(过去式: banged; 过去完成式: banged; 现在进行式: banging)
To beat, as with a club or cudgel; thumb. (以棍棒)击打;砰砰地打。
- She banged the table with her fist. 她用拳头重击桌子。
To produce a loud sound by or from. 发巨声。
- to bang the door 把门砰然关上。
- He went out and banged the door behind him. 他外出时,把身后的门砰然关上。
To make a loud noise. 砰砰作响。
To thumb violently. 重击。
- The kitchen clock banged out twelve. 厨房的钟敲了十二下。
bang about (around) 乱打;乱动;吵闹。
bang against 猛击;砰然撞上。
bang away (at) 发出极大而持续的声音。
bang into sb 把...灌输给某人。
bang it out (about) 诉诸武力;以争斗解决。
bang off (a)轰然开炮。(b)【英】【俚】立即;即刻。
bang one's head against a brick wall 头撞砖墙;白费力气。
bang out (a)大声弹奏。(b)迅速写(打字)。
bang to 砰然关上。
bang up (a)突然纵身而上;一跃而起。(b)破坏外表。
A heavy blow; whack. 重击;重打。
A loud, sudden noise; explosive sound. 突发之巨响;爆炸声。
Excitement. 【美】【俚】兴奋。
get a bang out of 享乐;感到兴奋。
go off (over) with a bang 非常成功。
in a bang 匆忙。
with a bang (a)很好地;成功地。(b)【口】一鼓作气地。
All at once; abruptly; explosively. 忽然;猛然。
With a violent blow. 砰然地;轰然地。
Directly; right. 直接地。
- go bang 砰然(破裂、关上);发出轰然一声巨响。
bang 2
A short fringe of hair cut straight across over the forehead. (常用复数)浏海(额前所留之短发)。
(过去式: banged; 过去完成式: banged; 现在进行式: banging)
To cut straight across, as the hair over the forehead. (在额头)剪浏海。
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. (noise) [+of gun, firework, explosion] 巨响;爆炸声; [+of door] 砰的一声
- I heard four or five loud bangs. 我听到了四五声巨响。
- The firework went off with a loud bang. 烟花燃放时发出一声巨响。
- She slammed the door with a bang. 她砰的一声关上了门。
2. (knock, blow) 猛击;猛撞;(尤指)砰的一击
a bang on the head 对头部的猛击
- You've had a nasty bang on the head. 你头部被狠狠地撞了一下。
3. <非正式> (sudden effect) 猛然;蓦然;陡然
- He realized with a bang that he was late. 他猛然意识到自己迟到了。
4. <俚> (injection; of narcotic) (海洛因等毒品的)注射
5. <俚> (act of sexual intercourse) 性交
6. =bhang
7. bang for your buck<非正式> 物有所值;划算
- This option offers more bang for your buck. 这个选择物超所值。
8. to begin with a bang 轰轰烈烈开始;隆重启动;高调出场
- Her career began with a bang in 1986. 她的事业在1986年一炮打响。
9. to end with a bang 轰轰烈烈完结;隆重结束;高调收场
10. to get a bang out of sth<美,加拿大,俚> 从…中体验兴奋(或刺激)
11. to go out with a bang 轰轰烈烈地结束
- He wanted to go out with a bang. And he did. 他希望轰轰烈烈地结束。他也确实做到了。
to go out with a bang not a whimper 大张旗鼓地结束
- The City wanted to go out with a bang rather than a whimper. 伦敦金融界希望大张旗鼓而不是悄无声息地落下帷幕。
12. to go with a bang
[event, party +] 非常成功;圆满
- We're determined to make this year's Christmas party go with a bang. 我们决心把今年的圣诞晚会办得红红火火。
1. (noise) [+of gun, firework, explosion] 巨响;爆炸声; [+of door] 砰的一声
- I heard four or five loud bangs. 我听到了四五声巨响。
- The firework went off with a loud bang. 烟花燃放时发出一声巨响。
- She slammed the door with a bang. 她砰的一声关上了门。
2. (knock, blow) 猛击;猛撞;(尤指)砰的一击
a bang on the head 对头部的猛击
- You've had a nasty bang on the head. 你头部被狠狠地撞了一下。
