(比较级: bolder; 最高级: boldest)
Courageous; fearless; venturesome. 勇敢的;无畏的;好冒险的。
- a bold man 勇敢的人。
Planned or carried out with daring and spirit. 有胆识的;大胆的。
Steep; abrupt, as a cliff. (悬崖等)陡峭的。
Prominent; in high relief. 显著的;显眼的;清楚的。
Venturing beyond the commonplace; mentally vigorous. 勇敢非凡的;精神健旺的。
- a bold mind 勇敢的心灵。
Impudent; presuming, as a speech. 厚颜的;言语冒昧的。
(as) bold as brass 莽撞;厚颜无耻的。
be (make) bold to 冒昧地。
make bold (free) with 擅自取用。
adv. boldly. n. boldness.
brave, daring, undaunted, brazen.
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. (fearless) [+ person] 勇敢无畏的;自信的;敢于冒险的
- I don't feel I'm being bold enough. 我觉得自己胆子放得不够大。
- Amrita becomes a bold, daring rebel. 阿姆里塔成了一个勇敢无畏的叛逆者。
if I may be so bold 恕我冒昧
- If I may be so bold, how long do you intend to stay? 恕我冒昧, 您打算待多久呢?
- And now, if I may be so bold as to ask, is there a possibility you may do something for us? 恕我冒昧地问一句, 您现在有可能为我们做点儿什么吗?
2. (risky) [+ move, reform] 大胆的;需要冒风险的;需要胆识的
- Poland was already making bold economic reforms. 波兰已在进行大刀阔斧的经济改革。
- We took a bold step and completely changed our lifestyle. 我们迈出了大胆的一步, 彻底改变了我们的生活方式。
it was a bold move 这是个大胆的举动
3. <贬,文> (impudent) 鲁莽的;唐突的;放肆的
- I don't feel I'm being bold, because it's always been natural for me to just speak out about whatever disturbs me. 我不觉得有什么唐突, 因为我素来有什么烦心的都会说出来。
4. [+ colour] 醒目的; [+ pattern] 清晰的; [+ handwriting] 粗大有力的;醒目的
- bold stripes or large bold checks 粗条纹或醒目的大格子
- his bold black-and-white striped shirt 他醒目的黑白条纹衬衫
- bold flowers in various shades of red, blue or white 色彩鲜艳、浓淡不一的红、蓝、白色花朵
- Ada's letters, written in ink in a bold hand 埃达用有力的钢笔字写的信
in bold relief 鲜明地凸现出来
- Against the sky the dark silhouette of the hilltop dwelling stood out in bold relief. 在天空映衬下, 山顶住宅的黑色轮廓显得格外醒目。
5. 【印】 粗体的;黑体的;用黑体(或粗体)排印的
6. (steep) 陡峭的;险峻的
the bold face of the cliff 悬崖的峭壁面
7. (striking) 富于想象力的
- a bold experiment in the world of glass artistry 玻璃艺术世界一次富于想象力的试验
1. (fearless) [+ person] 勇敢无畏的;自信的;敢于冒险的
- I don't feel I'm being bold enough. 我觉得自己胆子放得不够大。
- Amrita becomes a bold, daring rebel. 阿姆里塔成了一个勇敢无畏的叛逆者。
if I may be so bold 恕我冒昧
- If I may be so bold, how long do you intend to stay? 恕我冒昧, 您打算待多久呢?
- And now, if I may be so bold as to ask, is there a possibility you may do something for us? 恕我冒昧地问一句, 您现在有可能为我们做点儿什么吗?
