mind your backs! 另见mind
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 矿冶工程名词
1. 副词 If you move back, you move in the opposite direction to the one in which you are facing or in which you were moving before. 向后
- She stepped back from the door expectantly. 她充满期待地从门口往后退。
- He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench. 他把她推开,然后她向后跌坐在长木椅上。
2. 副词 If you go back somewhere, you return to where you were before. 回到原处
- I went back to bed. 我回到床上。
- I'll be back as soon as I can. 我会尽快回来。
3. 副词 If someone or something is back in a particular state, they were in that state before and are now in it again. 恢复原状
- The rail company said it expected services to get slowly back to normal. 铁路公司称,预计服务会慢慢恢复正常。
4. 副词 If you give or put something back, you return it to the person who had it or to the place where it was before you took it. If you get or take something back, you then have it again after not having it for a while. (放、取) 回
- She handed the knife back. 她把小刀递了回去。
- Put it back in the freezer. 把它放回到冰柜里。
5. 副词 in reply, repayment, or retaliation 回复、偿还或报复地
- to hit someone back
- pay back a debt
- to answer back
6. 副词 If you put a clock or watch back, you change the time shown on it so that it shows an earlier time, for example, when the time changes to standard time. (将钟、表等拨) 回 [ADV after v]
- The clocks go back at 2 o'clock tomorrow morning. 钟明天早上往回拨到2点。
7. 副词 If you write or call back, you write to or telephone someone after they have written to or telephoned you. If you look back at someone, you look at them after they have started looking at you. 作为回复; 往回 (望)
- They wrote back to me and told me I didn't have to do it. 他们给我回信告诉我不必做它。
- If the phone rings, say you'll call back after dinner. 如果有电话,就说你晚饭后打回去。
8. 副词 You can say that you go or come back to a particular point in a conversation to show that you are mentioning or discussing it again. 回到 (先前谈论的地方)
- Can I come back to the question of policing once again? 我能回过头来再说说治安问题吗?
9. 副词 If something is or comes back, it is fashionable again after it has been unfashionable for some time. 再度 (流行)
- Short skirts are back. 短裙又流行起来了。
10. 副词 If someone or something is kept or situated back from a place, they are at a distance away from it. 在一段距离之外
- Keep back from the edge of the platform. 请勿靠近站台边缘。
- I'm a few miles back from the border. 我离边境有几英里远。
11. 副词 If something is held or tied back, it is held or tied so that it does not hang loosely over something. 收拢地 [ADV after v]
- The curtains were held back by tassels. 窗帘用流苏扎了起来。
12. 副词 If you lie or sit back, you move your body backward into a relaxed sloping or flat position, with your head and body resting on something. 后仰地; 后靠地 [ADV after v]
- She lay back and stared at the ceiling. 她躺下来,盯着天花板。
13. 副词 If you look or shout back at someone or something, you turn to look or shout at them when they are behind you. 回头向后 (看或喊)
- Nick looked back over his shoulder and then stopped, frowning. 尼克扭过头朝后看,然后皱着眉头停了下来。
14. 副词 You use back in expressions like back in Chicago or back at the house when you are giving an account, to show that you are going to start talking about what happened or was happening in the place you mention. 在 (某地)
- Meanwhile, back in Everett, Marc Fulmer is busy raising money to help get the project off the ground. 此时在埃弗里特,马克·富尔默正忙着筹资来帮助该项目启动。
15. 副词 If you talk about something that happened back in the past or several years back, you are emphasizing that it happened quite a long time ago. 早在 [强调]
- The story starts back in 1950, when I was five. 这件事始于1950年,当时我5岁。
16. 副词 If you think back to something that happened in the past, you remember it or try to remember it. 回 (想)
- I thought back to the time in 1975 when my son was desperately ill. 我回想起1975年的时候,当时我儿子病得很重。
17. 习语 If someone moves back and forth, they repeatedly move in one direction and then in the opposite direction. 来回地
- He paced back and forth. 他来回踱步。
