蜂窩煤 蜂窝煤
[fēng wō méi]
hexagonal household coal briquette
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
【所属学科】 煤炭科技→煤炭加工利用→粉煤成型
【英文术语】honeycomb briquette
【定 义】 横断面中部有多个垂直通风圆孔,状似蜂窝的型煤。有无烟煤蜂窝煤和烟煤蜂窝煤等。
【所属学科】 煤炭科技→煤炭加工利用→粉煤成型
【英文术语】honeycomb briquette
【定 义】 横断面中部有多个垂直通风圆孔,状似蜂窝的型煤。有无烟煤蜂窝煤和烟煤蜂窝煤等。
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
煤末搀适量石灰或黏土加水和匀,用模型压制成的短圆柱形燃料,有许多上下贯通的孔。 {honeycomb coal briquet; short cylindrical moulded coal block with evenly-spaced holes, made of coal dust mixed with lime or clay, and water, used as fuel by stacking the blocks on top of each other so the holes line up, and the fire can burn upward}�
煤末搀适量石灰或黏土加水和匀,用模型压制成的短圆柱形燃料,有许多上下贯通的孔。 {honeycomb coal briquet; short cylindrical moulded coal block with evenly-spaced holes, made of coal dust mixed with lime or clay, and water, used as fuel by stacking the blocks on top of each other so the holes line up, and the fire can burn upward}�
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典