2. (risky) [+ move, reform] 大胆的;需要冒风险的;需要胆识的
- Poland was already making bold economic reforms. 波兰已在进行大刀阔斧的经济改革。
- We took a bold step and completely changed our lifestyle. 我们迈出了大胆的一步, 彻底改变了我们的生活方式。
it was a bold move 这是个大胆的举动
3. <贬,文> (impudent) 鲁莽的;唐突的;放肆的
- I don't feel I'm being bold, because it's always been natural for me to just speak out about whatever disturbs me. 我不觉得有什么唐突, 因为我素来有什么烦心的都会说出来。
4. [+ colour] 醒目的; [+ pattern] 清晰的; [+ handwriting] 粗大有力的;醒目的
- bold stripes or large bold checks 粗条纹或醒目的大格子
- his bold black-and-white striped shirt 他醒目的黑白条纹衬衫
- bold flowers in various shades of red, blue or white 色彩鲜艳、浓淡不一的红、蓝、白色花朵
- Ada's letters, written in ink in a bold hand 埃达用有力的钢笔字写的信
in bold relief 鲜明地凸现出来
- Against the sky the dark silhouette of the hilltop dwelling stood out in bold relief. 在天空映衬下, 山顶住宅的黑色轮廓显得格外醒目。
5. 【印】 粗体的;黑体的;用黑体(或粗体)排印的
6. (steep) 陡峭的;险峻的
the bold face of the cliff 悬崖的峭壁面
7. (striking) 富于想象力的
- a bold experiment in the world of glass artistry 玻璃艺术世界一次富于想象力的试验
【印】 (type, text) 黑体;粗体
in bold 用黑体字;用粗体字
- Cross-references are in bold. 相互参照词条用的是黑体字。
【印】 (type, text) 黑体;粗体
in bold 用黑体字;用粗体字
- Cross-references are in bold. 相互参照词条用的是黑体字。
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
adj.(形容词), bold.est
1. Fearless and daring; courageous. 勇敢的,无畏的;敢作敢为的
2. Requiring or exhibiting courage and bravery.See Synonyms at brave 勇敢的:需要或显示勇气和胆识的参见 brave
3. Unduly forward and brazen in manner: 莽撞的:行为冒失的,放肆的:
- a bold, impudent child. 鲁莽,放肆的小孩
4. Clear and distinct to the eye; conspicuous: 醒目的:清晰的;易见的:
- a bold handwriting. 清晰的笔迹
5. Steep or abrupt in grade or terrain: 陡峭的:坡度或地势陡的或险峻的:
- bold cliffs. 险崖
6. Printing Boldface. 【印刷术】 黑体的,粗体的
adj.(形容词), bold.est
1. Fearless and daring; courageous. 勇敢的,无畏的;敢作敢为的
2. Requiring or exhibiting courage and bravery.See Synonyms at brave 勇敢的:需要或显示勇气和胆识的参见 brave
3. Unduly forward and brazen in manner: 莽撞的:行为冒失的,放肆的:
- a bold, impudent child. 鲁莽,放肆的小孩
4. Clear and distinct to the eye; conspicuous: 醒目的:清晰的;易见的:
- a bold handwriting. 清晰的笔迹
5. Steep or abrupt in grade or terrain: 陡峭的:坡度或地势陡的或险峻的:
- bold cliffs. 险崖
6. Printing Boldface. 【印刷术】 黑体的,粗体的
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
adj. 大胆的
n. 粗体
adj. 大胆的
n. 粗体
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机词典
adj. 凸露的,陡的,大胆的
adj. 凸露的,陡的,大胆的
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉计算机词汇
勇敢的, 无畏的
- The young man is a bold warrior. 这个年轻人是个很英勇的武士。
冒失的, 鲁莽的
明显的, 醒目的
- The room was decorated in bold colours. 房间的色调布置得鲜明醒目。
粗体的, 黑体的
勇敢的, 无畏的
- The young man is a bold warrior. 这个年轻人是个很英勇的武士。
冒失的, 鲁莽的
明显的, 醒目的
- The room was decorated in bold colours. 房间的色调布置得鲜明醒目。
粗体的, 黑体的
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(adjective 形容词)
[complimentary恭维语] 果敢的
a bold explorer. 果敢的探险家。
SYNONYM 同义词:adventurous, audacious, brave, confident,courageous, daring, dauntless, enterprising,fearless, forceful, gallant, heroic, intrepid,[informal日常用语] plucky, self-confident,valiant, valorous, venturesome.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参阅cowardly,nervous.
