離不開 离不开
[lí bu kāi]
⇒ 不可分离 相亲相爱 不可分割 密不可分 比翼齐飞 形影不离 形影相随 死党 生死搭档 双宿双飞 鹣鹣 缱绻
inevitably linked to
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 can't do without; be inseparable from:
- 鱼儿离不开水。 Fish cannot live without water.
2 can't leave; must attend to:
- 离不开身 be fully occupied or be very much needed and unable to leave for a moment
- 离不开手儿 have one's hands full; too busy to get away from what one is doing; be too busy with the job on hand
- 离不开眼儿 must always keep an eye on
- 他的病很重,身边离不开人。 He is very ill, and needs someone to watch over him all the time.
1 can't do without; be inseparable from:
- 鱼儿离不开水。 Fish cannot live without water.
2 can't leave; must attend to:
- 离不开身 be fully occupied or be very much needed and unable to leave for a moment
- 离不开手儿 have one's hands full; too busy to get away from what one is doing; be too busy with the job on hand
- 离不开眼儿 must always keep an eye on
- 他的病很重,身边离不开人。 He is very ill, and needs someone to watch over him all the time.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典