absence makes the heart grow fonder
4. absence makes the heart grow fonder 眼见不足奇, 远去心方惜;失去方知珍贵
- Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but some people believe the occasional absence is necessary for a happy relationship. 眼不见, 心更念。但有人觉得只有偶尔分离, 爱情才会保鲜。
See: absence
absence makes the heart grow fonder
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
absence makes the heart grow fonder
When we don't see someone or something for a long while, we rejoice all the more when we meet again. —A proverb.〖谚〗眼不见,心更念;久别情更深;离别倍相思。
- "How long will you be gone?" Sue asked, when her husband joined the marines. "Just six months," Joe answered. "It will be over soon; besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder!" 当她的丈夫参加海军陆战队时,苏问:“你要去多久啊?”乔回答说:“也就是6个月吧。这很快就会过去了;再说了,久别情更深嘛!”
When we don't see someone or something for a long while, we rejoice all the more when we meet again. —A proverb.〖谚〗眼不见,心更念;久别情更深;离别倍相思。
- "How long will you be gone?" Sue asked, when her husband joined the marines. "Just six months," Joe answered. "It will be over soon; besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder!" 当她的丈夫参加海军陆战队时,苏问:“你要去多久啊?”乔回答说:“也就是6个月吧。这很快就会过去了;再说了,久别情更深嘛!”
- 英语>简体中文, 美国习语词典