[uncomplimentary含贬义] 无礼的
a bold request. 无礼的请求。
SYNONYM 同义词:brash, brazen, cheeky, forward,fresh, impertinent, impudent, insolent,pert, presumptuous, rude, saucy, shameless,unashamed.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参阅polite,reticent.
bold colours. 显眼的颜色。
bold writing. 显眼的笔迹。
SYNONYM 同义词:big, bright, clear, conspicuous, eyecatching,large, obvious, prominent, pronounced,showy, striking, strong, vivid.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参阅inconspicuous.
(adjective 形容词)
[complimentary恭维语] 果敢的
a bold explorer. 果敢的探险家。
SYNONYM 同义词:adventurous, audacious, brave, confident,courageous, daring, dauntless, enterprising,fearless, forceful, gallant, heroic, intrepid,[informal日常用语] plucky, self-confident,valiant, valorous, venturesome.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参阅cowardly,nervous.
[uncomplimentary含贬义] 无礼的
a bold request. 无礼的请求。
SYNONYM 同义词:brash, brazen, cheeky, forward,fresh, impertinent, impudent, insolent,pert, presumptuous, rude, saucy, shameless,unashamed.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参阅polite,reticent.
bold colours. 显眼的颜色。
bold writing. 显眼的笔迹。
SYNONYM 同义词:big, bright, clear, conspicuous, eyecatching,large, obvious, prominent, pronounced,showy, striking, strong, vivid.
OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参阅inconspicuous.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
be/make so 'bold (as to do sth) (formal)
used especially when politely asking a question or making a suggestion which you hope will not offend anyone﹙尤用于礼貌地提出问题或建议﹚不揣冒昧, 斗胆:
May I make so bold, sir, as to suggest that you try the grilled fish? 先生,我冒昧地建议您嚐嚐烤鱼。
(as) bold as 'brass (BrE, informal)
without seeming ashamed or embarrassed; very cheeky 厚颜无耻;放肆的:
He came up to me, bold as brass, and asked me for five pounds. 他走向我,厚着脸皮跟我要五英镑。
be/make so 'bold (as to do sth) (formal)
used especially when politely asking a question or making a suggestion which you hope will not offend anyone﹙尤用于礼貌地提出问题或建议﹚不揣冒昧, 斗胆:
May I make so bold, sir, as to suggest that you try the grilled fish? 先生,我冒昧地建议您嚐嚐烤鱼。
(as) bold as 'brass (BrE, informal)
without seeming ashamed or embarrassed; very cheeky 厚颜无耻;放肆的:
He came up to me, bold as brass, and asked me for five pounds. 他走向我,厚着脸皮跟我要五英镑。
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
大胆的, 勇敢的
冒失的, 鲁莽的; 无礼的
厚脸皮的, 不害躁的
鲜明的; 清晰的; 醒目的
强度大的; 力量大的
陡的, 险阻的
疏松的, 松软的
味道醇厚浓烈的, 辛辣的
成熟的, 丰满的 a bold young man 一个勇敢的年青人 bold views 大胆的见解 as bold as a lion 勇猛如狮
as boldas brass
