Bell's theorem
Bell's theorem
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Bell's theorem
Bell's theorem is the most famous legacy of the late John Bell and in many ways explains all of this. His theorem is notable for showing that the predictions of quantum mechanics (QM) differ from those of intuition. It is simple and elegant, and touches upon fundamental philosophical issues that relate to modern physics. In its simplest form, Bell's theorem states: No physical theory of local hidden variables can ever reproduce all of the predictions of quantum mechanics. In other words, Bell says that reality itself is indefinable. Like all quantum mechanics, as soon as you begin to break matter down into its smallest particles, you find that there is no “God Particle” but instead you find the equation turns somewhere in-between zero (nothingness) and infinity (indefinable).
贝尔不等式基于爱因斯坦定域性假设提出,但经过一系列实验检验以后却发现量子力学预期虽然破坏了贝尔不等式,却仍然有效,也就是说定域性假设对量子力学不具有约束性,即不是判定量子力学完备性的必要条件。由此形成了“贝尔定理”,贝尔定理是一组理论结果的集合名称,而所有这些结果都显示了量子力学的定域实在性解释是不可能的。[...] 而贝尔不等式的发现和贝尔定理的形成,正有力地支持了量子力学非定域性。
Bell's theorem is the most famous legacy of the late John Bell and in many ways explains all of this. His theorem is notable for showing that the predictions of quantum mechanics (QM) differ from those of intuition. It is simple and elegant, and touches upon fundamental philosophical issues that relate to modern physics. In its simplest form, Bell's theorem states: No physical theory of local hidden variables can ever reproduce all of the predictions of quantum mechanics. In other words, Bell says that reality itself is indefinable. Like all quantum mechanics, as soon as you begin to break matter down into its smallest particles, you find that there is no “God Particle” but instead you find the equation turns somewhere in-between zero (nothingness) and infinity (indefinable).
贝尔不等式基于爱因斯坦定域性假设提出,但经过一系列实验检验以后却发现量子力学预期虽然破坏了贝尔不等式,却仍然有效,也就是说定域性假设对量子力学不具有约束性,即不是判定量子力学完备性的必要条件。由此形成了“贝尔定理”,贝尔定理是一组理论结果的集合名称,而所有这些结果都显示了量子力学的定域实在性解释是不可能的。[...] 而贝尔不等式的发现和贝尔定理的形成,正有力地支持了量子力学非定域性。
- 英语>简体中文, 专利术语