國民經濟 国民经济
[guó mín jīng jì]
national economy
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
guómín jīngjì
名 national economy:
- 国民经济计划 national economic plan
guómín jīngjì
名 national economy:
- 国民经济计划 national economic plan
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
guómín jīngjì
一个国家的生产、流通、分配和消费的总体,包括各个生产部门和为生产服务的流通部门,如工业、农业、建筑业、交通运输业、商业等,也包括文化、教育、科学研究、医药卫生等非生产部门。 {national economy; overall activity of a country in production, circulation, distribution and consumption, including various production sectors and circulation sectors serving production, e.g. industry, agriculture, building, communications and transport, commerce, etc., as well as non-production sectors like culture, education, scientific research, medicine, etc.}
guómín jīngjì
一个国家的生产、流通、分配和消费的总体,包括各个生产部门和为生产服务的流通部门,如工业、农业、建筑业、交通运输业、商业等,也包括文化、教育、科学研究、医药卫生等非生产部门。 {national economy; overall activity of a country in production, circulation, distribution and consumption, including various production sectors and circulation sectors serving production, e.g. industry, agriculture, building, communications and transport, commerce, etc., as well as non-production sectors like culture, education, scientific research, medicine, etc.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
ɡuómín jīnɡjì
名 national economy
- 发展国民经济 develop the national economy
- 国民经济部门 sector of national economy
- 国民经济持续、稳定、协调的发展 sustained, stable and coordinated growth of the national economy
- 国民经济的内部比例 proportions between various branches of the national economy
- 国民经济计划 national economic plan; plan of national economy
- 国民经济模式 national economic model
- 国民经济有计划按比例的发展 planned and proportionate development of the national economy
- 国民经济总体平衡 overall balance in the national economy
ɡuómín jīnɡjì
名 national economy
- 发展国民经济 develop the national economy
- 国民经济部门 sector of national economy
- 国民经济持续、稳定、协调的发展 sustained, stable and coordinated growth of the national economy
- 国民经济的内部比例 proportions between various branches of the national economy
- 国民经济计划 national economic plan; plan of national economy
- 国民经济模式 national economic model
- 国民经济有计划按比例的发展 planned and proportionate development of the national economy
- 国民经济总体平衡 overall balance in the national economy
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典