(过去式: plucked; 过去完成式: plucked; 现在进行式: plucking)
To pull off, out, or up. 摘;拔。
- to pluck weeds 拔草。
To pick or gather. 收集。
- to pluck grapes 采收葡萄。
To pull or twitch. 拖;猛拉。
To strip completely of feathers. 把毛拔光。
- Has the turkey been plucked? 这火鸡的毛拔过了吗?
To fleece; rob. 【俚】诈取;抢夺。
To pull at (the strings of a musical instrument) and release quickly. 拨;弹(琴弦)。
To give a sudden pull; tug. 急拉;曳。
- The child plucked at her mother's skirt. 小孩紧拉住他母亲的裙角。
pluck out 拔;抽拔;拔走。
pluck up 连根拔起;根绝;鼓起(勇气)。
A pull; snatch; tug. 拉;急攫;强拖。
That which is pulled or tugged. 被拉之物;被拖之物。
The heart, liver, and lungs of a slaughtered animal esp. as an item of food. 死去动物之心、肝、肺(尤指作食物者)。
Spirit; courage. 精神;勇气。
- a man of pluck 勇敢的人。
give a pluck (at) 猛拉。
n. plucker.
Resolution, gameness, bravery.
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. [+ fruit] 采;摘
- He plucked a stalk of dried fennel. 他掐下一支干茴香。
- I plucked a lemon from the tree. 我从树上摘了一个柠檬。
2. (pull from) (快速地)拖出, 拔出, 抽出
- He plucked the baby out of my arms and ran off down the street. 他从我怀中抢过小宝宝, 沿着大街跑了。
- They were plucked from the icy river. 他们被人从冰冷的河里拽了上来。
to be plucked to safety 被带到安全地带
- The children were plucked to safety as the building burned around them. 四周的建筑物着火燃烧时, 孩子们被带到了安全地带。
3. (pull) 撕;扯;拽
- She plucked his sleeve. 她拽着他的袖子。
4. [+ guitar, harp, strings] 弹;拨;弹拨
- He plucked the strings slowly. 他慢慢地拨动着琴弦。
- Nell was plucking a harp. 内尔在弹竖琴。
5. [+ bird] 拔除…的羽毛
6. to pluck your eyebrows 拔眉毛;修眉毛
- Sally spent hours getting ready, plucking her eyebrows and painting her nails. 萨莉花了几个小时作准备, 又拔眉毛又涂指甲的。
7. to pluck sth out of the air
[+ idea, figure, date] 不假思索地说;脱口而出
- It turns out that there is no evidence for the extent of health tourism—the 200 million figure seems to have been plucked out of the air. 没有证据能够说明养生旅游发展到了什么程度——2亿这个数字似乎是信口开河。
8. to pluck up courage 鼓起勇气
to pluck up the courage to do sth 鼓起勇气做某事
- I slept in my car for two more days until I plucked up the courage to go home. 我在车里又睡了两天才鼓起勇气回家。
- I eventually plucked up enough courage to ask her for a date. 我最终还是鼓足了勇气提出和她约会。
Phrasal Verbs:
pluck at, pluck off, pluck out
1. [+ fruit] 采;摘
- He plucked a stalk of dried fennel. 他掐下一支干茴香。
- I plucked a lemon from the tree. 我从树上摘了一个柠檬。
2. (pull from) (快速地)拖出, 拔出, 抽出
- He plucked the baby out of my arms and ran off down the street. 他从我怀中抢过小宝宝, 沿着大街跑了。
- They were plucked from the icy river. 他们被人从冰冷的河里拽了上来。
to be plucked to safety 被带到安全地带
- The children were plucked to safety as the building burned around them. 四周的建筑物着火燃烧时, 孩子们被带到了安全地带。
3. (pull) 撕;扯;拽
- She plucked his sleeve. 她拽着他的袖子。
4. [+ guitar, harp, strings] 弹;拨;弹拨
- He plucked the strings slowly. 他慢慢地拨动着琴弦。
- Nell was plucking a harp. 内尔在弹竖琴。
5. [+ bird] 拔除…的羽毛
6. to pluck your eyebrows 拔眉毛;修眉毛
- Sally spent hours getting ready, plucking her eyebrows and painting her nails. 萨莉花了几个小时作准备, 又拔眉毛又涂指甲的。
7. to pluck sth out of the air
[+ idea, figure, date] 不假思索地说;脱口而出
- It turns out that there is no evidence for the extent of health tourism—the 200 million figure seems to have been plucked out of the air. 没有证据能够说明养生旅游发展到了什么程度——2亿这个数字似乎是信口开河。
8. to pluck up courage 鼓起勇气
to pluck up the courage to do sth 鼓起勇气做某事
