非正式> (ridiculous)真荒唐!真逗!
filthy richorstinking rich<非正式> 有几个臭钱的;富得流油的
- He's stinking rich, and with no more talent than he ever had before. 他现在有几个臭钱了, 但仍然和以前一样没什么才能。
- a handful of filthy rich young men who work eight months a year 几个一年只工作八个月、一身铜臭味的有钱公子哥
the rich (统称)有钱人, 富人
- This is a system in which the rich are cared for and the poor are left to suffer. 这是一个富人备受关照而穷人受苦受难的体制。
- Only thevery rich have really benefited. 只有极其富有的人真正获益了。
the rich and famous 富贾名流
- a gossip page featuring the rich and famous 关注富贾名流的八卦版
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
- 英语>简体中文, 高中课标词汇
n. 丰富的,富的
- 英语>简体中文, 中医大词典
adj.(形容词), rich.est
1. Possessing great material wealth: 有钱的:拥有巨大的物质财富的:
- “Now that he was rich he was not thought ignorant any more, but simply eccentric”(&b{Mavis Gallant}) “现在他很富有,他将不再被视作是无知的,而只是古怪的”(玛维斯·加朗特)
2. Having great worth or value: 丰富的:有巨大的财富或价值的:
- a rich harvest of grain. 谷物的巨大丰收
3. Magnificent; sumptuous: 华美的:堂皇的;华丽的:
- a rich brocade. 华丽的锦缎
4. Having an abundant supply: 丰富的:有丰富的供应品的:
- rich in ideas. 丰富的创意
5. Abounding, especially in natural resources: 肥沃的:丰富的,尤指自然资源丰富的:
- rich land. 富饶的土地
6. Meaningful and significant: 有意义的且重要的:
- “a rich sense of the transaction between writer and reader”(&b{William Zinsser}) “作者与读者之间的深具意义的交流”(威廉·津瑟)
7. Very productive and therefore financially profitable: 出产丰富的:非常具有生产效益因而财政上有收益的:
- rich seams of coal. 富煤层
8. Containing a large amount of choice ingredients, such as butter, sugar, or eggs, and therefore unusually heavy or sweet: 富有营养成分的:包含大量精选成分,如黄油、糖或鸡蛋的,因而不同寻常地腻或甜的:
- a rich dessert. 营养丰富的甜点
9. Having or exuding a strong or pungent aroma: 醇厚的:具有或喷出强烈或刺鼻的气味的:
- “Texas air is so rich you can nourish off it like it was food”(&b{Edna Ferber}) “得克萨斯州的空气是如此醇厚,就象食物一样,使你能从中获取营养”(埃德娜·费伯)
10. Pleasantly full and mellow: 丰润的,嘹亮的:令人愉悦地丰满和成熟的:
- a rich tenor voice. 嘹亮的男高音
11. Warm and strong in color: 色彩浓烈而鲜艳的:
- a rich brown velvet. 鲜艳的棕色天鹅绒
12. Containing a large proportion of fuel to air: 强烈的:空气中包含很大比例的刺激物的:
- a rich gas mixture. 强烈的气体混合物
13. Informal Highly amusing. 【非正式用语】 十分有趣的
n.(used with a pl. verb)(名词)(与复数动词连用)
Wealthy people considered as a group. Often used with the : 有钱人:被看作一个整体的富有的人。常与 the 连用:
- “Were there, indeed, a sure appeal to the mercies of the rich, the calamities of the poor might be less intolerable”(&b{Charlotte Smith}) “如果富有的人能付出同情怜悯之心,穷人的苦难恐怕会较能忍受一些”(夏洛特·史密斯)
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
adj. 富的,浓的,珍贵的,有意义的,富有的;n. 财富,富有
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
- He came from a rich family. 他出身于富裕家庭。
贵重的; 昂贵的; 豪华的
- The rich man lives in luxurious surroundings. 这位富人生活在奢侈的环境中。
- This is a rich present. 这是一件贵重的礼物。
盛产的, 丰富的, 多的
- She is rich in the inner feelings. 她内心的感情丰富。
丰产的; 肥沃的
油腻的, 味浓的; 富于营养的
- He was prone to indigestion after rich restaurant meals. 上饭馆吃过油腻食物之后, 他常受消化不良之苦。
- Oranges are rich in vitamin C. 橙子富含维生素C。
深的; 鲜艳的; 深沉的; 洪亮的; 浓烈的
- The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses. 工作室里弥漫着玫瑰花浓郁的香气。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(adjective 形容词)
a rich industrialist. 富有的工业家。
SYNONYM 同义词:affluent, [informal日常用语] flush, [informal日常用语] loaded,moneyed, opulent, [joking戏嚯语] plutocratic,prosperous, wealthy, [informal日常用语] wellheeled,well-off, well-to-do.
