自圓其說 自圆其说
to make a story or theory consistent; to give a plausible explanation; to plug the holes in one's story
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
〈成〉 substantiate one's statement; justify oneself:
- 不能自圆其说 cannot offer a tenable argument; cannot justify oneself
- 这样解释能自圆其说吗? Is this a plausible explanation?
〈成〉 substantiate one's statement; justify oneself:
- 不能自圆其说 cannot offer a tenable argument; cannot justify oneself
- 这样解释能自圆其说吗? Is this a plausible explanation?
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
zì yuán qí shuō
使自己的论断或谎话没有破绽。 {make one's statement valid; justify oneself; make one's lie plausible}
zì yuán qí shuō
使自己的论断或谎话没有破绽。 {make one's statement valid; justify oneself; make one's lie plausible}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
<熟> make one's statement valid; justify oneself; be self-justifiable
- 不能自圆其说 cannot offer a tenable argument; cannot justify oneself
- 发议论写文章至少要自圆其说。 When writing articles to express our ideas, we must at least offer a tenable argument.
- 你的论点自相矛盾,不能自圆其说。 Your argument is self-contradictory and internally inconsistent.
<熟> make one's statement valid; justify oneself; be self-justifiable
- 不能自圆其说 cannot offer a tenable argument; cannot justify oneself
- 发议论写文章至少要自圆其说。 When writing articles to express our ideas, we must at least offer a tenable argument.
- 你的论点自相矛盾,不能自圆其说。 Your argument is self-contradictory and internally inconsistent.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典