莽撞; 无礼; 厚脸皮
in bold outline
轮廓鲜明的print in bold type 用粗体字印刷 a bold cliff 陡峭的悬崖 Einstein was also a bold mathematician. 爱因斯坦也是一位富于想象力的数学家。
厚颜无耻的; 鲁莽的; 无礼的;【刷】黑体的
大胆的; 勇敢的
be (so) bold to
敢; 擅自; 冒昧
make bold to
胆敢; 冒昧
make so bold as to
胆敢; 冒昧
make bold with
对...放肆无礼, 擅自使用
见<a href="bword://brave">brave</a>;
大胆的, 勇敢的
冒失的, 鲁莽的; 无礼的
厚脸皮的, 不害躁的
鲜明的; 清晰的; 醒目的
强度大的; 力量大的
陡的, 险阻的
疏松的, 松软的
味道醇厚浓烈的, 辛辣的
成熟的, 丰满的 a bold young man 一个勇敢的年青人 bold views 大胆的见解 as bold as a lion 勇猛如狮
as boldas brass
莽撞; 无礼; 厚脸皮
in bold outline
轮廓鲜明的print in bold type 用粗体字印刷 a bold cliff 陡峭的悬崖 Einstein was also a bold mathematician. 爱因斯坦也是一位富于想象力的数学家。
厚颜无耻的; 鲁莽的; 无礼的;【刷】黑体的
大胆的; 勇敢的
be (so) bold to
敢; 擅自; 冒昧
make bold to
胆敢; 冒昧
make so bold as to
胆敢; 冒昧
make bold with
对...放肆无礼, 擅自使用
见<a href="bword://brave">brave</a>;
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电子计算机名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 工程图学名词
Pertaining to characters that are formatted to appear darker and heavier than the surrounding text.
Pertaining to characters that are formatted to appear darker and heavier than the surrounding text.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
Having a font weight that corresponds to a weight class value of 700 according to the OpenType specification.
Having a font weight that corresponds to a weight class value of 700 according to the OpenType specification.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
1. 形容词 Someone who is bold is not afraid to do things that involve risk or danger. 无畏的; 大胆的
- Amrita becomes a bold, daring rebel. 阿莫瑞塔成了一位英勇无畏的反叛者。
- In 1960 this was a bold move. 在1960年,这是一个大胆的举动。
2. boldly 副词 无畏地; 大胆地 [ADV with v]
- You must act boldly and confidently. 你必须表现得大胆、自信。
3. 形容词 Someone who is bold is not shy or embarrassed in the company of other people. 大胆的
- I don't feel I'm being bold, because it's always been natural for me to just speak out about whatever disturbs me. 我并不认为自己莽撞,因为无论什么事令我不安我就说出来,对我这一直以来是很自然的事。
4. boldly 副词 大胆地
- "You should do it," the girl said, boldly. 这个女孩大胆地说道:“你应该这么做。”
5. 形容词 A bold colour or pattern is very bright and noticeable. (色彩或图案) 鲜明的; 醒目的
- ...bold flowers in various shades of red, blue or white. …各种深浅不同的红色、蓝色和白色的醒目的花朵。
6. 形容词Bold lines or designs are drawn in a clear, strong way. 清晰的; (线条、轮廓) 刚劲的; 大胆的
- Each picture is shown in colour on one page and as a bold outline on the opposite page. 每幅画在一页上是彩色的,在相对的一页上则是清晰刚劲的轮廓。
7. 不可数名词Bold is print which is thicker and looks blacker than ordinary printed letters. 粗体 [技术]
