輪胎 轮胎
[lún tāi]
tire; pneumatic tire
⇒ 辋 外带 带 车带 胎 轮箍 軚 车胎 游泳圈 备胎 胶轮 胎压 爆胎 救生圈 疲倦 补胎片 胎面 补胎 不厌 累死累活 乐此不疲
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
(also 轮带 〈口〉,车胎 〈通〉) 名 tyre:
- 轮胎爆了 have a blowout
- 轮胎瘪了 have a flat tyre
- 给轮胎充气(放气) pump up (deflate) a tyre
- 轮胎花纹 tyre tread
- 轮胎气压 tyre pressure
- 轮胎防滑链 tyre chain
- 轮胎帘子线 tyre cord
- 轮胎压力计 tyre pressure gauge
- 备用轮胎 spare tyre
- 翻制轮胎 retreaded tyre
- 防滑轮胎 antiskid (or nonskid) tyre
- 双层轮胎 two-ply tyre
(also 轮带 〈口〉,车胎 〈通〉) 名 tyre:
- 轮胎爆了 have a blowout
- 轮胎瘪了 have a flat tyre
- 给轮胎充气(放气) pump up (deflate) a tyre
- 轮胎花纹 tyre tread
- 轮胎气压 tyre pressure
- 轮胎防滑链 tyre chain
- 轮胎帘子线 tyre cord
- 轮胎压力计 tyre pressure gauge
- 备用轮胎 spare tyre
- 翻制轮胎 retreaded tyre
- 防滑轮胎 antiskid (or nonskid) tyre
- 双层轮胎 two-ply tyre
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
汽车、拖拉机、自行车等的轮子外围安装的环形橡胶制品,一般分内胎、外胎两层。内胎较薄,可以充气;外胎较厚,耐磨,可以保护内胎。轮胎充气后,能够减弱沿地面行驶时产生的震动。 {tyre; circular rubber product (usu. in two parts:
the inner tube and the exterior tyre) installed on the rim of wheels of an automobile, a tractor, a bicycle, etc. The inner tube is thin and air can be pumped into it, while the thick and durable exterior tyre protects the interior one, and after air is pumped in, tyres can reduce shocks on a vehicle.}通称 {generally called}车胎 {chētāi}或 {or}轮带 {lúndài}。
汽车、拖拉机、自行车等的轮子外围安装的环形橡胶制品,一般分内胎、外胎两层。内胎较薄,可以充气;外胎较厚,耐磨,可以保护内胎。轮胎充气后,能够减弱沿地面行驶时产生的震动。 {tyre; circular rubber product (usu. in two parts:
the inner tube and the exterior tyre) installed on the rim of wheels of an automobile, a tractor, a bicycle, etc. The inner tube is thin and air can be pumped into it, while the thick and durable exterior tyre protects the interior one, and after air is pumped in, tyres can reduce shocks on a vehicle.}通称 {generally called}车胎 {chētāi}或 {or}轮带 {lúndài}。
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 tyre
- 一个/只轮胎 a tyre
- 安装轮胎 tyre a wheel
- 翻新轮胎 recap/retread a tyre
- 给轮胎充气 get a tyre blown up; pump up a tyre
- 给轮胎放气 deflate a tyre
- 划破轮胎 rip a tyre
- 轮胎爆了 have a blowout/the tyre bursts
- 轮胎瘪了/漏气 have a flat tyre
- 轮胎成型机 tyre building machine
- 轮胎承载能力 tyre capacity
- 备用轮胎 spare tyre
- 翻新轮胎 retreaded tyre
- 防滑轮胎 antiskid/nonskid tyre
- 全天候轮胎 all season tyre
- 双层轮胎 two-ply tyre
- 越野轮胎 cross-country tyre
名 tyre
- 一个/只轮胎 a tyre
- 安装轮胎 tyre a wheel
- 翻新轮胎 recap/retread a tyre
- 给轮胎充气 get a tyre blown up; pump up a tyre
- 给轮胎放气 deflate a tyre
- 划破轮胎 rip a tyre
- 轮胎爆了 have a blowout/the tyre bursts
- 轮胎瘪了/漏气 have a flat tyre
- 轮胎成型机 tyre building machine
- 轮胎承载能力 tyre capacity
- 备用轮胎 spare tyre
- 翻新轮胎 retreaded tyre
- 防滑轮胎 antiskid/nonskid tyre
- 全天候轮胎 all season tyre
- 双层轮胎 two-ply tyre
- 越野轮胎 cross-country tyre
lúntāi fánghuáliàn
名 tyre chain
lúntāi fánghuáliàn
名 tyre chain
lúntāi liánzixiàn
名 tyre cord
lúntāi liánzixiàn
名 tyre cord
lúntāi yālìjì
名 tyre pressure gauge
lúntāi yālìjì
名 tyre pressure gauge
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典