Commonly; as a rule. 普通;通常地。
- He generally made himself offensive. 他常惹人不快。
Extensively. 广泛地。
Without exact limitation. 一般地;大致上。
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. (usually) 一般地;通常
- I generally go shopping on Saturday. 我一般周六去购物。
- Salaries are generally lower outside London. 伦敦以外地区的工资一般都要低一些。
- We generally say what we think in this family. 在这个家里, 我们通常怎么想就怎么说。
2. (broadly) 笼统地;概括地;大体上
- His account was generally accurate. 他的叙述大致准确。
- She is in generally good health. 总的来说, 她身体健康。
- It is generally true that the darker the fruit, the higher its iron content. 一般来说, 水果颜色越深, 含铁量就越高。
3. (widely) 普遍地;广泛地
- This idea was generally accepted. 这个主意得到大家的普遍认可。
- He was generally regarded as a hero. 他是公认的英雄。
- It was generally accepted that force might be necessary. 人们普遍认为可能有必要使用武力。
4. (in most cases) 在大多数情况下;总体上
- Teachers generally are unhappy with the proposal. 教师们总体上对该提议不满。
5. generally speaking 一般来说;总的说来
- Generally speaking, I don't like classical music. 总的说来, 我不喜欢古典音乐。
- The warmer a place is, generally speaking, the more types of plants and animals it will support. 一般而言, 一个地方越暖和, 能生存的动植物种类也就越多。
1. (usually) 一般地;通常
- I generally go shopping on Saturday. 我一般周六去购物。
- Salaries are generally lower outside London. 伦敦以外地区的工资一般都要低一些。
- We generally say what we think in this family. 在这个家里, 我们通常怎么想就怎么说。
2. (broadly) 笼统地;概括地;大体上
- His account was generally accurate. 他的叙述大致准确。
- She is in generally good health. 总的来说, 她身体健康。
- It is generally true that the darker the fruit, the higher its iron content. 一般来说, 水果颜色越深, 含铁量就越高。
3. (widely) 普遍地;广泛地
- This idea was generally accepted. 这个主意得到大家的普遍认可。
- He was generally regarded as a hero. 他是公认的英雄。
- It was generally accepted that force might be necessary. 人们普遍认为可能有必要使用武力。
4. (in most cases) 在大多数情况下;总体上
- Teachers generally are unhappy with the proposal. 教师们总体上对该提议不满。
5. generally speaking 一般来说;总的说来
- Generally speaking, I don't like classical music. 总的说来, 我不喜欢古典音乐。
- The warmer a place is, generally speaking, the more types of plants and animals it will support. 一般而言, 一个地方越暖和, 能生存的动植物种类也就越多。
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
- 英语>简体中文, 高中课标词汇
adv.Abbr. gen.(副词)缩写 gen.
1. Popularly; widely: 广泛地;普遍地:
- generally known. 普遍知道
2. As a rule; usually: 按常规;通常:
- The child generally has little to say. 这个小孩总是没什么话要说
3. For the most part: 主要地:
- a generally boring speech. 一个主要内容都很乏味的演讲
4. Without reference to particular instances or details; not specifically: 概括地:不涉及特别的例子或细节;不具体:
- generally speaking. 一般言之
adv.Abbr. gen.(副词)缩写 gen.
1. Popularly; widely: 广泛地;普遍地:
- generally known. 普遍知道
2. As a rule; usually: 按常规;通常:
- The child generally has little to say. 这个小孩总是没什么话要说
3. For the most part: 主要地:
- a generally boring speech. 一个主要内容都很乏味的演讲
4. Without reference to particular instances or details; not specifically: 概括地:不涉及特别的例子或细节;不具体:
- generally speaking. 一般言之
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
adv. 通常,广泛地
adv. 通常,广泛地
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
一般地, 通常, 大体上, 广泛地, 普遍地
- We generally go to the sea for our holidays. 我们通常去海边度假。
- I generally stay at home in the evening and am not at home on Saturday evening. 我晚上通常在家里, 而星期六晚上不在家。
- He failed to explain his meaning generally. 他未能把自己的意思完全说清楚。
- The plan was generally welcomed. 该计划大受欢迎。
- Generally speaking, parents love their children. 一般说来, 父母爱他们的孩子。
一般地, 通常, 大体上, 广泛地, 普遍地
- We generally go to the sea for our holidays. 我们通常去海边度假。
- I generally stay at home in the evening and am not at home on Saturday evening. 我晚上通常在家里, 而星期六晚上不在家。
- He failed to explain his meaning generally. 他未能把自己的意思完全说清楚。
- The plan was generally welcomed. 该计划大受欢迎。
- Generally speaking, parents love their children. 一般说来, 父母爱他们的孩子。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(adverb 副词)
SYNONYM 同义词:as a rule, broadly, chiefly, commonly, in themain, mainly, mostly, normally, on the whole,predominantly, principally, usually.
NOTE注:Several English words, including generate,genesis, genetics, and genital, are relatedto Latin generare = beget, and Greek gen- = be produced.几个英文词,包括generate、genesis、genetics、genital,都和拉丁文generare﹙=产生﹚和希腊文gen-﹙=产生﹚有关。
(adverb 副词)
SYNONYM 同义词:as a rule, broadly, chiefly, commonly, in themain, mainly, mostly, normally, on the whole,predominantly, principally, usually.
NOTE注:Several English words, including generate,genesis, genetics, and genital, are relatedto Latin generare = beget, and Greek gen- = be produced.几个英文词,包括generate、genesis、genetics、genital,都和拉丁文generare﹙=产生﹚和希腊文gen-﹙=产生﹚有关。
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
通常, 一般
广泛地, 普遍地
- generally speaking 一般地说
- It is generally believed that ... 普遍认为...
- He generally keeps silent at a meeting . 他通常在会上保持沉默。
通常, 一般
广泛地, 普遍地
- generally speaking 一般地说
- It is generally believed that ... 普遍认为...
- He generally keeps silent at a meeting . 他通常在会上保持沉默。
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
1. 副词 You use generally to give a summary of a situation, activity, or idea without referring to the particular details of it. 笼统地
- University teachers generally have admitted a lack of enthusiasm about their subjects. 大学教师们已大致承认对他们的学科缺乏热情。
2. 副词 You use generally to say that something happens or is used on most occasions but not on every occasion. 通常地
- As women we generally say and feel too much about these things. 作为女人,我们通常对这些事说得、感受得太多了。
- In the diet, it is generally true that the darker the fruit the higher its iron content. 在饮食中,水果颜色越深,其铁含量就越高,这通常是正确的。
1. 副词 You use generally to give a summary of a situation, activity, or idea without referring to the particular details of it. 笼统地
- University teachers generally have admitted a lack of enthusiasm about their subjects. 大学教师们已大致承认对他们的学科缺乏热情。
2. 副词 You use generally to say that something happens or is used on most occasions but not on every occasion. 通常地
- As women we generally say and feel too much about these things. 作为女人,我们通常对这些事说得、感受得太多了。
- In the diet, it is generally true that the darker the fruit the higher its iron content. 在饮食中,水果颜色越深,其铁含量就越高,这通常是正确的。
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典