18. to cast your mind back →see mind
1. 副词 If you move back, you move in the opposite direction to the one in which you are facing or in which you were moving before. 向后
- She stepped back from the door expectantly. 她充满期待地从门口往后退。
- He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench. 他把她推开,然后她向后跌坐在长木椅上。
2. 副词 If you go back somewhere, you return to where you were before. 回到原处
- I went back to bed. 我回到床上。
- I'll be back as soon as I can. 我会尽快回来。
3. 副词 If someone or something is back in a particular state, they were in that state before and are now in it again. 恢复原状
- The rail company said it expected services to get slowly back to normal. 铁路公司称,预计服务会慢慢恢复正常。
4. 副词 If you give or put something back, you return it to the person who had it or to the place where it was before you took it. If you get or take something back, you then have it again after not having it for a while. (放、取) 回
- She handed the knife back. 她把小刀递了回去。
- Put it back in the freezer. 把它放回到冰柜里。
5. 副词 in reply, repayment, or retaliation 回复、偿还或报复地
- to hit someone back
- pay back a debt
- to answer back
6. 副词 If you put a clock or watch back, you change the time shown on it so that it shows an earlier time, for example, when the time changes to standard time. (将钟、表等拨) 回 [ADV after v]
- The clocks go back at 2 o'clock tomorrow morning. 钟明天早上往回拨到2点。
7. 副词 If you write or call back, you write to or telephone someone after they have written to or telephoned you. If you look back at someone, you look at them after they have started looking at you. 作为回复; 往回 (望)
- They wrote back to me and told me I didn't have to do it. 他们给我回信告诉我不必做它。
- If the phone rings, say you'll call back after dinner. 如果有电话,就说你晚饭后打回去。
8. 副词 You can say that you go or come back to a particular point in a conversation to show that you are mentioning or discussing it again. 回到 (先前谈论的地方)
- Can I come back to the question of policing once again? 我能回过头来再说说治安问题吗?
9. 副词 If something is or comes back, it is fashionable again after it has been unfashionable for some time. 再度 (流行)
- Short skirts are back. 短裙又流行起来了。
10. 副词 If someone or something is kept or situated back from a place, they are at a distance away from it. 在一段距离之外
- Keep back from the edge of the platform. 请勿靠近站台边缘。
- I'm a few miles back from the border. 我离边境有几英里远。
11. 副词 If something is held or tied back, it is held or tied so that it does not hang loosely over something. 收拢地 [ADV after v]
- The curtains were held back by tassels. 窗帘用流苏扎了起来。
12. 副词 If you lie or sit back, you move your body backward into a relaxed sloping or flat position, with your head and body resting on something. 后仰地; 后靠地 [ADV after v]
- She lay back and stared at the ceiling. 她躺下来,盯着天花板。
13. 副词 If you look or shout back at someone or something, you turn to look or shout at them when they are behind you. 回头向后 (看或喊)
- Nick looked back over his shoulder and then stopped, frowning. 尼克扭过头朝后看,然后皱着眉头停了下来。
14. 副词 You use back in expressions like back in Chicago or back at the house when you are giving an account, to show that you are going to start talking about what happened or was happening in the place you mention. 在 (某地)
- Meanwhile, back in Everett, Marc Fulmer is busy raising money to help get the project off the ground. 此时在埃弗里特,马克·富尔默正忙着筹资来帮助该项目启动。
15. 副词 If you talk about something that happened back in the past or several years back, you are emphasizing that it happened quite a long time ago. 早在 [强调]
- The story starts back in 1950, when I was five. 这件事始于1950年,当时我5岁。
16. 副词 If you think back to something that happened in the past, you remember it or try to remember it. 回 (想)
- I thought back to the time in 1975 when my son was desperately ill. 我回想起1975年的时候,当时我儿子病得很重。
17. 习语 If someone moves back and forth, they repeatedly move in one direction and then in the opposite direction. 来回地
- He paced back and forth. 他来回踱步。
18. to cast your mind back →see mind
