如膠似漆 如胶似漆
[rú jiāo sì qī]
stuck together as by glue (of lovers)
joined at the hip
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
〈成〉 stick to each other like glue or lacquer; remain glued to each other; be deeply attached to each other
〈成〉 stick to each other like glue or lacquer; remain glued to each other; be deeply attached to each other
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
rú jiāo sì qī
形容感情深厚,难舍难分。 {stick to each other like glue or lacquer; be deeply attached to each other}
rú jiāo sì qī
形容感情深厚,难舍难分。 {stick to each other like glue or lacquer; be deeply attached to each other}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
<熟> stick to each other like glue or lacquer—be love-struck; be deeply attached to each other; be inseparable; be fast friends; be deeply in love with each other
- 那对新婚夫妻如胶似漆,总是成双成对出入。 The bridal couple are love-struck; they are holding hands whenever they are seen.
<熟> stick to each other like glue or lacquer—be love-struck; be deeply attached to each other; be inseparable; be fast friends; be deeply in love with each other
- 那对新婚夫妻如胶似漆,总是成双成对出入。 The bridal couple are love-struck; they are holding hands whenever they are seen.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典