空城計 空城计
[kōng chéng jì]
the empty city stratagem (in which Zhuge Liang presents himself as unperturbed while making it evident that his city is undefended, hoping his adversary will suspect an ambush); double bluff
⇒ 唱空城计
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
小说《三国演义》中的故事。蜀将马谡失守街亭后,魏将司马懿率兵直逼西城,诸葛亮无兵迎敌,但沉着镇定,大开城门,自己在城楼上弹琴。司马懿怀疑设有埋伏,引兵退去。后来用‘空城计’泛指掩饰力量空虚,骗过对方的策略。 {Empty City Ruse; stratagem of the empty city, stemming from a story in Romance of Three Kingdoms. After defeating Ma Su, a general of the State of Shu, and seizing Jieting from him, Sima Yi, a general of the State of Wei, led his troops on an expedition to Xicheng. Lacking sufficient military force to meet the approaching enemy, Zhuge Liang had the city gate wide opened and, mounting the city gate tower, played the zither with deliberate composure. Suspecting an ambush, Sima Yi and his troop beat a hasty retreat. The phrase is now used to refer to the stratagem of presenting a bold front to conceal one's weakness so as to deceive an opponent.}
小说《三国演义》中的故事。蜀将马谡失守街亭后,魏将司马懿率兵直逼西城,诸葛亮无兵迎敌,但沉着镇定,大开城门,自己在城楼上弹琴。司马懿怀疑设有埋伏,引兵退去。后来用‘空城计’泛指掩饰力量空虚,骗过对方的策略。 {Empty City Ruse; stratagem of the empty city, stemming from a story in Romance of Three Kingdoms. After defeating Ma Su, a general of the State of Shu, and seizing Jieting from him, Sima Yi, a general of the State of Wei, led his troops on an expedition to Xicheng. Lacking sufficient military force to meet the approaching enemy, Zhuge Liang had the city gate wide opened and, mounting the city gate tower, played the zither with deliberate composure. Suspecting an ambush, Sima Yi and his troop beat a hasty retreat. The phrase is now used to refer to the stratagem of presenting a bold front to conceal one's weakness so as to deceive an opponent.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 stratagem of the empty city—presenting a bold front to conceal a weak defence; hold the enemy back by putting on a bold front
名 stratagem of the empty city—presenting a bold front to conceal a weak defence; hold the enemy back by putting on a bold front
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典