
- 英语>简体中文, 会计词汇手册
the law of averages 另见law
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
/ˈævərɪdʒ, ˈævrɪdʒ/
(averaging, averaged,averages)
1. 可数名词 An average is the result that you get when you add two or more numbers together and divide the total by the number of numbers you added together. 平均数
- Take the average of those ratios and multiply by a hundred. 取那些比例的平均数再乘以100。
2. 形容词Average is also an adjective. 平均的 [ADJ n]
- The average price of goods rose by just 2.2%. 商品的平均价格仅上涨了2.2%。
3. 单数型名词 You use average to refer to a number or size that varies but is always approximately the same. 平均值
- It takes an average of ten weeks for a house sale to be completed. 平均需要10周的时间才能完成一幢房子的销售。
4. 单数型名词 An amount or quality that is the average is the normal amount or quality for a particular group of things or people. 一般水平
- 35% of staff time was being spent on repeating work, about the average for a service industry. 员工35%的时间花费在重复劳动上,大约是服务业的一般水平。
5. 形容词Average is also an adjective. 正常标准的
- $2.20 for a beer is average. 一瓶啤酒$2.20是一般价位。
6. 形容词 An average person or thing is typical or normal. 普通的 [ADJ n]
- The average adult man burns 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day. 一个普通成年男子每天消耗1500到2000卡路里热量。
7. 形容词 Something that is average is neither very good nor very bad, usually when you had hoped it would be better. 平平的
- I was only average academically. 我的学业成绩只能算平平。
8. 及物动词 To average a particular amount means to do, get, or produce that amount as an average over a period of time. 平均为
- We averaged 42 miles per hour. 我们平均时速为42英里。
9. 习语 You say on average or on the average to indicate that a number is the average of several numbers. 按平均值
- Shares rose, on average, by 38%. 股值平均上涨了38%。
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