西晉 西晋
[Xī Jìn]
Western Jin dynasty (265-316)
⇒ 刘毅 晋 司马炎 陈寿 刘渊
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
Xī Jìn
朝代,公元265—317,自武帝(司马炎)泰始元年起,到愍帝(司马邺)建兴五年止。建都洛阳。 {Western Jin, a dynasty that began in 265, the 1st year of the Taishi reign of Emperor Wudi (Sima Yan), to 317, the 5th year of the Jianxing reign of Emperor Mindi (Sima Ye), with Luoyang as the capital}
Xī Jìn
朝代,公元265—317,自武帝(司马炎)泰始元年起,到愍帝(司马邺)建兴五年止。建都洛阳。 {Western Jin, a dynasty that began in 265, the 1st year of the Taishi reign of Emperor Wudi (Sima Yan), to 317, the 5th year of the Jianxing reign of Emperor Mindi (Sima Ye), with Luoyang as the capital}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
xī jìn
名 Western Jin Dynasty (265-317)
xī jìn
名 Western Jin Dynasty (265-317)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典