rich furnishings. 豪华的家具。
SYNONYM 同义词:costly, elaborate, expensive, lavish, luxurious,splendid, sumptuous, valuable.
rich agricultural land. 肥沃的耕地。
SYNONYM 同义词:fertile, fruitful, lush, productive.
a rich harvest. 丰收。
SYNONYM 同义词:abundant, copious,plenteous, plentiful, prolific, teeming.
rich colours. 鲜艷的色彩。
SYNONYM 同义词:deep,full, strong, vivid, warm.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参阅poor.
a rich person 富人
SYNONYM 同义词:billionaire, capitalist,millionaire, plutocrat, tycoon.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
(as) rich as Croesus (informal)
extremely rich 巨富
ORIGIN Croesus was a very rich king in Lydia, Asia Minor, in the sixth century BC. Croesus﹙克罗伊斯﹚是公元前六世纪小亚细亚地区吕底亚国的国王,极其富有。
that’s 'rich (spoken,especially BrE)
used to show surprise and amusement at sb’s words or actions ﹙表示感到惊讶、好笑﹚真是荒唐,真逗:
Me? Lazy? That’s rich, coming from you!我?懒惰?这话从你嘴里说出来可真好笑!
be stinking rich 另见stinking
strike it rich 另见strike
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
昂贵的; 华丽的; 豪华的
多产的;富于...的; 富饶的
(食物)味浓的, 油腻的
(声音)圆润的; 洪亮清晰的; 深沉的; (颜色)浓艳的
[口]可笑的; 荒唐的
可燃成分高的, 极易起燃的
- a rich man 富人
- rich dresses 华美的衣服
- a rich mine 贮量丰富的矿山
- a rich diet 油腻的食物
- rich tones 宏亮的声调
- a rich joke 一个非常有趣的笑话

be rich in ...
strike it rich
发横财, 大发其财
That's rich!
[口]真有意思! 真荒唐!
the idle rich
the newly rich

<a href="bword://rich">rich</a>;<a href="bword://wealthy">wealthy</a>;<a href="bword://well-to-do">well-to-do</a>;<a href="bword://well-off">well-off</a>;
rich 系常用词, 指"有较正常需要更多钱财的", 如:
- He was rich. 他很富。
wealthy 表示"富裕的", 程度比 rich 强, 指"有大量钱财的" 如:
- This is a wealthy family. 这是个非常有钱的家庭。
well-to-do 语意不如 rich, 更不如wealthy , 指"高于一般水平富的", 如:
- a well-to-do family 一个小康之家。
well-off 语意与well-to-do接近, 指"相当富有的","富裕的", 如:
- We are very well-off now for out-door labor. 由于在外边做事, 我们现在很富裕。
<a href="bword://poor">poor</a>;
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
(richer, riches,richest)
1. 形容词 A rich person has a lot of money or valuable possessions. 富的
- You're going to be a very rich man. 你将成为一个非常富的人。
2. 复数型名词 The rich are rich people. 富人
- This is a system in which the rich are taken care of and the poor are left to suffer. 这是个富人受关照,而穷人遭罪的制度。
3. 复数型名词 Riches are valuable possessions or large amounts of money. 财富
- An Olympic gold medal can lead to untold riches for an athlete. 一枚奥运金牌能为一名运动员带来数不尽的财富。
4. 形容词 A rich country has a strong economy and produces a lot of wealth, so many people who live there have a high standard of living. 富强的
- There is hunger in many parts of the world, even in rich countries. 饥饿在世界许多地方都存在,甚至在一些富国。
