鯨 鲸
鲸鱼 逆戟鲸 鲸鲨 杀人鲸 须鲸 抹香鲸 座头鲸 虎鲸 驼背鲸 蓝鲸 白鲸 捕鲸船 蚕食鲸吞
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

(also 鲸鱼 〈俗〉) 名 【动】 whale:
- 雌鲸 cow whale
- 雄鲸 bull whale
- 幼鲸 whale calf
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典

哺乳动物,种类很多,生活在海洋中,胎生,形状像鱼,体长可达30多米,是现在世界上最大的动物,前肢形成鳍,后肢完全退化,尾巴变成尾鳍,鼻孔在头的上部,用肺呼吸。肉可以吃,脂肪可以制油,用于医药和其他工业。俗称鲸鱼。 {whale; viviparous aquatic mammal of a large variety that lives in the sea and superficially resembles a large fish, its body length can reach 30 metres or more. It is the largest living animal in the world, whose forelegs have evolved into fins, whose hind legs have totally degenerated and whose tail has changed into the caudal fin. Its nostrils are situated on the upper part of the head, and it breathes with lungs; its meat is edible, and its fat can be used to produce oil, and is used in pharmaceuticals and other industries. 俗称 popularly called 鲸鱼 jīngyú}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

- 一头/条鲸 a whale
- 捕鲸 hunt whales
- 雌/雄鲸 cow/bull whale
- 幼鲸 whale calf
- 捕鲸船 whaling ship; whaler; whale catcher
- 捕鲸区 whale fishery
- 捕鲸者 whaler
- 鲸叫声 whale song
- 搁浅的鲸 beached/stranded whale
- 一头鲸把水柱高高地喷向空中。 A whale blows a jet of spray high in the air.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典