<贬> 盛气凌人的样子;高高在上的姿态
to give yourself airs or to put on airs 摆出盛气凌人的样子;摆架子
airs and graces 盛气凌人;高高在上;架子
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
n. 自动信息检索系统
n. 自动信息检索系统
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
,airs and 'graces (BrE,disapproving)
behaviour which is elegant but unnatural and intended to impress others 摆架子;矫揉造作;惺惺作态:
Her airs and graces didn’t impress her fellow students at all. 她装模作样的表现根本没有引起同学的注意。
,give yourself/,put ,on 'airs
behave in a way which shows that you feel you are important 摆架子; 装腔作势:
The nice thing about her is that, in spite of being so rich, she doesn’t put on any airs. 她的可爱之处在于,尽管很有钱,可是她并不趾高气扬的。
,airs and 'graces (BrE,disapproving)
behaviour which is elegant but unnatural and intended to impress others 摆架子;矫揉造作;惺惺作态:
Her airs and graces didn’t impress her fellow students at all. 她装模作样的表现根本没有引起同学的注意。
,give yourself/,put ,on 'airs
behave in a way which shows that you feel you are important 摆架子; 装腔作势:
The nice thing about her is that, in spite of being so rich, she doesn’t put on any airs. 她的可爱之处在于,尽管很有钱,可是她并不趾高气扬的。
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
复数型名词 affected manners intended to impress others (esp in the phrases give oneself airs, put on airs) 装腔作势
复数型名词 affected manners intended to impress others (esp in the phrases give oneself airs, put on airs) 装腔作势
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典