- I slept in my car for two more days until I plucked up the courage to go home. 我在车里又睡了两天才鼓起勇气回家。
- I eventually plucked up enough courage to ask her for a date. 我最终还是鼓足了勇气提出和她约会。
Phrasal Verbs:
pluck at, pluck off, pluck out
1. (courage) 勇气;胆量
- Little companies are known for their pluck and perseverance, even in the face of a recession. 小公司以勇气和坚定著称, 即使是在经济萧条时期。
- You had to admire the fighters' pluck in resisting their enemy. 你不得不钦佩战士们抵抗敌人的勇气。
2. (pull) 拉;扯
- She felt a pluck at her sleeve. 她觉得袖子被拽了一下。
3. (offal) 内脏;下水
1. (courage) 勇气;胆量
- Little companies are known for their pluck and perseverance, even in the face of a recession. 小公司以勇气和坚定著称, 即使是在经济萧条时期。
- You had to admire the fighters' pluck in resisting their enemy. 你不得不钦佩战士们抵抗敌人的勇气。
2. (pull) 拉;扯
- She felt a pluck at her sleeve. 她觉得袖子被拽了一下。
3. (offal) 内脏;下水
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
n. 摘,拔,弹
n. 摘,拔,弹
- 英语>简体中文, 中医大词典
v.(动词) plucked,, plucks及物动词)
1. To remove or detach by grasping and pulling abruptly with the fingers; pick: 采,摘,拔:用指头抓牢并突然扯动来除出或分开;采摘:
- pluck a flower; pluck feathers from a chicken; plucked a rabbit from the hat. 摘一朵花;拔鸡毛;从帽子里抓出一只免子来
2. To pull out the hair or feathers of: 拔下…的毛发或羽毛:
- pluck a chicken. 拔鸡毛
3. To remove abruptly or forcibly: 开除:突然或强制地除去:
- plucked the child from school in midterm. 学期中开除那孩子
4. To give an abrupt pull to; tug at: 突然地扯;拉:
- pluck a sleeve. 扯衣袖
5. Music To sound (the strings of an instrument) by pulling and releasing them with the fingers or a plectrum. 【音乐】 拨(弦):用手指或拨片拉扯琴弦然后放开来奏响(乐器的弦)
To give an abrupt pull; tug. 突然的一拉;扯
1. The act or an instance of plucking. 采,摘,拔:拔、摘、采等的行为或事例
2. Resourceful courage and daring in the face of difficulties; spirit. 勇气,胆量:在困难面前足智多谋的勇气和胆量;精力
3. The heart, liver, windpipe, and lungs of a slaughtered animal. 内脏:被屠宰动物的心脏、气管和肺部
v.(动词) plucked,, plucks及物动词)
1. To remove or detach by grasping and pulling abruptly with the fingers; pick: 采,摘,拔:用指头抓牢并突然扯动来除出或分开;采摘:
- pluck a flower; pluck feathers from a chicken; plucked a rabbit from the hat. 摘一朵花;拔鸡毛;从帽子里抓出一只免子来
2. To pull out the hair or feathers of: 拔下…的毛发或羽毛:
- pluck a chicken. 拔鸡毛
3. To remove abruptly or forcibly: 开除:突然或强制地除去:
- plucked the child from school in midterm. 学期中开除那孩子
4. To give an abrupt pull to; tug at: 突然地扯;拉:
- pluck a sleeve. 扯衣袖
5. Music To sound (the strings of an instrument) by pulling and releasing them with the fingers or a plectrum. 【音乐】 拨(弦):用手指或拨片拉扯琴弦然后放开来奏响(乐器的弦)
To give an abrupt pull; tug. 突然的一拉;扯
1. The act or an instance of plucking. 采,摘,拔:拔、摘、采等的行为或事例
2. Resourceful courage and daring in the face of difficulties; spirit. 勇气,胆量:在困难面前足智多谋的勇气和胆量;精力
3. The heart, liver, windpipe, and lungs of a slaughtered animal. 内脏:被屠宰动物的心脏、气管和肺部
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
vt. 采,拉,抢,弹,拔削;n. 拉,勇气,鲜明
vt. 采,拉,抢,弹,拔削;n. 拉,勇气,鲜明
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
勇气, 精神
- He is full of pluck. 他很有勇气。
采; 摘; 拔
弹, 拔
拉, 拽
- He plucked at her sleeve to try and get her attention. 他不停地拉她的袖子试图引起她的注意。
勇气, 精神
- He is full of pluck. 他很有勇气。
采; 摘; 拔
弹, 拔
拉, 拽
- He plucked at her sleeve to try and get her attention. 他不停地拉她的袖子试图引起她的注意。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(noun 名词)
SEE参阅 courage.
