adiabatic quantum computation

adiabatic quantum computation
The theory of adiabatic quantum computation rests on the adiabatic theory, which says that as long as the path is traversed slowly enough the system will remain in the ground state, and thus at the end of computation it will be in the solutions state, the ground state of [the Hamiltonian] H1. […] Adiabatic quantum computation was introduced by Farhi, Goldstone, Gutmann, and Sipser. Childs, Farhi, and Preskill show that adiabatic quantum computation has some inherent protection against decoherence, which means that it may be a particularly good model both for designing robust implementations of quantum computers and robust algorithms
利用绝热量子演化原理进行计算的过程称为绝热量子计算。[...] 传统量子计算是一种用量子位作为量子信息载体,以一系列有序量子门 (酉矩阵) 的作用来完成量子演化的“数学式”计算方式;与传统量子计算相比,绝热量子计算是一宗不依赖量子门而依赖于自由时间演化和量子绝热理论的“模拟式”计算模式 [...]。
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