- A frame
- a posteriori probability
- a priori probability
- A-display
- A-frame
- A-scope
- AC arc welding
- AC commutator motor
- AC machine
- AC motor
- API hydrometer
- API scale
- aback
- abaft
- abalone
- abeam
- ablation
- ablatograph
- abnormal injection
- abnormal tide
- abnormal voltage
- aboard
- above deck equipment
- abrasion
- abrasion mark
- abrasion platform
- abrasion surface
- abrasion test
- abrasive blasting
- abrasive wheel
- abreast
- absolute electrostatic unit
- absolute error
- absolute humidity
- absolute manometer
- absolute potential
- absolute pressure
- absolute stability
- absolute temperature
- absolute unit
- absolute vacuum
- absolute value
- absolute velocity
- absolute viscosity
- absolute zero
- absorbent
- absorber
- absorbing circuit
- absorption
- absorption coefficient
- absorption cross section
- absorption current
- absorption factor
- absorption loss
- absorption machine
- absorptivity
- abyssal
- abyssal plain
- abyssopelagic
- Acanthocephala
- accelerated aging
- accelerated corrosion test
- accelerating device
- accelerating nozzle
- acceleration feedback
- acceleration transducer
- accelerator
- accelerator mass spectrometry
- accelerometer
- acceptable defect level
- acceptable quality level
- acceptable reliability level
- acceptance check
- acceptance cone
- acceptance inspection
- access
- access and benefit sharing of genetic resources
- access door
- access hatch
- access hole
- access ladder
- access opening
- accessibility
- accessory
- accessory machinery
- accident boat
- accident-prone
- acclimation
- acclimatization
- accommodation
- accommodation deck
- accommodation ladder
- accommodation plan
- accommodation space
- accretion
- accretion ridge
- accretion vein
- accretionary lapilli
- accretionary lava ball
- accretionary prism
- accretionary ridge
- accretionary wedge
- accumulated island
- accumulation
- accumulation rate
- accumulation test
- accumulator
- accumulator box
- accumulator cell
- accuracy
- accuracy control
- acetate
- acetylene gas generator
- acetylene welding
- acid bath
- acid brick
- acid brittleness
- acid proof
- acid rain
- acid resistance
- acid resisting paint
- acid value
- acid-fast
- acid-proof brick
- acidification
- acidity
- Acoela
- acorn barnacle
- acoumeter
- acoustic absorption
- acoustic absorptivity
- acoustic board
- acoustic compliance
- acoustic correlation log
- acoustic dipole
- acoustic emission
- acoustic frequency
- acoustic impedance
- acoustic intensity
- acoustic mass
- acoustic medium
- acoustic mine
- acoustic modem
- acoustic noise
- acoustic positioning
- acoustic power
- acoustic pressure
- acoustic resistance
- acoustic resonance
- acoustic signature
- acoustic sounding
- acoustic transducer
- acoustic transponder
- acoustic velocity
- acoustic wave
- acoustics
- acquisition
- acrylate
- acrylic acid
- act of god
- acting surface
- Actiniaria
- Actinoceras
- actinodont
- Actinophycus
- Actinopterygii
- Actinostroma
- activated sludge process
- activation
- activation analysis
- activation energy
- active alignment
- active carbon
- active earth pressure
- active fault
- active force
- active metal
- active noise control
- active plate
- active rudder
- active sensor
- active sonar
- active volcano
- activity
- activity coefficient
- actual efficiency
- actual pitch
- actual throat
- actual thrust
- actual velocity
- actuator
- adapter
- adaptive algorithm
- adaptive control
- adaptive delta modulation
- adaptive equalization
- adaptive equalizer