
(过去式: ground; 过去完成式: ground; 现在进行式: grinding)
To make into powder by friction. 磨为粉末;研;碾。
- to grind flour 磨面粉。
- He ground wheat into flour. 他将小麦磨成粉。
To sharpen or smooth by friction. 磨快;磨光。
- to grind a knife 磨刀。
To grate or rub together, as the teeth. 磨擦(牙齿);切齿。
- The child grinds his teeth in his sleep. 那小孩在睡觉时磨牙。
To oppress; harass. 压迫;欺压;折磨。
To turn the crank of, as a hand organ or the like. 旋转曲柄(如手摇风琴及类似物之柄)。
To become sharpened or polished, or to be made into power, by friction. 磨;碾;磨快。
- Green corn does not grind well. 青而未熟之玉蜀黍不易研细。
To be grated or rubbed together. 相磨作响;相擦。
- The ship was grinding against rocks. 此船擦到了岩石。
To study hard. 【俚】苦读用功。
grind down 磨碎。磨损。压迫。
grind one's teeth 咬牙切齿。
grind out 不停地操作。切齿而言。沉重地、凄凉地奏出。
grind the face of 苛待;剥削。
grind to a halt 渐渐止住;像机器被关掉时慢慢下来停止。
have an axe to grind 别有企图;别有自私之目的。
The act of sharpening, polishing, or making into powder. 磨快;磨光;磨作粉末。
A grating or rubbing together. 磨擦;相磨。
The turning of a crank. 回转曲柄。
Hard study, as for an examination; laborious and tedious work. 苦读;用功(如为预备考试);辛苦冗长之工作。
- the daily grind 无味之日常工作。
A student who studies laboriously. 【俚】刻苦用功之学生。
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
/ɡraɪnd/ (grinds, grinding, ground)
1. (crush) [+ coffee, pepper] 磨;碾碎;捣碎
- Ushiba ground his cigarette beneath his heel. 牛场用脚跟碾碎了香烟。
- Grind a bit of pepper over each one and serve. 在每盘上碾点胡椒然后再上菜。
- They grind the tablets and use the powder for injections. 他们把药片碾成粉末用于注射。
2. 【烹】 <美> [+ meat] 把…切碎
- To make patties, you first need to grind the meat. 做肉饼时, 首先要把肉切碎。
3. (polish) [+ gem, lens] 打磨;磨
- The blade had been ground to a sharp edge. 刀片磨得很锋利。
- a shop where they grind knives 磨刀的商店
4. (scrape together) (尤指牙齿)相互摩擦
to grind your teeth 磨牙;咬牙切齿
- She grinds her teeth in her sleep. 她睡觉时磨牙。
- He ground his teeth in fury. 他气得咬牙切齿。
5. (oppress) 折磨;压迫;压榨
- There are people who want to humiliate you and grind you into the dust. 有些人想羞辱你, 把你榨干。
6. (operate) 摇手柄操作
- With Stone sweating up on the halyards and Melissa grinding the sheet winch, they hoisted sail. 斯通费力地弄着升降索, 梅利莎摇着帆脚索手柄, 他们两人把帆升了起来。
7. (instil) 灌输
- Thus, slowly and relentlessly, the style, the 'knowledge', was ground into us. 于是, 这种风格, 这种“知识”, 就缓慢而且源源不断地灌输给了我们。
1. (be reduced) 磨碎;捣碎
2. (be scraped together) [car gears +] 刺耳地摩擦
- She heard the sound of his teeth grinding as he fought the pain. 她听到他忍受疼痛时牙齿咬得嘎嘎响。
- The vehicle lurched to a stop, gears grinding again. 车子猛地一蹿停住, 变速箱又在嘎嘎作响了。
3. (study hard) 苦学;苦干
- As long as you keep grinding, you're going to get your goals. 只要你坚持苦干, 就一定能达到目标。
4. 【舞】 性感地扭摆臀部
- On stage, the peroxide blonde was bumping and grinding and shimmying. 那个染着金发的女郎在舞台上扭动着屁股, 全身摇晃。
5. to grind to a halt
[vehicle, traffic +] 慢慢停下; [process, economy +] 逐渐停滞