3. <非正式> (sudden effect) 猛然;蓦然;陡然
- He realized with a bang that he was late. 他猛然意识到自己迟到了。
4. <俚> (injection; of narcotic) (海洛因等毒品的)注射
5. <俚> (act of sexual intercourse) 性交
6. =bhang
7. bang for your buck<非正式> 物有所值;划算
- This option offers more bang for your buck. 这个选择物超所值。
8. to begin with a bang 轰轰烈烈开始;隆重启动;高调出场
- Her career began with a bang in 1986. 她的事业在1986年一炮打响。
9. to end with a bang 轰轰烈烈完结;隆重结束;高调收场
10. to get a bang out of sth<美,加拿大,俚> 从…中体验兴奋(或刺激)
11. to go out with a bang 轰轰烈烈地结束
- He wanted to go out with a bang. And he did. 他希望轰轰烈烈地结束。他也确实做到了。
to go out with a bang not a whimper 大张旗鼓地结束
- The City wanted to go out with a bang rather than a whimper. 伦敦金融界希望大张旗鼓而不是悄无声息地落下帷幕。
12. to go with a bang
[event, party +] 非常成功;圆满
- We're determined to make this year's Christmas party go with a bang. 我们决心把今年的圣诞晚会办得红红火火。
- Bang! Bang! You're dead! 砰!砰!你死了!
- Bang! Bang! You're dead! 砰!砰!你死了!
1. (slam, close; making a noise) [+ door, window] 砰地关上
- Don't bang the door! 不要乒乒乓乓地关门!
- The wind banged a door somewhere. 风把某处的一扇门砰的一声关上了。
2. (knock) 猛撞;猛敲;(尤指)砰地猛击; [+ table] 拍打; [+ drum] 砰砰地敲击
- Ouch, I've banged my elbow. 哎唷!我撞到胳膊肘了。
- He accidentally banged his shin against a chair. 他无意中小腿骨磕到了椅子上。
- There is no point in shouting or banging the table. 大喊大叫或敲桌子没有任何意义。
- She banged his dinner on the table. 她把他的晚餐砰地摔在桌上。
to bang your head 猛撞头部
- I banged my head. 我重重地撞了一下头。
- Mind you don't bang your head on the cupboard door. 小心头别撞到碗柜门上。
See also: drum
3. (cause to move by hitting hard) 猛击
- He banged the ball over the fence. 他用力把球击出了围栏。
4. <英> (cause to fall by rapid selling) [+ stock prices] 掼压
5. 【股】 (sell rapidly) 猛砸(股市)
6. <俚> (have sex with) 与…交欢
7. [+ hair] 把…剪成刘海
8. 【牧】 (dock) [+ tail] 剪短
1. (make a noise) [gun, firework +] 发出巨响; [door, window +] 砰砰作响
- In the distance, a door banged. 远处一扇门发出砰的一声。
- the sound of doors banging 砰砰作响的关门声
- The engine spat and banged. 发动机发出劈啪声, 然后是砰的一声巨响。
to bang on sth or to bang at sth 猛撞到某物上;用力敲打某物
- I banged on the wall. 我重重地撞到墙上。
- We could bang on the desks and shout till they let us out. 我们可以用力敲桌子, 大声喊叫, 直到他们放我们出去。
to bang shut
[door, window +] 砰的一声关上
- The door banged shut behind them. 门在他们身后砰的一声关上了。
- All up and down the street the windows bang shut. 整条街上的所有窗户都砰砰地关上了。
2. (inject heroin) 注射海洛因(或其他毒品)
3. <非正式> (move noisily) 乒乓作响(或笨手笨脚)地移动
- He banged about the house. 他在屋内乒乒乓乓地折腾。
4. to bang your head against a brick wall 徒劳无功;白费力气
- Trying to talk about this is like banging my head against a brick wall. 我要想谈这个只能是白费口舌。
Phrasal Verbs:
bang about, bang around, bang away, bang down, bang into, bang on about, bang out, bang to, bang together, bang up
1. (slam, close; making a noise) [+ door, window] 砰地关上
- Don't bang the door! 不要乒乒乓乓地关门!