(noun 名词)
SEE参阅 courage.
(verb 动词)
to pluck fruit off a tree. 摘树上的果子。
SYNONYM 同义词:collect, gather, harvest,pick, pull off.
to pluck a chicken. 拔去鸡的毛。
SYNONYM 同义词:denude, remove the feathers from, strip.
to pluck something out of someone’s hand. 抢走某人手上的东西。
SYNONYM 同义词:grab, jerk, seize, snatch,tweak, yank.
to pluck the strings of a violin. 拉小提琴的弦。
SYNONYM 同义词:play pizzicato, strum, twang.
(verb 动词)
to pluck fruit off a tree. 摘树上的果子。
SYNONYM 同义词:collect, gather, harvest,pick, pull off.
to pluck a chicken. 拔去鸡的毛。
SYNONYM 同义词:denude, remove the feathers from, strip.
to pluck something out of someone’s hand. 抢走某人手上的东西。
SYNONYM 同义词:grab, jerk, seize, snatch,tweak, yank.
to pluck the strings of a violin. 拉小提琴的弦。
SYNONYM 同义词:play pizzicato, strum, twang.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
pluck sth out of the 'air
say a name, number, etc. without thinking about it, especially in answer to a question ﹙尤指回答问题时﹚脱口而出;不假思索地回答:
I just plucked a figure out of the air and said: ‘Would £1 000 seem reasonable to you?’ 我随口说出一个数字问道:“你看1 000英镑合适吗?”
pluck/screw/summon up (your/the) courage (to do sth) 另见courage
pluck sth out of the 'air
say a name, number, etc. without thinking about it, especially in answer to a question ﹙尤指回答问题时﹚脱口而出;不假思索地回答:
I just plucked a figure out of the air and said: ‘Would £1 000 seem reasonable to you?’ 我随口说出一个数字问道:“你看1 000英镑合适吗?”
pluck/screw/summon up (your/the) courage (to do sth) 另见courage
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
采, 摘, 拔, 掐
拉, 拖, 扯
抢劫, 诈取
弹, 拨(乐器)
【地质】冰川冲走(岩石), 拔蚀
使...退伍, 调...的职务(多指提升)
- pluck flower 摘花
- pluck up [out] weeds from the garden 在园里拔草
- pluck a fowl 拔鸡毛
- pluck up courage 鼓起勇气
- pluck the strings of guitar 拨吉它的弦
- He was plucked in the examination. 他考试不及格。
采, 摘, 拔, 掐
拉, 拖, 扯
抢劫, 诈取
弹, 拨(乐器)
【地质】冰川冲走(岩石), 拔蚀
使...退伍, 调...的职务(多指提升)
- pluck flower 摘花
- pluck up [out] weeds from the garden 在园里拔草
- pluck a fowl 拔鸡毛
- pluck up courage 鼓起勇气
- pluck the strings of guitar 拨吉它的弦
- He was plucked in the examination. 他考试不及格。
拉, 抓, 拽, 抓往(at)
- The child plucked at its mother's skirt. 孩子拉母亲的裙子(引她注意)。
拉, 抓, 拽, 抓往(at)
- The child plucked at its mother's skirt. 孩子拉母亲的裙子(引她注意)。
采摘, 拉, 扯
采[摘、拔、扯]下的东西; 弹拨(吉它等)的工具
勇气, 胆量, 精神, 毅力
(图画等的)鲜明, 清晰
get plucked
落第, 考不及格
pluck asunder
pluck away
扯去, 撕去
pluck down
拆毁(建筑物等); (把某人)拖下来, 使丢脸
pluck off
从...摘下; 拔下; 撕下; 降级
pluck up
连根拔掉; 振作精神, 鼓起勇气
采摘, 拉, 扯
采[摘、拔、扯]下的东西; 弹拨(吉它等)的工具
勇气, 胆量, 精神, 毅力
(图画等的)鲜明, 清晰
get plucked
落第, 考不及格
pluck asunder
pluck away
扯去, 撕去
pluck down
拆毁(建筑物等); (把某人)拖下来, 使丢脸
pluck off
从...摘下; 拔下; 撕下; 降级
pluck up
连根拔掉; 振作精神, 鼓起勇气
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 食品科技名词
v 拔下…的毛或羽毛;撥(弦);n (在困難面前足智多謀的)勇氣=fortitude
【參】plucky(adj 有勇氣的)
【類】pluck:quit=pride:grovel有勇氣的人不會放棄=驕傲的人不會奴顏婢膝horn:blow=harp:pluck 角用來吹=豎琴用來彈
