
car sticker culture
如今,私家车已经很普遍,很多车身上贴有各种各样的车贴。大多是与开车有关的,例如“Baby in Car”,“菜鸟(layman; newbie; green hand)上路,请多关照(please bear with him)”,“马路新秀,急刹天后(An up-and-coming on the road who happens to be a queen of slamming on the brakes)”,“驾龄两年,头次摸车,看着办!(It's up to you to decide what to do as in front of you is someone who is driving for the first time though he is supposed to have length of driving for two years)”“人与人近点,车与车远点(Be close with people but keep a distance from other cars)。”“距离产生美(Distance produces charm)”,“最远的你是我最近的爱(You are my nearest love when at the farthest distance)。”“当您看清到这行字时,离我太近了(You are too close from me when you can see the words clearly)。”“大修缺钱,欢迎追尾(You're welcome to tailgate; I'm in need of money to overhaul my car)。”
五花八门的车贴成了一道独特的风景线(a unique attractive scene),也构成一种特有的车贴文化。
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