out of step
1. (movement) (脚)步;步子
- She took a cautious step inside. 她小心翼翼地向里迈了一步。
- I took a step towards him. 我朝他迈了一步。
- He took a step forward. 他朝前走了一步。
2. (distance) 一步的距离;步长
- I'll be a few steps behind. 我会落后几步。
- She walked on a few steps. 她继续走了几步。
3. (sound) 脚步声
- Snow muffled the sound of her steps. 积雪吞没了她的脚步声。
- She heard the tread of steps crunching the snow. 她听到嘎吱嘎吱踩雪的脚步声。
- He heard steps in the corridor. 他听到了走廊里的脚步声。
4. (footprint) 脚印;足迹
5. (gait) 步态;步姿;步伐
- He walked with a solid step. 他走路时步伐坚定。
- The swagger has left his step. 他走路不再大摇大摆了。
- There was a spring in his step. 他步伐轻快。
6. (dance movements) 舞步
- There will be a group coaching in the basic tango steps. 探戈基本舞步团体培训即将举办。
- The basic waltz step is not so hard. 华尔兹基本舞步并不是很难。
7. (pace, rhythmic movement; in dancing, marching) 舞步;军步步法
8. (stage) 阶段;步骤;时期
- The next step is to put the theory into practice. 下一步是要将理论付诸实践。
- Aristotle took the scientific approach a step further. 亚里士多德把科学方法往前推进了一步。
- The elections were a step in the right direction. 举行选举是迈出了正确的一步。
- She carried this idea one step further. 她把这个想法向前推进了一步。
9. (grade) 等级;级别
- Tiger is definitely a step above everybody else. 泰格显然比其他任何人都高出一筹。
- one step below branch manager 分公司经理的下一级
10. (stair) 阶梯;台阶
- A flight of stone steps leads to the terrace. 一段石阶通向露台。
- Leave empty milk bottles on the step. 把空奶瓶放在台阶上。
- She was sitting on the top step. 她坐在最高的那级台阶上。
11. (short distance) 几步之遥
- This townhouse is just steps to the sand. 这栋联排别墅离沙滩仅几步之遥。
- It was but a short step from the rue Quincampoix. 它离坎康普瓦大街仅几步路。
12. 【音】 (melodic interval of a second) 音级;度
13. (change in level) 梯级
- a series of steps in the rocky hill 石山上的一系列梯级
14. 【海】 (block, frame) 桅座
15. (ledge) (采矿或采石时凿出的)岩架, 踩脚处
16. to break step 打乱步伐;停止齐步走
- a warning to all ranks to break step 命令所有队列停止齐步走的警告
17. in step
(in unison) [march, dance, walk +] 步伐整齐地;合拍地
- We walked in step, almost touching. 我们齐步向前走, 几乎能碰到对方。
- They walked behind, in step, but without speaking to each other. 他们在后面走, 步调一致, 可是谁都不跟对方说话。
- They enter and leave in step like precision soldiers. 他们进出时步伐整齐, 就像训练有素的士兵一样。
<非正式> (in agreement) 一致地;协调地
- Tony Blair and President Bush are walking in step. 托尼•布莱尔和布什总统并排而行。
- Moscow is anxious to stay in step with Washington. 俄罗斯政府迫切希望和美国政府保持一致。
- On national issues, she is in step with her party. 在国家大事上, 她和她的政党持同一论调。
18. to keep step
(walk, march, dance in unison) 保持一致;保持合拍
- The bandsmen almost keep step. 乐队成员几乎齐声演奏。
- As she swept past him he kept step with her. 她匆匆走过他身边时, 他跟了上来。
(be in agreement) (意见)保持一致, 保持协调
- Japan had decided not to keep step with Australia. 日本已经决定不与澳大利亚保持一致意见。
- a successful local firm keeping step with traditional construction practices 沿用传统建筑惯例的成功的本土公司
19. one step ahead of sb/sth 比…领先一步
- Successful travel is a matter of keeping one step ahead of the crowd. 成功的旅行在某种程度上就是要比人群先走一步。
- He is after my job, but I keep one step ahead of him. 他想要我的职位, 但我总是比他领先一步。
- She's one step ahead of the game. 她在比赛中稍胜一筹。
20. out of step
(not in unison) [march, dance, walk +] 步伐不整齐地;不合拍地
- They jogged in silence a while, out of step. 他们一言不发地慢跑了一会儿, 步伐也不一致。
<非正式> (not in agreement) 不一致地;不协调地
- The result has left America out of step with the rest of the world. 结果使得美国与世界其他地区格格不入。
- Tokyo didn't want to be left out of step with weekend levels overseas. 东京不想与海外周末休假标准不一致。
See: step
out of step
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
out of step
adv. or adj. phr.
1. Not in step; not matching strides or keeping pace with another or others. 不合步伐;不合拍子。
- George always marches out of step with the music. 乔治行进的步伐老是跟音乐不合拍。
2. Out of harmony; not keeping up. — Often followed by with. 不协调;不一致。——常与with连用。
- Just because you don't smoke, it doesn't mean you are out of step with other boys and girls your age. 仅仅因为你不抽烟并不意味着你与同年龄的男孩和女孩不协调。
adv. or adj. phr.
1. Not in step; not matching strides or keeping pace with another or others. 不合步伐;不合拍子。
- George always marches out of step with the music. 乔治行进的步伐老是跟音乐不合拍。
2. Out of harmony; not keeping up. — Often followed by with. 不协调;不一致。——常与with连用。
- Just because you don't smoke, it doesn't mean you are out of step with other boys and girls your age. 仅仅因为你不抽烟并不意味着你与同年龄的男孩和女孩不协调。
- 英语>简体中文, 美国习语词典
out of step
1. not keeping pace with 步调与…不一致
- George always marches out of step with the music. 乔治的步子总是和音乐不合拍。
2. out of harmony 不协调
- Just because you don't smoke, it doesn't mean you are out of step with other boys and girls your age. 不抽烟,并不意味你就跟不上和你同龄的少男少女。
- His methods are out of step with the times. 他的那些方法与时代不适应。
1. not keeping pace with 步调与…不一致
- George always marches out of step with the music. 乔治的步子总是和音乐不合拍。
2. out of harmony 不协调
- Just because you don't smoke, it doesn't mean you are out of step with other boys and girls your age. 不抽烟,并不意味你就跟不上和你同龄的少男少女。
- His methods are out of step with the times. 他的那些方法与时代不适应。
- 英语>简体中文, 英语常用短语词典
out of step
adj. 不合拍,不协调,步调不一致,不同步,不合拍
adj. 不合拍,不协调,步调不一致,不同步,不合拍
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
out of step
- Tom is out of step with the times. 汤姆跟不上时代的步伐。
- Tom is out of step with the times. 汤姆跟不上时代的步伐。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
out of step
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电力工程名词
out of step
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电子计算机名词
out of step
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海洋科学名词
out of step
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 机械工程名词
out of step
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 造船工程名词