[bìng qíng]
state of an illness
⇒ 病况
patient's condition
⇒ 病势 病况 辨证施治
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
名 state of an illness; patient's condition:
- 加重病情 aggravate a disease
- 孩子的病情有好转。 The child's condition took a favourable turn. or The child's condition was improving.
- 病情公报 medical bulletin
名 state of an illness; patient's condition:
- 加重病情 aggravate a disease
- 孩子的病情有好转。 The child's condition took a favourable turn. or The child's condition was improving.
- 病情公报 medical bulletin
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
疾病变化的情况 {state of an illness; patient's condition}:
- ~好转 {The patient's condition has taken a turn for the better. or The patient's condition is improving.}
- ~恶化。 {The patient's condition is worsening (or deteriorating).}
疾病变化的情况 {state of an illness; patient's condition}:
- ~好转 {The patient's condition has taken a turn for the better. or The patient's condition is improving.}
- ~恶化。 {The patient's condition is worsening (or deteriorating).}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 state of illness; patient's condition
- 控制病情 bring a disease under control
- 减轻病情 alleviate a disease
- 病情恶化 exacerbation of the disease
- 病情稳定/严重 be in stable/serious condition
- 病情记录 pathography
- 他的病情加重了。 He has taken a turn for the worse.
- 病人的病情急转直下,可能活不过今晚。 The patient is sinking fast and may not live through the night.
- 病情有所好转。 The patient's on the mend. / The patient's illness took a favourable turn.
- 病情刚一好转,他就要求出院。 He asked to be released from the hospital as soon as his condition took a favourable turn/a turn for the better.
名 state of illness; patient's condition
- 控制病情 bring a disease under control
- 减轻病情 alleviate a disease
- 病情恶化 exacerbation of the disease
- 病情稳定/严重 be in stable/serious condition
- 病情记录 pathography
- 他的病情加重了。 He has taken a turn for the worse.
- 病人的病情急转直下,可能活不过今晚。 The patient is sinking fast and may not live through the night.
- 病情有所好转。 The patient's on the mend. / The patient's illness took a favourable turn.
- 病情刚一好转,他就要求出院。 He asked to be released from the hospital as soon as his condition took a favourable turn/a turn for the better.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典