
韻母 韵母
[yùn mǔ]
the final of a Chinese syllable (the component of a syllable remaining after removal of the initial consonant, if any, and the tone, e.g. the final of "niáng" is "iang")
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
名 【语】 final of a syllable (i. e. the syllable minus the initial 声母, e. g. -iang in 娘 niáng) (The longest form of a final consists of a medial (韵头 or 介音), a head vowel (韵腹), and an ending (韵尾). Thus, in the final -iang of 娘 niáng , -i- is the medial, -a- the head vowel, and -ng the ending. There may be no medial or ending, but there must be at least a head vowel. )
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 计算机科学技术→中文信息处理
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
汉语字音中声母、字调以外的部分。韵母又可以分成韵头(介音)、韵腹(主要元音)、韵尾三部分。如‘娘’niáng的韵母是iɑng,其中i是韵头,ɑ是韵腹,ng是韵尾。每个韵母一定有韵腹,韵头和韵尾则可有可无。如‘大'dà的韵母是ɑ,ɑ是韵腹,没有韵头、韵尾;‘瓜’guā的韵母是uɑ,其中u是韵头,ɑ是韵腹,没有韵尾;‘刀'dāo的韵母是ɑo,其中ɑ是韵腹,o是韵尾,没有韵头。 {simple or compound vowel in a Chinese syllable besides consonant and tone. A vowel may be divided into three parts:
head vowel, central vowel and tail vowel, e.g. ‘iɑng’ is the vowel in 娘 niáng, in which ‘i’ is the head vowel, ‘ɑ’ central vowel and ‘ng’ tail vowel; each vowel has a central vowel but may or may not have a head or tail vowel, e.g. 大 dà has a central vowel of ‘ɑ’, but doesn't have a head or tail vowel; ‘uɑ’ is the compound vowel of 瓜 guā, with ‘u’ as the head vowel, and ‘ɑ’ the central vowel, but without a tail vowel; ‘ɑo’ in 刀 dāo is the compound vowel, with ‘ɑ’ as the central vowel and ‘o’ the tail vowel, but no head vowel.}
参看 see 【声母】 {shēngmǔ}。
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
<语言> simple or compound vowel (of a Chinese syllable), consisting of an essential vowel(韵腹)with or without a head vowel(韵头)or a tail vowel(韵尾)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典