A chest. 箱;柜。
The oblong box containing the Covenant, or tables of the Law, in the Jewish Tabernacle (Exodus 25; 1 Kings 8). 【圣】约柜(藏着刻有十诫之石板之长方形柜子)。
The ship in which Noah and his family remained during the Deluge (Genesis 6). 【圣】方舟(诺亚及其家人在大洪水时所乘以避难之船)。
Hence, a place of safety or refuge. 安全地;避难之地。
Also, a large, roomy boat. 大船。
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. 【圣经】 (挪亚(Noah)为避洪水而造的)方舟(见《创世记》)
See also: Noah's Ark
2. <文> (refuge) 避难所;安全的地方
- The museum has been an ark holding the natural history which has been all around us but has been altered over time. 博物馆成了一个安全之地, 保存着那些一直在我们身边、却随时间流逝而改变的自然历史。
3. <方> (chest) 柜子;盒子;箱子
- gods accompanied by priests carrying emblems and an ark full of objects of mysterious significance 众神由佩戴徽章、携带满箱颇具神秘意义物品的祭司陪同
4. out of the ark<英,非正式> 极古老的;过时的
- The car's cramped-up driving position is straight out of the ark. 这辆车狭窄的驾驶室已经十分老旧。
1. 【圣经】 (挪亚(Noah)为避洪水而造的)方舟(见《创世记》)
See also: Noah's Ark
2. <文> (refuge) 避难所;安全的地方
- The museum has been an ark holding the natural history which has been all around us but has been altered over time. 博物馆成了一个安全之地, 保存着那些一直在我们身边、却随时间流逝而改变的自然历史。
3. <方> (chest) 柜子;盒子;箱子
- gods accompanied by priests carrying emblems and an ark full of objects of mysterious significance 众神由佩戴徽章、携带满箱颇具神秘意义物品的祭司陪同
4. out of the ark<英,非正式> 极古老的;过时的
- The car's cramped-up driving position is straight out of the ark. 这辆车狭窄的驾驶室已经十分老旧。
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
1. Often Ark Bible In the Old Testament, the chest containing the Ten Commandments written on stone tablets, carried by the Hebrews during their desert wanderings.Also called Ark of the Covenant 常作 Ark 【圣经】 约柜,法柜:旧约中,内置刻有十诫的石板的柜子,希伯来人在沙漠迁徙中携带也作 Ark of the Covenant
2. Often Ark Judaism The Holy Ark 常作 Ark 【犹太教】 圣约柜
3. Bible In the Old Testament, the boat built by Noah for survival during the Flood. 【圣经】 方舟:旧约中,诺亚为避洪水而造的船
4. Nautical A large, commodious boat. 【航海】 一种大的,宽敞的船
5. A shelter or refuge. 避难处,庇护所
1. Often Ark Bible In the Old Testament, the chest containing the Ten Commandments written on stone tablets, carried by the Hebrews during their desert wanderings.Also called Ark of the Covenant 常作 Ark 【圣经】 约柜,法柜:旧约中,内置刻有十诫的石板的柜子,希伯来人在沙漠迁徙中携带也作 Ark of the Covenant
2. Often Ark Judaism The Holy Ark 常作 Ark 【犹太教】 圣约柜
3. Bible In the Old Testament, the boat built by Noah for survival during the Flood. 【圣经】 方舟:旧约中,诺亚为避洪水而造的船
4. Nautical A large, commodious boat. 【航海】 一种大的,宽敞的船
5. A shelter or refuge. 避难处,庇护所
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
方舟, 大船
- Ancient Egyptians sailed in arks. 古埃及人用大船航行。
方舟, 大船
- Ancient Egyptians sailed in arks. 古埃及人用大船航行。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
be out of the 'ark; went out with the 'ark(BrE,spoken)
(of an object or a custom 物品或风俗) extremely old or old-fashioned 极为古老;十分陈旧;过时:
She was using a dictionary that was straight out of the ark. 她用的是一本老掉牙的词典。
ORIGIN This idiom refers to a story in the Bible. The arkwas a large boat which Noah built to save his family and two of every type of animal from the flood. 这个习语源于《圣经》中的故事。ark﹙方舟﹚是挪亚为其家人和一对对动物躲避洪水而建造的大船。
be out of the 'ark; went out with the 'ark(BrE,spoken)
(of an object or a custom 物品或风俗) extremely old or old-fashioned 极为古老;十分陈旧;过时:
She was using a dictionary that was straight out of the ark. 她用的是一本老掉牙的词典。
ORIGIN This idiom refers to a story in the Bible. The arkwas a large boat which Noah built to save his family and two of every type of animal from the flood. 这个习语源于《圣经》中的故事。ark﹙方舟﹚是挪亚为其家人和一对对动物躲避洪水而建造的大船。
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
【圣】方舟(世界大洪水时Noah所乘的大船, 见旧约创世纪第六章; [喻]避难所
[Ark ]【圣】约柜
[美]大平底船, 河船
Ark of the Covenant
have been born in the ark (=have come out of the ark)
老古董; 头脑陈旧
Noah's ark
挪亚方舟; 装有各种动物的玩具船
touch the ark
亵渎圣物; 冒渎神圣
lay hands on the ark
亵渎圣物; 冒渎神圣
【圣】方舟(世界大洪水时Noah所乘的大船, 见旧约创世纪第六章; [喻]避难所
[Ark ]【圣】约柜
[美]大平底船, 河船
Ark of the Covenant
have been born in the ark (=have come out of the ark)
老古董; 头脑陈旧
Noah's ark
挪亚方舟; 装有各种动物的玩具船
touch the ark
亵渎圣物; 冒渎神圣
lay hands on the ark
亵渎圣物; 冒渎神圣
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
单数型名词 In the Bible, the ark was a large boat that Noah built in order to save his family and two of every kind of animal from the Flood. (《圣经》中诺亚的)方舟 [usu 'the' N]
单数型名词 In the Bible, the ark was a large boat that Noah built in order to save his family and two of every kind of animal from the Flood. (《圣经》中诺亚的)方舟 [usu 'the' N]
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典