【所属学科】 医学→医学美学与美容医学
【英文术语】laser scalpel
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 医学→烧伤外科学
【英文术语】laser scalpel
【所属学科】 医学→烧伤外科学
【英文术语】laser scalpel
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
用激光代替手术刀进行手术的医疗装置。激光有单一方向性,能量密度高,可利用其热效应、光效应和电磁效应等切割身体组织。用激光刀进行手术,切口平滑,出血少,不易感染。常用的有二氧化碳激光刀、氩激光刀等。 {laser scalpel; medical device used in operations in place of a conventional scalpel. A laser beam does not diverge, maintains a high energy density and can be used to cut body tissue with its heat and luminous and electromagnetic effects. Surgery with a laser scalpel leaves a smooth cut, causes minimal bleeding and carries a low risk of infection. The carbon dioxide laser and argon laser scalpels are most often used.}
用激光代替手术刀进行手术的医疗装置。激光有单一方向性,能量密度高,可利用其热效应、光效应和电磁效应等切割身体组织。用激光刀进行手术,切口平滑,出血少,不易感染。常用的有二氧化碳激光刀、氩激光刀等。 {laser scalpel; medical device used in operations in place of a conventional scalpel. A laser beam does not diverge, maintains a high energy density and can be used to cut body tissue with its heat and luminous and electromagnetic effects. Surgery with a laser scalpel leaves a smooth cut, causes minimal bleeding and carries a low risk of infection. The carbon dioxide laser and argon laser scalpels are most often used.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典