- The truck ground to a halt after 100 yards because it had no fuel. 卡车燃料用光了, 走了100码以后就慢慢停了下来。
- Traffic ground to a halt on many roads. 很多道路上的车辆都慢慢停了下来。
- The peace process has ground to a halt while Israel struggles to form a new government. 以色列在艰难地组建新政府时, 和平进程已陷于停顿。
Phrasal Verbs:
grind away, grind down, grind in, grind on, grind out, grind up
1. <非正式> (work) 苦活;苦学;苦差事
- She did not find housework a grind. 她不觉得干家务活很累。
- Life continues to be a terrible grind for the ordinary person. 生活对普通人来说仍然很艰辛。
the grind of sth
[+ work] …的辛苦
- They then began the long grind of revision. 然后他们开始了漫长而辛苦的修订工作。
the daily grind 每天干的苦工;例行苦差事
- The daily grind of government is done by Her Majesty's Civil Service. 政府的日常琐事由女王陛下的行政部门负责。
2. <主美,俚> (keen student) 埋头苦干的人(尤指学生)
- It's what you and I might call a grind, someone who is overly assiduous in hitting the books. 这是个你我都会称之为刻苦用功的学生, 读书极其认真勤勉。
3. 【烹】 (grade of ground matter) 粉碎等级
- coarse grind 粗磨
4. 【烹】 (amount ground) 磨碎的量
- Finish with grated parmesan and a good grind of black pepper. 最后撒上擦碎的干酪粉和丰富的黑胡椒末。
5. <英,俚> (sex) 性交
6. 【舞】 (dance movement) 性感的扭臀
- with a grind of her pelvis 她摆着胯扭着臀
7. (act or sound of grinding) 碾磨;碾磨声
- The grind of heavy machines could get on their nerves. 重型机械的碾磨声会使他们心神不定。
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
n. 研,磨,碾
- 英语>简体中文, 中医大词典
v.(动词) ground[ground], grinds及物动词)
1. To crush, pulverize, or reduce to powder by friction, especially by rubbing between two hard surfaces: 碾碎:压碎,挤碎或通过摩擦使其变成粉末,尤指在两个坚硬表面磨碎:
- grind wheat into flour. 把小麦磨成面粉
2. To shape, sharpen, or refine with friction: 磨光,磨利:通过摩擦成形,使变锋利或光滑:
- grind a lens. 打磨镜片
3. To rub (two surfaces) together harshly; gnash: 用力地磨牙,啮:用力地将两个平面在一起摩擦,磨(牙):
- grind the teeth. 咬牙切齿
4. To bear down on harshly; crush. 压,碾:使劲地压,压碎
5. To oppress or weaken gradually: 压榨,削弱:逐渐地压迫或削弱:
- “Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule the law”(&b{Oliver Goldsmith}) “法律压榨穷人,而富人统治着法律”(奥利弗·哥尔德史密斯)
6. To operate by turning a crank: 摇动手柄操作:
- ground a hurdy-gurdy. 演奏手摇风琴
7. To produce or process by turning a crank: 通过摇动手柄来制造或加工:
- grinding a pound of beef. 绞一磅牛肉
8. To produce mechanically or without inspiration: 机械地造出:没有灵感机械地制造:
- The factory grinds out a uniform product. 工人制造出规格一致的产品
9. To instill or teach by persistent repetition: 填鸭:通过不停地重复来灌输或教育:
- ground the truth into their heads. 把真理灌输到他们头脑中
1. To perform the operation of grinding something. 磨:进行磨碎某物的操作
2. To become crushed, pulverized, or powdered by friction. 磨碎:使…被压碎或磨成粉末
3. To move with noisy friction; grate: 嘎嘎地响:刺耳地磨擦,伴随刺耳声磨擦而移动:
- a train grinding along rusty rails. 火车在生锈的铁轨上随着刺耳的摩擦声前行
4. Informal To devote oneself to study or work: 【非正式用语】 苦干,苦学:完全投身于学习或工作中:
- grinding for a test; grinding away at housework. 为考试埋头苦读;埋头做家务
