biofeedback sensor

biofeedback sensor
The simulated environment is experienced by a user. The simulated environment is generated by a software program executing on a computer. A biofeedback sensor is coupled to the scalp of the user. The biofeedback sensor measures the electrical activity of the brain of the user when the user experiences the simulated environment. The biofeedback sensor generates electrical signals corresponding to the electrical activity such that the user is able to modify the simulated environment by manipulating the electrical activity in the brain.
生物反馈是借助精密的专门工具,去探查和放大人体固有的生理变化过程所产生的各种信息,通过显示系统,将此种信息转变为易于为患者理解的信号或读数,在医务人员的指导下进行训练,使病人学会利用发自自身经过处理的信号,有意识地控制体内各种生理、病理过程,促进机能恢复,从而达到治疗疾病地目的。[...] 一种生物反馈传感器,包括传感器模块和显示终端,所述传感器模块和显示终端连接,所述传感器模块包括电珠、光敏电阻、放大器和信号转换装置,所述显示终端包括数据处理模块、显示屏、曲线绘制模块、数据存储单元和控制处理器,所述控制处理器分别与数据处理模块、显示屏、曲线绘制模块和数据存储单元连接,所述信号转换装置和数据处理模块连接。
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