- The wind banged a door somewhere. 风把某处的一扇门砰的一声关上了。
2. (knock) 猛撞;猛敲;(尤指)砰地猛击; [+ table] 拍打; [+ drum] 砰砰地敲击
- Ouch, I've banged my elbow. 哎唷!我撞到胳膊肘了。
- He accidentally banged his shin against a chair. 他无意中小腿骨磕到了椅子上。
- There is no point in shouting or banging the table. 大喊大叫或敲桌子没有任何意义。
- She banged his dinner on the table. 她把他的晚餐砰地摔在桌上。
to bang your head 猛撞头部
- I banged my head. 我重重地撞了一下头。
- Mind you don't bang your head on the cupboard door. 小心头别撞到碗柜门上。
See also: drum
3. (cause to move by hitting hard) 猛击
- He banged the ball over the fence. 他用力把球击出了围栏。
4. <英> (cause to fall by rapid selling) [+ stock prices] 掼压
5. 【股】 (sell rapidly) 猛砸(股市)
6. <俚> (have sex with) 与…交欢
7. [+ hair] 把…剪成刘海
8. 【牧】 (dock) [+ tail] 剪短
1. (make a noise) [gun, firework +] 发出巨响; [door, window +] 砰砰作响
- In the distance, a door banged. 远处一扇门发出砰的一声。
- the sound of doors banging 砰砰作响的关门声
- The engine spat and banged. 发动机发出劈啪声, 然后是砰的一声巨响。
to bang on sth or to bang at sth 猛撞到某物上;用力敲打某物
- I banged on the wall. 我重重地撞到墙上。
- We could bang on the desks and shout till they let us out. 我们可以用力敲桌子, 大声喊叫, 直到他们放我们出去。
to bang shut
[door, window +] 砰的一声关上
- The door banged shut behind them. 门在他们身后砰的一声关上了。
- All up and down the street the windows bang shut. 整条街上的所有窗户都砰砰地关上了。
2. (inject heroin) 注射海洛因(或其他毒品)
3. <非正式> (move noisily) 乒乓作响(或笨手笨脚)地移动
- He banged about the house. 他在屋内乒乒乓乓地折腾。
4. to bang your head against a brick wall 徒劳无功;白费力气
- Trying to talk about this is like banging my head against a brick wall. 我要想谈这个只能是白费口舌。
Phrasal Verbs:
bang about, bang around, bang away, bang down, bang into, bang on about, bang out, bang to, bang together, bang up
1. <英,非正式> 正着;正好
to be bang on time 准时;正点
- For once he left bang on time for work. 只有一次他是准点去上的班。
bang in the middle of sth 在某物的正中央
- bang in the middle of his forehead 在他前额正中间
- bang in the middle of the track 在小道的正中间
to bring sth bang up to date 实时更新某物
- They bring big-band music bang up to date. 他们使大乐队演奏的曲目保持最新。
2. bang goes sth<口> …泡汤了;…完蛋了
- Bang goes my chance of promotion! 我晋升的机会泡汤了。
- There will be more work to do, not less. Bang goes the fantasy of retirement at 35. 要做的工作将会更多, 而不是更少。35岁就退休的幻想已化为泡影。
3. bang to rights<俚> 当场;在现场
- You've got me bang to rights. 你把我逮了个正着。
- He was caught bang to rights by intimate e-mails. 他被当场逮到发送暧昧电子邮件。
4. bang tidy
See: tidy
5. to go bang 发出一声巨响
- The television went bang. 电视机发出砰的一声巨响。
1. <英,非正式> 正着;正好
to be bang on time 准时;正点
- For once he left bang on time for work. 只有一次他是准点去上的班。
bang in the middle of sth 在某物的正中央
- bang in the middle of his forehead 在他前额正中间
- bang in the middle of the track 在小道的正中间
to bring sth bang up to date 实时更新某物
- They bring big-band music bang up to date. 他们使大乐队演奏的曲目保持最新。
2. bang goes sth<口> …泡汤了;…完蛋了
- Bang goes my chance of promotion! 我晋升的机会泡汤了。
- There will be more work to do, not less. Bang goes the fantasy of retirement at 35. 要做的工作将会更多, 而不是更少。35岁就退休的幻想已化为泡影。
3. bang to rights<俚> 当场;在现场
- You've got me bang to rights. 你把我逮了个正着。
- He was caught bang to rights by intimate e-mails. 他被当场逮到发送暧昧电子邮件。
4. bang tidy
See: tidy
5. to go bang 发出一声巨响
- The television went bang. 电视机发出砰的一声巨响。
