- a priori probability
- ab urbe condita
- Abbe number
- Abbe refractometer
- aberration
- aberration constant
- aberration ellipse
- aberration of light
- abiotic
- ablation
- ablatograph
- abnormal
- abnormal refraction
- abnormality
- abrasion
- abrasion mark
- abrasion platform
- abrasion surface
- abrazite
- absarokite
- abscissa
- absolute
- absolute acceleration
- absolute age
- absolute altimeter
- absolute altitude
- absolute black body
- absolute bolometric magnitude
- absolute brightness
- absolute ceiling
- absolute chronology
- absolute coordinate system
- absolute error
- absolute extremes
- absolute frequency
- absolute gradient
- absolute height
- absolute humidity
- absolute index of refraction
- absolute instability
- absolute magnitude
- absolute motion
- absolute parallax
- absolute photometry
- absolute proper motion
- absolute scale
- absolute scale of temperature
- absolute stability
- absolute temperature
- absolute temperature scale
- absolute time
- absolute unit
- absolute vacuum
- absolute value
- absolute velocity
- absolute viscosity
- absolute zero
- absorber
- absorbing medium
- absorbing power
- absorptance
- absorption
- absorption band
- absorption coefficient
- absorption cross-section
- absorption edge
- absorption factor
- absorption hygrometer
- absorption index
- absorption length
- absorption line
- absorption liquid
- absorption loss
- absorption spectrometer
- absorption spectrum
- absorptive power
- absorptivity
- abstraction
- abukumalite
- abundance
- abundance anomaly
- abysmal
- abyssal
- abyssal plain
- abyssopelagic
- acadialite
- Acadian
- acaustobiolith
- accelerated erosion
- accelerated motion
- accelerating force
- acceleration
- acceleration of gravity
- acceleration sensor
- accelerator
- accelerator mass spectrometry
- accelerometer
- acceptance region
- accessory element
- accessory ingredient
- accessory mineral
- accessory shock
- accidental ejecta
- accidental error
- acclimate
- acclimation
- acclimatization
- acclivity
- accommodation
- accommodation coefficient
- accordant junction
- accretion
- accretion disk
- accretion ridge
- accretion vein
- accretionary lapilli
- accretionary lava ball
- accretionary prism
- accretionary ridge
- accretionary wedge
- accumulated island
- accumulated temperature
- accumulation
- accumulation rate
- accumulator plant
- accuracy
- Acer
- Achernar
- Achilles
- achnakaite
- achondrite
- achroite
- achromat
- achromatic eyepiece
- achromatic objective
- achromatic telescope
- achromatism
- acicular
- aciculate
- acid deposition
- acid fume
- acid mist
- acid precipitation
- acid rain
- acidification
- acidity
- acidization
- acidizing
- acidulous water
- acinose
- acinous
- aclinic
- aclinic line
- acme
- acmite
- Acoela
- acoustic absorption
- acoustic admittance
- acoustic bearing
- acoustic frequency
- acoustic frequency generator
- acoustic mode
- acoustic pressure
- acoustic radar
- acoustic scattering
- acoustic sounding
- acoustic thermometer
- acoustic velocity
- acoustic wave
- acoustics
- acquisition
- acquisition range
- Acrab
- acree
- acrocyanosis
- acrodont
- Acrux
- Actinia
- Actiniaria
- actinic
- actinic absorption
- actinic ray
- Actinoceras
- actinodont
- actinogram
- actinograph
- actinolite
- actinometer
- actinometry
- actinon
- Actinophycus
- Actinopterygii
- Actinostroma
- action
- action center
- activated clay
- activation
- active area
- active carbon
- active center