5. 复数型名词 If you talk about the Earth's riches, you are referring to things that exist naturally in large quantities and that are useful and valuable, for example minerals, wood, and oil. (自然) 资源
- ...Russia's vast natural riches. …俄罗斯巨大的自然资源。
6. 形容词 If something is rich in a useful or valuable substance or is a rich source of it, it contains a lot of it. 富含的 [v-link ADJ 'in' n, ADJ n]
- Liver and kidneys are particularly rich in vitamin A. 肝脏和肾脏尤其富含维生素A。
7. 形容词 Rich food contains a lot of fat or oil. (食物) 油腻的
- Additional cream would make it too rich. 额外的奶油会使它过于油腻。
8. richness 不可数名词 油腻
- A squeeze of fresh lime juice cuts the richness of the avocado. 挤一点鲜青柠汁能减少鳄梨的油腻。
9. 形容词 Rich soil contains large amounts of substances that make it good for growing crops or flowers. (土壤) 肥沃的
- Farmers grow rice in the rich soil. 农民们在肥沃的土地上种水稻。
10. 形容词 A rich deposit of a mineral or other substance is a large amount of it. 富饶的 (矿藏等)
- ...the country's rich deposits of the metal lithium. …该国富饶的锂金属矿藏。
11. richness 不可数名词 富饶
- ...the richness of Tibet's mineral deposits. …西藏矿藏之富饶。
12. 形容词 If you say that something is a rich vein or source of something such as humour, ideas, or information, you mean that it can provide a lot of that thing. 丰富的 (来源) [ADJ n]
- The director discovered a rich vein of sentimentality. 导演发现了多愁善感的丰富源泉。
13. 形容词 Rich smells are strong and very pleasant. Rich colours and sounds are deep and very pleasant. 浓郁的 (气味); 浓厚的 (色彩)
- ...a rich and luxuriously perfumed bath essence. …一种浓郁的、富含香气的沐浴精华乳。
14. richness 不可数名词 (气味的) 浓郁; (色彩的) 浓厚
- His musicals were infused with richness of colour and visual detail. 他的音乐剧充满了浓厚色彩与视觉细节。
15. 形容词 A rich life or history is one that is interesting because it is full of different events and activities. 丰富多彩的 (生活、历史)
- A rich and varied cultural life is essential for this couple. 丰富多彩的、多样化的文化生活对于这对夫妇而言是必不可少的。
16. richness 不可数名词 丰富多彩性
- It all adds to the richness of human life. 这都增添了人类生活的丰富多彩性。
17. 形容词 A rich collection or mixture contains a wide and interesting variety of different things. 各种各样的; 丰富的 (种类)
- Visitors can view a rich and colourful array of aquatic plants and animals. 参观者可以观赏到一系列各种各样、色彩斑斓的水生动植物。
18. richness 不可数名词 丰富性; 多样性
- ...a huge country, containing a richness of culture and diversity of landscape. …一个具有文化丰富性和地貌多样性的大国。
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典
rich, wealthy
rich → 普通用词,语气强烈,指拥有大量金钱及财产。
wealthy → 普通用词,语气不如rich强烈,多指经济上富裕、社会地位稳固,很有身份,即有钱有势。
英语>简体中文, 同义词辨析词典
rich, wealthy
rich → 普通用词,语气强烈,指拥有大量金钱及财产。
wealthy → 普通用词,语气不如rich强烈,多指经济上富裕、社会地位稳固,很有身份,即有钱有势。
英语>简体中文, 英语同义词辨析词典