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
1. A sudden loud noise, as of an explosion. 巨响:突发的巨响,如爆炸声
2. A sudden loud blow or bump. 砰然作响:发出砰一声的猛击或猛撞
3. Informal A sudden burst of action: 【非正式用语】 突然开始进行:
- The campaign started off with a bang. 运动轰轰烈烈地开展起来
4. Slang A sense of excitement; a thrill: 【俚语】 兴奋,激动:激动的感觉;吓一跳:
- We got a bang out of watching the old movies. 再看昔日的影片使我们激动不已
v.(动词) banged,, bangs及物动词)
1. To strike heavily and often repeatedly; bump. 重击:沉重并且通常是反复地打击;撞击
2. To close suddenly and loudly; slam. 猛力关上:突然地并很响地关上;撞上
3. To handle noisily or violently: 粗手重脚地摆弄:
- banged the pots in the kitchen. 在厨房里搬弄罐子
4. Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse with. 【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 与…性交
1. To make a sudden loud, explosive noise. 突发巨响:制造突然、剧烈的爆炸声
2. To crash noisily against or into something: 敲击:重重地撞到或撞入某物:
- My elbow banged against the door. 我的胳膊肘撞在门上了
Exactly; precisely: 正好;准确:
- The arrow hit bang on the target. 箭正中靶心
bang away
1. To assail insistently, especially with questions. 尤指紧紧地逼问
2. To work diligently and often at length: 努力地通常是长久地工作:
- banged away at the project until it was finished. 在项目完成前一直埋头苦干bang up
To damage extensively: 严重地破坏:
- banged up the car. 撞坏了汽车
1. A sudden loud noise, as of an explosion. 巨响:突发的巨响,如爆炸声
2. A sudden loud blow or bump. 砰然作响:发出砰一声的猛击或猛撞
3. Informal A sudden burst of action: 【非正式用语】 突然开始进行:
- The campaign started off with a bang. 运动轰轰烈烈地开展起来
4. Slang A sense of excitement; a thrill: 【俚语】 兴奋,激动:激动的感觉;吓一跳:
- We got a bang out of watching the old movies. 再看昔日的影片使我们激动不已
v.(动词) banged,, bangs及物动词)
1. To strike heavily and often repeatedly; bump. 重击:沉重并且通常是反复地打击;撞击
2. To close suddenly and loudly; slam. 猛力关上:突然地并很响地关上;撞上
3. To handle noisily or violently: 粗手重脚地摆弄:
- banged the pots in the kitchen. 在厨房里搬弄罐子
4. Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse with. 【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 与…性交
1. To make a sudden loud, explosive noise. 突发巨响:制造突然、剧烈的爆炸声
2. To crash noisily against or into something: 敲击:重重地撞到或撞入某物:
- My elbow banged against the door. 我的胳膊肘撞在门上了
Exactly; precisely: 正好;准确:
- The arrow hit bang on the target. 箭正中靶心
bang away
1. To assail insistently, especially with questions. 尤指紧紧地逼问
2. To work diligently and often at length: 努力地通常是长久地工作:
- banged away at the project until it was finished. 在项目完成前一直埋头苦干bang up
To damage extensively: 严重地破坏:
- banged up the car. 撞坏了汽车
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
n. 砰然,脉冲;adv. 噼拍
n. 砰然,脉冲;adv. 噼拍
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
- 英语>简体中文, 英中医学辞海
猛击, 猛撞
- She fell and got a nasty bang on the knee. 她摔倒了, 膝盖猛撞在地上。
巨响, 爆炸声
- The door shut with a bang. 门砰的一声关上了。
猛击, 猛撞
发出砰的一声, 砰砰作响, 砰地敲[推, 扔]
猛击, 猛撞
- She fell and got a nasty bang on the knee. 她摔倒了, 膝盖猛撞在地上。
巨响, 爆炸声
- The door shut with a bang. 门砰的一声关上了。
猛击, 猛撞
发出砰的一声, 砰砰作响, 砰地敲[推, 扔]
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(noun 名词)
a bang on the head. 头上挨的猛击。
SYNONYM 同义词:blow, [informal日常用语] box, bump, collision, cuff, hit, knock, punch,slam, smack, stroke, thump, [slang俚语] wallop,whack.
