穩扎穩打 稳扎稳打
[wěn zhā wěn dǎ]
to go steady and strike hard (in fighting)
fig. steadily and surely
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 move steadily ahead and strike sure blows (in war)
2 go about things steadily and surely:
- 事情要一步一步、稳扎稳打地进行。 The business should be conducted step by step, slowly and surely.
1 move steadily ahead and strike sure blows (in war)
2 go about things steadily and surely:
- 事情要一步一步、稳扎稳打地进行。 The business should be conducted step by step, slowly and surely.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
wěn zhā wěn dǎ
1. 稳当而有把握地打仗 {go ahead steadily and strike sure blows (in war)}(扎 {zhɑ}:
- 扎营 {pitch a camp})。
2. 〈比喻 fig.〉有步骤有把握地做事。 {go about things steadily and surely}�
wěn zhā wěn dǎ
1. 稳当而有把握地打仗 {go ahead steadily and strike sure blows (in war)}(扎 {zhɑ}:
- 扎营 {pitch a camp})。
2. 〈比喻 fig.〉有步骤有把握地做事。 {go about things steadily and surely}�
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
<熟> stand firmly and fight steadily; go ahead steadily and strike sure blows (as in a battle)go about things steadily and surely; proceed step by step; handle in a steady manner
<熟> stand firmly and fight steadily; go ahead steadily and strike sure blows (as in a battle)go about things steadily and surely; proceed step by step; handle in a steady manner
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典