【所属学科】 自然辩证法→自然辩证法总论
【英文术语】law of contradiction
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
- ‘甲不是非甲’或‘甲不能既是乙又不是乙’。 {law of contradiction; one of the basic norms of formal logic, which states that contradictory judgements cannot be made about an identical object, i.e. one cannot affirm and negate it at the same time. For instance, one cannot say that water is matter while also insisting it is not, because one of the propositions must be false. The law of contradiction calls for consistency of thought from beginning to end, and allows no self-contradiction. The formula is ‘A cannot be non-A.’ or ‘A cannot be both B and non-B’.}
- ‘甲不是非甲’或‘甲不能既是乙又不是乙’。 {law of contradiction; one of the basic norms of formal logic, which states that contradictory judgements cannot be made about an identical object, i.e. one cannot affirm and negate it at the same time. For instance, one cannot say that water is matter while also insisting it is not, because one of the propositions must be false. The law of contradiction calls for consistency of thought from beginning to end, and allows no self-contradiction. The formula is ‘A cannot be non-A.’ or ‘A cannot be both B and non-B’.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
law of contradiction
law of contradiction
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典