a loud bang. 很响的轰隆声。
SYNONYM 同义词:blast, boom,clap, crash, explosion, pop, report, thud, thump.
(noun 名词)
a bang on the head. 头上挨的猛击。
SYNONYM 同义词:blow, [informal日常用语] box, bump, collision, cuff, hit, knock, punch,slam, smack, stroke, thump, [slang俚语] wallop,whack.
a loud bang. 很响的轰隆声。
SYNONYM 同义词:blast, boom,clap, crash, explosion, pop, report, thud, thump.
(verb 动词)
(verb 动词)
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
bang for your 'buck (AmE, slang)
if you get more, better, etc. bang for your buck,you get better value for the money you spend or the effort you put in to sth 钱花得很值;力气没白费:
Buyers get more bang for their buck with our cars. 买我们车的人钱花得太值了。
bang goes sth (informal)
sth is suddenly gone, finished, lost, etc.﹙某物﹚一下子没了﹙或完了、丢了等﹚:
I twisted my ankle and bang went my chances of playing in the match.我的踝骨扭伤了, 一下子失去了参加比赛的机会。
bang/spot 'on (informal)
(of an estimate, a description, etc. 估计、描述等)exactly right 准确无误:
She was bang on when she called him an idiot: that’s just what he is! 她叫他白痴,再合适不过了:他就是个白痴!
Your sales estimate was spot on. Well done! 你的销售估计十分准确。很好!
bang to 'rights (BrE) (AmEdead to 'rights)(informal)
in the act of committing a crime, so that you cannot claim to be innocent 当场;在犯罪的过程中:
We’ve got you bang to rights handling stolen property. 我们当场发现你在处理赃物。
go 'bang (informal)
burst or explode with a loud noise; make a sudden loud noise 爆裂;爆炸;发出一声巨响:
A balloon suddenly went bang. 气球地一声爆了。
go (off) with a 'bang (informal)
(of an event, etc. 活动等) be very successful 非常成功:
Last night’s party really went off with a bang.昨晚的聚会十分圆满。
bang/beat the drum (for sb/sth) 另见drum
bang/knock your/their heads together 另见heads
bang on time=(right) on time 另见time
bang for your 'buck (AmE, slang)
if you get more, better, etc. bang for your buck,you get better value for the money you spend or the effort you put in to sth 钱花得很值;力气没白费:
Buyers get more bang for their buck with our cars. 买我们车的人钱花得太值了。
bang goes sth (informal)
sth is suddenly gone, finished, lost, etc.﹙某物﹚一下子没了﹙或完了、丢了等﹚:
I twisted my ankle and bang went my chances of playing in the match.我的踝骨扭伤了, 一下子失去了参加比赛的机会。
bang/spot 'on (informal)
(of an estimate, a description, etc. 估计、描述等)exactly right 准确无误:
She was bang on when she called him an idiot: that’s just what he is! 她叫他白痴,再合适不过了:他就是个白痴!
