[líng qiāo suì dǎ]
to do things in bits and pieces (idiom); piecemeal work
⇒ 零打碎敲
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
(also 零打碎敲) 〈成〉 do sth. bit by bit, off and on; adopt a piecemeal approach:
- 把这事一气儿解决了吧,别零敲碎打了。 Let's settle the matter at one stroke, not piecemeal. or Let's do this at one go, not bit by bit.
(also 零打碎敲) 〈成〉 do sth. bit by bit, off and on; adopt a piecemeal approach:
- 把这事一气儿解决了吧,别零敲碎打了。 Let's settle the matter at one stroke, not piecemeal. or Let's do this at one go, not bit by bit.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
líng qiāo suì dǎ
指以零零碎碎、断断续续的方式进行或处理。 {do sth. bit by bit, off and on; adopt a piecemeal approach;}也说 also: 零打碎敲 {líng dǎ suì qiāo}。
líng qiāo suì dǎ
指以零零碎碎、断断续续的方式进行或处理。 {do sth. bit by bit, off and on; adopt a piecemeal approach;}也说 also: 零打碎敲 {líng dǎ suì qiāo}。
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
<熟> do sth bit by bit; do sth off and on; do sth in bits and pieces; adopt a piecemeal approach
- 这本书他零敲碎打地写了一年才完成。 He worked piecemeal on the book and it took him a whole year to finish it.
<熟> do sth bit by bit; do sth off and on; do sth in bits and pieces; adopt a piecemeal approach
- 这本书他零敲碎打地写了一年才完成。 He worked piecemeal on the book and it took him a whole year to finish it.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典