- a posteriori
- a posteriori probability
- a priori
- a priori estimate
- a priori probability
- abacus
- Abelian group
- abnormality
- abscissa
- absolute address
- absolute convergence
- absolute coordinate
- absolute deviation
- absolute error
- absolute magnitude
- absolute stability
- absolute term
- absolute value
- absorbing
- absorbing state
- absorption law
- absurdity
- acceleration
- acceptable quality level
- acceptance domain
- acceptance number
- access time
- accessibility
- accidental error
- accretive
- accumulation of rounding errors
- accumulation point
- accumulative carry
- accumulator
- accuracy
- achievable rate
- achievable region
- acnode
- acting
- action
- action limit
- action space
- active constraint
- activity
- activity analysis
- activity level
- activity vector
- actual measurement
- actual parameter
- acute angle
- acute triangle
- acyclic
- acyclic set
- adaptive control
- adaptive feedback control
- adaptive optimization
- adaptive system
- add
- addend
- adder
- adder-subtracter
- addition
- additive
- address
- adjacency
- adjacency matrix
- adjacent angle
- adjacent side
- adjoint
- adjoint equation
- adjoint function
- adjoint matrix
- adjoint operator
- adjoint variable
- admissible
- admissible control
- admissible error
- admissible hypothesis
- admissible variation
- advanced potential
- affine
- affine connection
- affine mapping
- affine transformation
- affinity
- affix
- aggregation
- algebra
- algebra of logic
- algebraic
- algebraic adder
- algebraic code
- algebraic decoding
- algebraic differential equation
- algebraic equation
- algebraic expression
- algebraic function
- algebraic identity
- algebraic language
- algebraic number
- algebraic sum
- algebraic topology
- algebraic transformation
- algorithm
- alignment
- alignment chart
- alligation
- almost
- almost periodic function
- almost sure convergence
- alphabetic code
- alternating direction implicit method
- alternating quantity
- alternating series
- alternative
- alternative hypothesis
- alternizer
- altitude
- amount of information
- amount of secrecy
- amplification
- amplification factor
- amplification matrix
- amplitude
- amplitude distortion
- amplitude modulation
- amplitude of vibration
- amplitude variation
- analog simulation
- analogue
- analogue computer
- analysis
- analysis of covariance
- analysis of variance
- analysis situs
- analytic
- analytic function
- analytic geometry
- analytic method
- analytic solution
- analytical model
- analyticity
- anamorphosis
- anchor ring
- angle
- angle of depression
- angle of elevation
- angle of incidence
- angle of inclination
- angle of intersection
- angle of reflection
- angle of rotation
- angular frequency
- angular magnification
- angular measure
- angular momentum
- angular transformation
- angular velocity
- anisotropic
- anisotropic scattering
- annihilation operator
- annihilator
- annuity
- annular region
- antecedent
- anti-logarithm
- anti-symmetric
- antiderivative
- antilogarithm
- antinomy
- antithetic variates
- aperiodic
- aperiodic component
- apex
- aphelion
- apolarity
- apothem
- applicability
- application
- applied mathematics
- applied probability
- appraisal
- approach
- approximant
- approximate calculation
- approximate error
- approximate method
- approximate solution
- approximate value
- approximation
- approximation theory
- arbitrary constant
- arbitrary function
- arbitrary origin
- arc
- arc length
- arch
- arcsine
- area
- argument