checks and balances 另见checks
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 医学名词
(balancing, balanced,balances)
1. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you balance something somewhere, or if it balances there, it remains steady and does not fall. 使平衡; 平衡
- I balanced on the ledge. 我在岩脊上站稳。
2. 不可数名词Balance is the ability to remain steady when you are standing up. 平衡能力
- The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance. 你现在吃的药可能会影响你的平衡能力。
3. 相互动词 If you balance one thing with something different, each of the things has the same strength or importance. 使均衡
- Balance spicy dishes with mild ones. 使辛辣的菜和清淡的菜均衡。
- The government has to find some way to balance these two needs. 政府得找到某种方法来平衡这两种需求。
- Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance. 货币市场上的供需关系将会大致平衡。
4. balanced 形容词 均衡的
- This book is a well balanced biography. 这是一本很公正的传记。
5. 单数型名词 A balance is a situation in which all the different parts are equal in strength or importance. 均衡
- ...the ecological balance of the forest. …森林的生态平衡。
6. 单数型名词 If you say that the balance tips in your favour, you start winning or succeeding, especially in a conflict or contest. (表示冲突中的形势) 天平
- ...a powerful new gun which could tip the balance of the war in their favour. …可能会使战争的天平向他们那边倾斜的一种威力强大的新型炮。
7. 及物动词 If you balance one thing against another, you consider its importance in relation to the other one. 权衡; 使协调
- She carefully tried to balance religious sensitivities against democratic freedom. 她小心翼翼地试着协调宗教敏感性与民主自由。
8. 及物动词 If someone balances their budget or if a government balances the economy of a country, they make sure that the amount of money that is spent is not greater than the amount that is received. 使 (收支) 平衡
- He balanced his budgets by rigid control over public expenditure. 他通过严格控制公共开支来平衡预算。
9. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you balance your books or make them balance, you prove by calculation that the amount of money you have received is equal to the amount that you have spent. 使 (账目) 平衡; (账目) 平衡
- ...teaching them to balance the books. …教他们平衡账目。
10. 可数名词 The balance in your bank account is the amount of money you have in it. (账户上的) 余额
- I'd like to check the balance in my account please. 我想查一下我账户的余额。
11. 单数型名词Thebalance of an amount of money is what remains to be paid for something or what remains when part of the amount has been spent. 余款; 结余
- They were due to pay the balance on delivery. 他们定在货到时支付余款。
12. → see also bank balance
13. 习语 If you keep your balance, for example, when standing in a moving vehicle, you remain steady and do not fall over. If you lose your balance, you become unsteady and fall over. 保持/失去平衡
- She was holding onto the rail to keep her balance. 她抓着栏杆来保持身体平衡。
14. 习语 If you are off balance, you are in an unsteady position and about to fall. 失去平衡
- A gust of wind knocked him off balance and he fell face down in the mud. 一阵大风吹得他失去了平衡,脸朝下摔在了泥里。
15. 习语 You can say on balance to indicate that you are stating an opinion after considering all the relevant facts or arguments. 总的说来
- On balance he agreed with Christine. 总的说来,他同意克里斯蒂娜的看法。
(balancing, balanced,balances)
1. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you balance something somewhere, or if it balances there, it remains steady and does not fall. 使平衡; 平衡
- I balanced on the ledge. 我在岩脊上站稳。
2. 不可数名词Balance is the ability to remain steady when you are standing up. 平衡能力
- The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance. 你现在吃的药可能会影响你的平衡能力。
3. 相互动词 If you balance one thing with something different, each of the things has the same strength or importance. 使均衡
- Balance spicy dishes with mild ones. 使辛辣的菜和清淡的菜均衡。
- The government has to find some way to balance these two needs. 政府得找到某种方法来平衡这两种需求。
- Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance. 货币市场上的供需关系将会大致平衡。
4. balanced 形容词 均衡的
- This book is a well balanced biography. 这是一本很公正的传记。
5. 单数型名词 A balance is a situation in which all the different parts are equal in strength or importance. 均衡
- ...the ecological balance of the forest. …森林的生态平衡。
6. 单数型名词 If you say that the balance tips in your favour, you start winning or succeeding, especially in a conflict or contest. (表示冲突中的形势) 天平
- ...a powerful new gun which could tip the balance of the war in their favour. …可能会使战争的天平向他们那边倾斜的一种威力强大的新型炮。
7. 及物动词 If you balance one thing against another, you consider its importance in relation to the other one. 权衡; 使协调
- She carefully tried to balance religious sensitivities against democratic freedom. 她小心翼翼地试着协调宗教敏感性与民主自由。
8. 及物动词 If someone balances their budget or if a government balances the economy of a country, they make sure that the amount of money that is spent is not greater than the amount that is received. 使 (收支) 平衡
- He balanced his budgets by rigid control over public expenditure. 他通过严格控制公共开支来平衡预算。
9. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you balance your books or make them balance, you prove by calculation that the amount of money you have received is equal to the amount that you have spent. 使 (账目) 平衡; (账目) 平衡
- ...teaching them to balance the books. …教他们平衡账目。
10. 可数名词 The balance in your bank account is the amount of money you have in it. (账户上的) 余额
- I'd like to check the balance in my account please. 我想查一下我账户的余额。
11. 单数型名词Thebalance of an amount of money is what remains to be paid for something or what remains when part of the amount has been spent. 余款; 结余
- They were due to pay the balance on delivery. 他们定在货到时支付余款。
12. → see also bank balance
13. 习语 If you keep your balance, for example, when standing in a moving vehicle, you remain steady and do not fall over. If you lose your balance, you become unsteady and fall over. 保持/失去平衡
- She was holding onto the rail to keep her balance. 她抓着栏杆来保持身体平衡。
14. 习语 If you are off balance, you are in an unsteady position and about to fall. 失去平衡
- A gust of wind knocked him off balance and he fell face down in the mud. 一阵大风吹得他失去了平衡,脸朝下摔在了泥里。
15. 习语 You can say on balance to indicate that you are stating an opinion after considering all the relevant facts or arguments. 总的说来
- On balance he agreed with Christine. 总的说来,他同意克里斯蒂娜的看法。
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典