5. Slang To rotate the pelvis erotically, as in the manner of a stripteaser. 【俚语】 淫荡地晃动:卖弄色相地摇摆臀部,如脱衣舞者一样
1. The act of grinding. 磨:磨的动作
2. A crunching or grinding noise. 嘎吱声,磨擦声
3. A specific grade or degree of pulverization, as of coffee beans: 磨细的程度:在磨细中的特定等级,如咖啡豆的:
- drip grind. 细磨咖啡
4. Informal A laborious task, routine, or study: 【非正式用语】 苦力,苦差:费力的任务、日常工作或学习:
- the daily grind. 每天必做的苦差
5. Informal A student who works or studies excessively. 【非正式用语】 用功的学生:极其刻苦的学生
6. Slang An erotic rotation of the pelvis. 【俚语】 淫荡地晃动:卖弄色相地扭动臂部的动作
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
vt. 研磨,研碎,转动,压迫,用苦功;n. 研磨声,磨机,刻苦
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
v. 磨,磨削
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉机械大词典
n. 磨光
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉汽车词典
vt. & vi.
磨碎; 嚼碎
- This wheat grinds well. 这种麦子很好磨。
- He ground the knife sharp. 他把刀磨锋利。
- Would you please grind a pound of coffee for me? 请给我磨一磅咖啡好吗?
- He threw the cigarette down and ground it under his heel. 他把烟卷丢到地上, 用脚踩灭。
压迫; 折磨
- Slaves were mercilessly ground down by slave holders. 奴隶受奴隶主的残酷压迫。
磨, 碾
- There are several different grinds of coffee. 有好几种不同等级的磨好的咖啡。
苦差事, 苦活儿
- Do you find learning English a grind? 你觉得学英语是件苦事吗?
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(verb 动词)
to grind coffee, corn, etc. 磨咖啡豆、谷粒等。
SYNONYM 同义词:crush, granulate,grate, mill, pound, powder, pulverize.
to grind your teeth. 咬牙切齿。
SYNONYM 同义词:gnash,rub together.
to grind a knife. 磨刀。
SYNONYM 同义词:polish, sharpen,whet.
to grind away. 磨掉。
to grind down. 磨光。
SYNONYM 同义词:abrade, eat away, erode, file, sand,sandpaper, scrape, smooth, wear away.
to grind people down. 虐待人。
SEE参阅 oppress.
to grind away at a job. 苦干一件工作。
SYNONYM 同义词:labour, slave, sweat, toil, SEE参阅 work verb 动词.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
grind to a 'halt/'standstill; come to a grinding'halt
stop slowly 慢慢停下:
All work on the building has ground to a halt because of a shortage of materials.因为原材料短缺,所有的建筑工作都逐渐停了下来。
Every Friday night traffic comes to a grinding halt in Hammersmith. 每个周五的晚上,哈默史密斯都堵车,汽车简直开不动。
ORIGIN This idiom refers to the way a very large machine slowly stops working. 这个习语原指大型机械渐渐停下来。
have (got) an axe to grind 另见axe
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
(ground, [罕]grinded)
磨快[光]; 磨成粉
[喻]压迫; 折磨; 压榨
[口](教师)严令学生用功; 灌输
咬牙, 嘎吱嘎吱地擦
- be ground by poverty 受穷困的折磨
- grind balls for bearings 磨轴承滚珠
- grind boys in English 严令教孩子们学英语; 将英语灌入孩子们的头脑
- grind one's teeth 磨牙齿, 咬牙切齿
磨, 碾, 研; 磨碎[光、快]
- grind away at English studies 刻苦攻读英语
- grind for an exam 用功[刻苦学习]准备考试
- The truck ground to a stop. 卡车嘎的一声刹住。
磨, 碾, 捣; 擂; 磨擦声
苦差事, 辛苦的工作
[美口]用功的学生; 书呆子
[英]步行锻炼; 越野障碍赛马[赛跑]
(跳舞时)扭摆, 扭屁股
- Do you find learning English a grind? 你觉得学英语是一件苦差事吗?

