拳頭 拳头
[quán tou]
⇒ 拳 铁腕 铁拳 殴斗 粉拳 拳脚 南拳 华拳 咏春 劈挂拳 咏春拳 拳棒 赤手空拳 握拳 翻子拳 梅花拳 豹拳 地躺拳 泰拳 狗拳 查拳 花拳绣腿 猴拳 龙形拳 绵里藏针 饱以老拳 黑虎拳 八极拳 兽术 抱拳
clenched fist
competitive (product)
⇒ 好胜 竞技性 竞相 争强好胜 竞争性 较劲 竞争力 差额选举 拳头产品 等额选举 新锐 红海 内卷 一山不容二虎 利基 卡位 考入
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名 fist:
- 举起拳头喊口号 raise one's fist and shout slogans
- 医生为他清理伤口时他疼得直攥拳头。 He clenched his fists in agony as the doctor cleaned the wound.
II 形 (of products) of good quality and competitiveness; knockout
- 拳头产品 competitive (or knockout) products
I 名 fist:
- 举起拳头喊口号 raise one's fist and shout slogans
- 医生为他清理伤口时他疼得直攥拳头。 He clenched his fists in agony as the doctor cleaned the wound.
II 形 (of products) of good quality and competitiveness; knockout
- 拳头产品 competitive (or knockout) products
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
quán·tóu手指向内弯曲合拢的手 {fist; a bunch of fives; mauley; dukes}:
- 把~握得紧紧的 {clench one's fists; with clenched fists}
- 举起~喊口号。 {raise one's fist and shout slogans}
quán·tóu手指向内弯曲合拢的手 {fist; a bunch of fives; mauley; dukes}:
- 把~握得紧紧的 {clench one's fists; with clenched fists}
- 举起~喊口号。 {raise one's fist and shout slogans}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 fist
- 挨一顿拳头 be beaten up
- 举起拳头 raise one's fist
- 握紧拳头 clench one's fist
- 他怒气冲冲地向我晃晃拳头。 He shook his fist at me in anger.
名 fist
- 挨一顿拳头 be beaten up
- 举起拳头 raise one's fist
- 握紧拳头 clench one's fist
- 他怒气冲冲地向我晃晃拳头。 He shook his fist at me in anger.
quántou chǎnpǐn
名 knockout product; highly competitive product; key product
quántou chǎnpǐn
名 knockout product; highly competitive product; key product
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
a bunch of fives; duke; fist; mauley
a bunch of fives; duke; fist; mauley
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典