發癢 发痒
[fā yǎng]
to tickle
⇒ 挠痒痒 痒痒 胳肢 痒 搔痒
to itch
⇒ 痒 痒痒 手痒 瘙痒 抓搔 抓痒 技痒
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 itch; tickle:
- 背上发痒 have an itch on one's back
2 itch for; long for; have a restless desire for
1 itch; tickle:
- 背上发痒 have an itch on one's back
2 itch for; long for; have a restless desire for
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
动 itch; tickle
- 鼻子发痒 one's nose itches
- 浑身发痒 itch all over
- 胡椒进入鼻孔会使人发痒。 Pepper itches if it gets into the nose. / Your nose itches if pepper gets into it. / Pepper causes your nose to itch.
- 蚊子咬的地方还在发痒。 Mosquito bites are still itching.
- 我的脚发痒。 I suffer/have/feel an itch in the feet. / My feet tickle/are tickling.
- 我的嗓子有点儿发痒,弄得我咳嗽。 I've got a slight tickle in my throat and it's making me cough.
动 have an itch for sth
动 itch; tickle
- 鼻子发痒 one's nose itches
- 浑身发痒 itch all over
- 胡椒进入鼻孔会使人发痒。 Pepper itches if it gets into the nose. / Your nose itches if pepper gets into it. / Pepper causes your nose to itch.
- 蚊子咬的地方还在发痒。 Mosquito bites are still itching.
- 我的脚发痒。 I suffer/have/feel an itch in the feet. / My feet tickle/are tickling.
- 我的嗓子有点儿发痒,弄得我咳嗽。 I've got a slight tickle in my throat and it's making me cough.
动 have an itch for sth
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
itch; tickle
itch; tickle
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典