动 〈口〉 feel resentful because sth. is not to one's liking; be at loggerheads with each other for holding extreme views; sulk:
- 你有意见就提出来,不要闹意气。 If you have any complaint, don't just sulk; speak up.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
nào yìqì
由于偏激情绪而闹矛盾;意气用事 {overreact to sth. not to one's liking}:
- 开展批评和自我批评是为了增进团结,不能~,泄私愤。 {Carrying out criticism and self-criticism is meant to strengthen solidarity. Thus one must not overreact to unfavourable criticism or vent personal grudge.}
nào yìqì
由于偏激情绪而闹矛盾;意气用事 {overreact to sth. not to one's liking}:
- 开展批评和自我批评是为了增进团结,不能~,泄私愤。 {Carrying out criticism and self-criticism is meant to strengthen solidarity. Thus one must not overreact to unfavourable criticism or vent personal grudge.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
nào yìqì
动 be at loggerheads with each other; sulk (over)
nào yìqì
动 be at loggerheads with each other; sulk (over)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典