[bù zài hu]
not to care
⇒ 毫不介意 点到即止 招呼 吃粮不管事
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 not care about; not mind
动 not care about; not mind
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
bùzài·hu不放在心上 {not mind; not care}:
- 自有主张,~别人怎么说 {Make up one's mind and don't worry about what others might say.}
- 青年人身强力壮,多干点活ㄦ~。 {It's no problem for young people to work a little more, since they are strong and healthy.}�
bùzài·hu不放在心上 {not mind; not care}:
- 自有主张,~别人怎么说 {Make up one's mind and don't worry about what others might say.}
- 青年人身强力壮,多干点活ㄦ~。 {It's no problem for young people to work a little more, since they are strong and healthy.}�
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 not care (about); not mind; not take to heart
- 不在乎成败 be indifferent about success or failure
- 满不在乎 not care a bit/pin
- 她似乎一点儿不在乎。 She doesn't seem to care at all.
- 他不在乎那些流言蜚语。 He gives no heed to all the rumours.
- 只要他好好工作,我倒不在乎他挣多少钱回家。 So long as he is devoted to his job, I don't really mind how much money he brings home.
动 not care (about); not mind; not take to heart
- 不在乎成败 be indifferent about success or failure
- 满不在乎 not care a bit/pin
- 她似乎一点儿不在乎。 She doesn't seem to care at all.
- 他不在乎那些流言蜚语。 He gives no heed to all the rumours.
- 只要他好好工作,我倒不在乎他挣多少钱回家。 So long as he is devoted to his job, I don't really mind how much money he brings home.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
care nothing about; insensibility
care nothing about; insensibility
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典