a greasy grind
the daily grind
grind away
grind away at
加紧用功; 刻苦学习
grind away for
加紧用功; 刻苦学习
grind down
grind in
磨合, 磨成
grind into
磨合, 磨成
grind off
grind on
grind out
以转动而产生; 单调地演奏手摇风琴
grind up
碾成粉, 磨碎[细]
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 地质学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 地球科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电机工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电力工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 化学工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 机械工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 食品科技名词
v 磨碎,碾碎(通過在兩個堅硬表面摩擦使其變成粉末);磨光(使變鋒利或光滑);苦幹,苦學;n 苦力,苦差(枯燥乏味的工作)=drudgery
【參】grindstone(n 磨刀石)
【類】pestle:grind=spoon:stirring『spice:flavor』『flint stone:sharpen』『scissor:cutting』『pencil: recording』研棒用來研磨=勺用來攪拌『調味品:調味』『燧石:磨鋒利』『剪刀:剪』『鉛筆:記錄』
英语>繁体中文, GRE词汇精选
(grinding, ground,grinds)
1. 及物动词 If you grind a substance such as corn, you crush it between two hard surfaces or with a machine until it becomes a fine powder. 把…磨碎
- Store the peppercorns in an airtight container and grind the pepper as you need it. 将胡椒子储藏在密封容器里,当你需要的时候把它磨成粉。
2. 动词词组 Grind up means the same as . 磨碎 (同)(grind)
- He makes his own paint, grinding up the pigment with a little oil. 他把色料块加少许油磨碎,自己制成绘画颜料。
3. 及物动词 If you grind something into a surface, you press and rub it hard into the surface using small circular or sideways movements. 碾压
- "Well," I said, grinding my cigarette nervously into the granite step. “好吧,”我边说边紧张地把香烟在花岗岩台阶上碾灭。
4. 习语 If you grind your teeth, you rub your upper and lower teeth together as though you are chewing something. 磨牙
5. 及物动词 If you grind something, you make it smooth or sharp by rubbing it against a hard surface. 把…磨光; 把…磨锋利
- It was beyond my ability to grind a blade this broad. 把这么宽的刀刃磨锋利我做不到。
6. 不及物动词 If a vehicle grinds somewhere, it moves there very slowly and noisily. (机动车) 嘎嘎作响地缓慢移动
- Tanks had crossed the border at five fifteen and were grinding south. 坦克已在5点15分穿过边界,然后隆隆地向南开去。
7. 单数型名词 The grind of a machine is the harsh, scraping noise that it makes, usually because it is old or is working too hard. (机器因年久或过度使用而发出的) 刺耳的磨擦声
- The grind of heavy machines could get on their nerves. 重型机器发出的嘎嘎磨擦声会让他们心烦意乱。
8. 单数型名词 If you refer to routine tasks or activities as the grind, you mean they are boring and take up a lot of time and effort. 苦差事 [非正式]
- Life continues to be a terrible grind for the ordinary person. 对于普通人来说,生活一直是个糟糕的苦差事。
9. 习语 If a country's economy or something such as a process grinds to a halt, it gradually becomes slower or less active until it stops. (经济或进程等) 渐渐地停止
- The peace process has ground to a halt while Israel struggles to form a new government. 当以色列力图建立新政府时,和平进程已逐渐停顿下来。
10. 习语 If a vehicle grinds to a halt, it stops slowly and noisily. (机动车) 轰隆隆地慢慢停下
- The tanks ground to a halt after a hundred yards because the fuel had been siphoned out. 坦克在行驶100码后由于燃料被抽走而轰隆隆地慢慢停了下来。
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典