【反】cowardice(n 懦弱);spinelessness(n 沒有勇氣);coward(n 懦弱的人);craven(n 懦夫;adj 怯懦的)
v 拔下…的毛或羽毛;撥(弦);n (在困難面前足智多謀的)勇氣=fortitude
【參】plucky(adj 有勇氣的)
【類】pluck:quit=pride:grovel有勇氣的人不會放棄=驕傲的人不會奴顏婢膝horn:blow=harp:pluck 角用來吹=豎琴用來彈
【反】cowardice(n 懦弱);spinelessness(n 沒有勇氣);coward(n 懦弱的人);craven(n 懦夫;adj 怯懦的)
英语>繁体中文, GRE词汇精选
(plucking, plucked,plucks)
1. 及物动词 If you pluck a fruit, flower, or leaf, you take it between your fingers and pull it in order to remove it from its stalk where it is growing. 采摘 [书面]
- I plucked a lemon from the tree. 我从树上摘下一枚柠檬。
2. 及物动词 If you pluck something from somewhere, you take it between your fingers and pull it sharply from where it is. 拔; 扯 [书面]
- He plucked the cigarette from his mouth and tossed it out into the street. 他从嘴上扯下了香烟,扔在外面的街上。
- He plucked the baby out of my arms. 他从我的怀中夺走了孩子。
3. 及物动词 If you pluck a guitar or other musical instrument, you pull the strings with your fingers and let them go, so that they make a sound. 弹; 拨 (乐器)
- Nell was plucking a harp. 内尔那时在弹竖琴。
4. 及物动词 If you pluck a chicken or other dead bird, you pull its feathers out to prepare it for cooking. 拔除 (禽类的羽毛)
- She looked relaxed as she plucked a chicken. 她拔鸡毛的时候看上去很轻松。
5. 及物动词 If a woman plucks her eyebrows, she pulls out some of the hairs using tweezers. (用镊子) 拔 (眉毛)
- You've plucked your eyebrows at last! 你终于修了眉!
6. 习语 If you pluck up the courage to do something that you feel nervous about, you make an effort to be brave enough to do it. 鼓起勇气
- It took me about two hours to pluck up the courage to call. 大约两小时后我才鼓起勇气打了电话。
(plucking, plucked,plucks)
1. 及物动词 If you pluck a fruit, flower, or leaf, you take it between your fingers and pull it in order to remove it from its stalk where it is growing. 采摘 [书面]
- I plucked a lemon from the tree. 我从树上摘下一枚柠檬。
2. 及物动词 If you pluck something from somewhere, you take it between your fingers and pull it sharply from where it is. 拔; 扯 [书面]
- He plucked the cigarette from his mouth and tossed it out into the street. 他从嘴上扯下了香烟,扔在外面的街上。
- He plucked the baby out of my arms. 他从我的怀中夺走了孩子。
3. 及物动词 If you pluck a guitar or other musical instrument, you pull the strings with your fingers and let them go, so that they make a sound. 弹; 拨 (乐器)
- Nell was plucking a harp. 内尔那时在弹竖琴。
4. 及物动词 If you pluck a chicken or other dead bird, you pull its feathers out to prepare it for cooking. 拔除 (禽类的羽毛)
- She looked relaxed as she plucked a chicken. 她拔鸡毛的时候看上去很轻松。
5. 及物动词 If a woman plucks her eyebrows, she pulls out some of the hairs using tweezers. (用镊子) 拔 (眉毛)
- You've plucked your eyebrows at last! 你终于修了眉!
6. 习语 If you pluck up the courage to do something that you feel nervous about, you make an effort to be brave enough to do it. 鼓起勇气
- It took me about two hours to pluck up the courage to call. 大约两小时后我才鼓起勇气打了电话。
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典