Your sales estimate was spot on. Well done! 你的销售估计十分准确。很好!
bang to 'rights (BrE) (AmEdead to 'rights)(informal)
in the act of committing a crime, so that you cannot claim to be innocent 当场;在犯罪的过程中:
We’ve got you bang to rights handling stolen property. 我们当场发现你在处理赃物。
go 'bang (informal)
burst or explode with a loud noise; make a sudden loud noise 爆裂;爆炸;发出一声巨响:
A balloon suddenly went bang. 气球地一声爆了。
go (off) with a 'bang (informal)
(of an event, etc. 活动等) be very successful 非常成功:
Last night’s party really went off with a bang.昨晚的聚会十分圆满。
bang/beat the drum (for sb/sth) 另见drum
bang/knock your/their heads together 另见heads
bang on time=(right) on time 另见time
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
重敲; 猛撞; 使砰然作声; 砰地把(门等)关上
[俚]超过; 胜过
- He banged his fist on the table. 他用拳头重击桌子。
- Tom banged the door. 汤姆砰地关上门。
重敲; 猛撞; 使砰然作声; 砰地把(门等)关上
[俚]超过; 胜过
- He banged his fist on the table. 他用拳头重击桌子。
- Tom banged the door. 汤姆砰地关上门。
猛敲, 猛撞
(门等)猛地关上; 发出砰砰的声音
- Who's banging on [at] the door? 谁在敲门?
- The door banged shut. 门砰地关上了。
猛敲, 猛撞
(门等)猛地关上; 发出砰砰的声音
- Who's banging on [at] the door? 谁在敲门?
- The door banged shut. 门砰地关上了。
猛击; 猛撞
热情; 精力
[美俚]刺激, 快感; 麻醉品的服用
突然爆发出来的光辉 [才华]等
- I get a bang out of all this. 这个我玩得过瘾。
- He gave the drum a bang. 他猛敲一下鼓。
- The door shut with a bang. 门砰的一声关上了。
猛击; 猛撞
热情; 精力
[美俚]刺激, 快感; 麻醉品的服用
突然爆发出来的光辉 [才华]等
- I get a bang out of all this. 这个我玩得过瘾。
- He gave the drum a bang. 他猛敲一下鼓。
- The door shut with a bang. 门砰的一声关上了。
直接地, 完全地
- Bang went the fireworks. 焰火砰地爆开了。
- The lights went out bang in the middle of the performance. 正在演出中间灯突然熄灭了。
- The boy on the bicycle went bang into a telephone pole. 骑自行车的小孩子砰地撞到电线杆上。
get a bang out of
go bang
砰地一声关上, 爆炸
go over with a bang
[美]进行得非常顺利, 非常成功
go off with a bang
[美]进行得非常顺利, 非常成功
in a bang
赶紧; 急忙
with a bang
成功地; 起劲地
bang about
乱打; 乱动; 虐待
bang against
bang away
bang away at
bang it out
决胜负; 诉诸武力
bang it about
决胜负; 诉诸武力
bang off
轰然开炮; 立即; 即刻
bang on
[口]正好(打中); 好极了
bang out
bang up
撞坏, 撞伤
直接地, 完全地
- Bang went the fireworks. 焰火砰地爆开了。
- The lights went out bang in the middle of the performance. 正在演出中间灯突然熄灭了。
- The boy on the bicycle went bang into a telephone pole. 骑自行车的小孩子砰地撞到电线杆上。
get a bang out of
go bang
砰地一声关上, 爆炸
go over with a bang
[美]进行得非常顺利, 非常成功
go off with a bang
[美]进行得非常顺利, 非常成功
in a bang
赶紧; 急忙
with a bang
成功地; 起劲地
bang about
乱打; 乱动; 虐待
bang against
bang away
bang away at
bang it out
决胜负; 诉诸武力
bang it about
决胜负; 诉诸武力
bang off
轰然开炮; 立即; 即刻
bang on
[口]正好(打中); 好极了
bang out
bang up
撞坏, 撞伤
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
沖擊聲;啪聲 ;脈沖
沖擊聲;啪聲 ;脈沖
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电机工程名词
沖擊[聲],啪[聲] ,脈沖(回聲探測儀的)
沖擊[聲],啪[聲] ,脈沖(回聲探測儀的)
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电力工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电子计算机名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 航空太空名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 机械工程名词
(banging, banged,bangs)
1. N-COUNT/SOUND A bang is a sudden loud noise such as the noise of an explosion. (突然的) 巨响
- I heard four or five loud bangs. 我听到四五声巨响。
- She slammed the door with a bang. 她砰地一声关上门。
2. 不及物动词 If something bangs, it makes a sudden loud noise, once or several times. 砰然作响
- The engine spat and banged. 引擎发出劈啪声和砰砰巨响。
3. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you bang a door or if it bangs, it closes suddenly with a loud noise. 砰地关上