1. 可数名词 A person's or animal's back is the part of their body between their head and their legs that is on the opposite side to their chest and stomach. 背部
- Her son was lying peacefully on his back. 她儿子正静静地仰面躺着。
- She turned her back to the audience. 她转过身背对着观众。
2. 可数名词 The back of something is the side or part of it that is toward the rear or farthest from the front. The back of something is normally not used or seen as much as the front. 后面; 后部
- ...a room at the back of the shop. …商店后部的一个房间。
- She raised her hands to the back of her neck. 她把双手伸到后脖子上。
3. 形容词Back is used to refer to the side or part of something that is toward the rear or farthest from the front. 后面的; 后部的 [ADJ n]
- He opened the back door. 他打开了后门。
- Ann could remember sitting in the back seat of their car. 安能记得曾坐在他们车子的后座上。
4. 形容词 (of a road) not direct (街道)偏远的 [ADJ n]
5. 可数名词 The back of a chair or sofa is the part that you lean against when you sit on it. 靠背
- There was a pink sweater on the back of the chair. 在椅背上有一件粉色毛线衫。
6. 可数名词 The back of something such as a piece of paper or an envelope is the side that is less important. (纸、信封等的) 背面
- Send your answers on the back of a postcard or sealed, empty envelope. 把你的答案写在明信片或封好的空信封背面寄来。
7. 可数名词 The back of a book is the part nearest the end, where you can find the index or the notes, for example. (书的) 末尾
- The index at the back of the book lists both brand and generic names. 书末尾的索引把商标名和通用名都列了出来。
8. 可数名词 a mainly defensive player behind a forward 后卫
9. 可数名词 the position of such a player
10. 不可数名词 You use out back to refer to the area behind a house or other building. You also use in back to refer to the rear part of something, especially a car or building. (房屋等建筑物的) 后面; (车、建筑物等的) 后部 [美国英语]
- Dan informed her that he would be out back on the patio cleaning his shoes. 丹告诉她说,他要到后面露台上弄干净他的鞋子。
- ...the trees in back of the building. …大楼后面的树。
11. 习语 If you say that something was done behind someone's back, you disapprove of it because it was done without them knowing about it, in an unfair or dishonest way. 背地里 [表不满]
- You eat her food, enjoy her hospitality and then criticize her behind her back. 你吃她的饭菜,享受她的热情款待,然后在背地里却批评她。
12. 习语 If two or more things are done back to back, one follows immediately after the other without any interruption. 接连相继地
- ...two half-hour shows, which will be screened back to back. …将被相继播放的两场半小时的表演。
13. → see also back-to-back
14. 习语 If you are wearing something back to front, you are wearing it with the back of it at the front of your body. If you do something back to front, you do it the wrong way around, starting with the part that should come last. (穿) 反; (做事) 首尾颠倒 [英国英语]
15. to take a back seat →see seat
1. 可数名词 A person's or animal's back is the part of their body between their head and their legs that is on the opposite side to their chest and stomach. 背部
- Her son was lying peacefully on his back. 她儿子正静静地仰面躺着。
- She turned her back to the audience. 她转过身背对着观众。
2. 可数名词 The back of something is the side or part of it that is toward the rear or farthest from the front. The back of something is normally not used or seen as much as the front. 后面; 后部
- ...a room at the back of the shop. …商店后部的一个房间。
- She raised her hands to the back of her neck. 她把双手伸到后脖子上。
3. 形容词Back is used to refer to the side or part of something that is toward the rear or farthest from the front. 后面的; 后部的 [ADJ n]
- He opened the back door. 他打开了后门。
- Ann could remember sitting in the back seat of their car. 安能记得曾坐在他们车子的后座上。
4. 形容词 (of a road) not direct (街道)偏远的 [ADJ n]
5. 可数名词 The back of a chair or sofa is the part that you lean against when you sit on it. 靠背
- There was a pink sweater on the back of the chair. 在椅背上有一件粉色毛线衫。
6. 可数名词 The back of something such as a piece of paper or an envelope is the side that is less important. (纸、信封等的) 背面
- Send your answers on the back of a postcard or sealed, empty envelope. 把你的答案写在明信片或封好的空信封背面寄来。