- When a candidate is elected his or her name will be highlighted in bold. 当候选人被选中时,他或她的名字就用粗体来突出。
1. 形容词 Someone who is bold is not afraid to do things that involve risk or danger. 无畏的; 大胆的
- Amrita becomes a bold, daring rebel. 阿莫瑞塔成了一位英勇无畏的反叛者。
- In 1960 this was a bold move. 在1960年,这是一个大胆的举动。
2. boldly 副词 无畏地; 大胆地 [ADV with v]
- You must act boldly and confidently. 你必须表现得大胆、自信。
3. 形容词 Someone who is bold is not shy or embarrassed in the company of other people. 大胆的
- I don't feel I'm being bold, because it's always been natural for me to just speak out about whatever disturbs me. 我并不认为自己莽撞,因为无论什么事令我不安我就说出来,对我这一直以来是很自然的事。
4. boldly 副词 大胆地
- "You should do it," the girl said, boldly. 这个女孩大胆地说道:“你应该这么做。”
5. 形容词 A bold colour or pattern is very bright and noticeable. (色彩或图案) 鲜明的; 醒目的
- ...bold flowers in various shades of red, blue or white. …各种深浅不同的红色、蓝色和白色的醒目的花朵。
6. 形容词Bold lines or designs are drawn in a clear, strong way. 清晰的; (线条、轮廓) 刚劲的; 大胆的
- Each picture is shown in colour on one page and as a bold outline on the opposite page. 每幅画在一页上是彩色的,在相对的一页上则是清晰刚劲的轮廓。
7. 不可数名词Bold is print which is thicker and looks blacker than ordinary printed letters. 粗体 [技术]
- When a candidate is elected his or her name will be highlighted in bold. 当候选人被选中时,他或她的名字就用粗体来突出。
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典
bold, brave, courageous, daring, heroic, fearless
bold → 侧重指面对困难或危险时勇往直前,勇于进取的勇敢精神。
brave → 含义广泛,指天生的勇敢,无所畏惧地面对困难与危险,侧重胆识与果断。
courageous → 正式用词,侧重指在一切情况下都有胆量,无所畏惧,强调基于道德信念,经深思熟虑后所产生的勇敢。
daring → 强调面临意外或危险时胆大心细,头脑冷静。褒义贬义均可用,贬义指胆大妄为。
heroic → 正式用词,多指在战争或重大危险时,为他人为事业忘我献身的英雄气概。
fearless → 语气肯定,侧重在危险时无所畏惧,毫无动摇。
bold → 侧重指面对困难或危险时勇往直前,勇于进取的勇敢精神。
brave → 含义广泛,指天生的勇敢,无所畏惧地面对困难与危险,侧重胆识与果断。
courageous → 正式用词,侧重指在一切情况下都有胆量,无所畏惧,强调基于道德信念,经深思熟虑后所产生的勇敢。
daring → 强调面临意外或危险时胆大心细,头脑冷静。褒义贬义均可用,贬义指胆大妄为。
heroic → 正式用词,多指在战争或重大危险时,为他人为事业忘我献身的英雄气概。
fearless → 语气肯定,侧重在危险时无所畏惧,毫无动摇。
英语>简体中文, 同义词辨析词典
bold, brave, courageous, daring, heroic, fearless
bold → 侧重指面对困难或危险时勇往直前,勇于进取的勇敢精神。
brave → 含义广泛,指天生的勇敢,无所畏惧地面对困难与危险,侧重胆识与果断。
courageous → 正式用词,侧重指在一切情况下都有胆量,无所畏惧,强调基于道德信念,经深思熟虑后所产生的勇敢。
daring → 强调面临意外或危险时胆大心细,头脑冷静。褒义贬义均可用,贬义指胆大妄为。
heroic → 正式用词,多指在战争或重大危险时,为他人为事业忘我献身的英雄气概。
fearless → 语气肯定,侧重在危险时无所畏惧,毫无动摇。
bold → 侧重指面对困难或危险时勇往直前,勇于进取的勇敢精神。
brave → 含义广泛,指天生的勇敢,无所畏惧地面对困难与危险,侧重胆识与果断。
courageous → 正式用词,侧重指在一切情况下都有胆量,无所畏惧,强调基于道德信念,经深思熟虑后所产生的勇敢。
daring → 强调面临意外或危险时胆大心细,头脑冷静。褒义贬义均可用,贬义指胆大妄为。
heroic → 正式用词,多指在战争或重大危险时,为他人为事业忘我献身的英雄气概。
fearless → 语气肯定,侧重在危险时无所畏惧,毫无动摇。
英语>简体中文, 英语同义词辨析词典