- ...the sound of doors banging. …砰砰的关门声。
- All up and down the street the windows bang shut. 整条街的窗户都砰砰关上了。
4. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you bang on something or if you bang it, you hit it hard, making a loud noise. 大声猛击
- We could bang on the desks and shout till they let us out. 我们会大声猛拍桌子,大声喊叫,直到他们放我们出去。
5. 及物动词 If you bang something on something or if you bang it down, you quickly and violently put it on a surface, because you are angry. (因生气而) 猛然用力放
- She banged his dinner on the table. 她猛地用力把他的晚饭砸在桌上。
6. 及物动词 If you bang a part of your body, you accidentally knock it against something and hurt yourself. (无意中) 撞伤
- She'd fainted and banged her head. 她晕了过去,撞伤了头部。
7. 可数名词Bang is also a noun. 撞伤
- ...a nasty bang on the head. …头部可恶的撞伤。
8. 不及物动词 If you bang into something or someone, you bump or knock them hard, usually because you are not looking where you are going. (不小心) 猛撞上
- I didn't mean to bang into you. 我不是故意撞你的。
9. 副词 You can use bang to emphasize expressions that indicate an exact position or an exact time. 正好 [ADV prep][强调]
- ...bang in the middle of the track. …在路的正中央。
10. 习语 If something begins or ends with a bang, it begins or ends with a lot of energy, enthusiasm, or success. 轰轰烈烈地 [PHR after v]
- Her career began with a bang in 1986. 她的事业在1986年轰轰烈烈地开始了。
11. 习语[PHR after v] → a variant spelling of bhang
(banging, banged,bangs)
1. N-COUNT/SOUND A bang is a sudden loud noise such as the noise of an explosion. (突然的) 巨响
- I heard four or five loud bangs. 我听到四五声巨响。
- She slammed the door with a bang. 她砰地一声关上门。
2. 不及物动词 If something bangs, it makes a sudden loud noise, once or several times. 砰然作响
- The engine spat and banged. 引擎发出劈啪声和砰砰巨响。
3. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you bang a door or if it bangs, it closes suddenly with a loud noise. 砰地关上
- ...the sound of doors banging. …砰砰的关门声。
- All up and down the street the windows bang shut. 整条街的窗户都砰砰关上了。
4. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you bang on something or if you bang it, you hit it hard, making a loud noise. 大声猛击
- We could bang on the desks and shout till they let us out. 我们会大声猛拍桌子,大声喊叫,直到他们放我们出去。
5. 及物动词 If you bang something on something or if you bang it down, you quickly and violently put it on a surface, because you are angry. (因生气而) 猛然用力放
- She banged his dinner on the table. 她猛地用力把他的晚饭砸在桌上。
6. 及物动词 If you bang a part of your body, you accidentally knock it against something and hurt yourself. (无意中) 撞伤
- She'd fainted and banged her head. 她晕了过去,撞伤了头部。
7. 可数名词Bang is also a noun. 撞伤
- ...a nasty bang on the head. …头部可恶的撞伤。
8. 不及物动词 If you bang into something or someone, you bump or knock them hard, usually because you are not looking where you are going. (不小心) 猛撞上
- I didn't mean to bang into you. 我不是故意撞你的。
9. 副词 You can use bang to emphasize expressions that indicate an exact position or an exact time. 正好 [ADV prep][强调]
- ...bang in the middle of the track. …在路的正中央。
10. 习语 If something begins or ends with a bang, it begins or ends with a lot of energy, enthusiasm, or success. 轰轰烈烈地 [PHR after v]
- Her career began with a bang in 1986. 她的事业在1986年轰轰烈烈地开始了。
11. 习语[PHR after v] → a variant spelling of bhang
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典