7. 可数名词 The back of a book is the part nearest the end, where you can find the index or the notes, for example. (书的) 末尾
- The index at the back of the book lists both brand and generic names. 书末尾的索引把商标名和通用名都列了出来。
8. 可数名词 a mainly defensive player behind a forward 后卫
9. 可数名词 the position of such a player
10. 不可数名词 You use out back to refer to the area behind a house or other building. You also use in back to refer to the rear part of something, especially a car or building. (房屋等建筑物的) 后面; (车、建筑物等的) 后部 [美国英语]
- Dan informed her that he would be out back on the patio cleaning his shoes. 丹告诉她说,他要到后面露台上弄干净他的鞋子。
- ...the trees in back of the building. …大楼后面的树。
11. 习语 If you say that something was done behind someone's back, you disapprove of it because it was done without them knowing about it, in an unfair or dishonest way. 背地里 [表不满]
- You eat her food, enjoy her hospitality and then criticize her behind her back. 你吃她的饭菜,享受她的热情款待,然后在背地里却批评她。
12. 习语 If two or more things are done back to back, one follows immediately after the other without any interruption. 接连相继地
- ...two half-hour shows, which will be screened back to back. …将被相继播放的两场半小时的表演。
13. → see also back-to-back
14. 习语 If you are wearing something back to front, you are wearing it with the back of it at the front of your body. If you do something back to front, you do it the wrong way around, starting with the part that should come last. (穿) 反; (做事) 首尾颠倒 [英国英语]
15. to take a back seat →see seat
(backing, backed,backs)
1. 不及物动词 If a building backs onto something, the back of it faces in the direction of that thing or touches the edge of that thing. (指建筑物) 背朝; 背靠
- He lives in a loft that backs onto Friedman's Bar. 他住在一间背朝弗里德曼酒吧的阁楼里。
2. 及物动词/不及物动词 When you back a car or other vehicle somewhere or when it backs somewhere, it moves backward. 倒 (车); (车) 倒退
- He backed his car out of the drive. 他把车倒出车道。
3. 及物动词 If you back a person or a course of action, you support them, for example, by voting for them or giving them money. 支持
- His defence says it has found a new witness to back his claim that he is a victim of mistaken identity. 他的辩词称已经找到一位新的证人来证实他是弄错了的身份的受害者。
4. 及物动词 If you back a particular person, team, or horse in a competition, you predict that they will win, and usually you bet money that they will win. 下赌注于
- She backed the Detroit Lions to beat the Chicago Bears by at least 20-10. 她下注赌底特律狮队至少会以20-10击败芝加哥熊队。
5. 及物动词 If a singer is backed by a band or by other singers, they provide the musical background for the singer. 为…伴奏; 为…伴唱 [usu passive]
- She chose to be backed by a classy trio of acoustic guitar, bass and congas. 她选择了用原声吉他、低音吉他和康茄鼓组成的经典三重奏组合为自己伴奏。
(backing, backed,backs)
1. 不及物动词 If a building backs onto something, the back of it faces in the direction of that thing or touches the edge of that thing. (指建筑物) 背朝; 背靠
- He lives in a loft that backs onto Friedman's Bar. 他住在一间背朝弗里德曼酒吧的阁楼里。
2. 及物动词/不及物动词 When you back a car or other vehicle somewhere or when it backs somewhere, it moves backward. 倒 (车); (车) 倒退
- He backed his car out of the drive. 他把车倒出车道。
3. 及物动词 If you back a person or a course of action, you support them, for example, by voting for them or giving them money. 支持
- His defence says it has found a new witness to back his claim that he is a victim of mistaken identity. 他的辩词称已经找到一位新的证人来证实他是弄错了的身份的受害者。
4. 及物动词 If you back a particular person, team, or horse in a competition, you predict that they will win, and usually you bet money that they will win. 下赌注于
- She backed the Detroit Lions to beat the Chicago Bears by at least 20-10. 她下注赌底特律狮队至少会以20-10击败芝加哥熊队。
5. 及物动词 If a singer is backed by a band or by other singers, they provide the musical background for the singer. 为…伴奏; 为…伴唱 [usu passive]
- She chose to be backed by a classy trio of acoustic guitar, bass and congas. 她选择了用原声吉他、低音吉他和康茄鼓组成的经典三重奏组合为自己伴奏。
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典