猜測 猜测
[cāi cè]
to guess
⇒ 猜想 忖度 猜谜 猜 揣测 推度 料 猜谜儿 忖量 估摸 忖 揣 猜中 猜着 蒙 一窥端倪 瞎猜 猜不透 猜枚
to conjecture
⇒ 忖量 推测 揣测 猜度 猜想 测度 测 臆测 悬揣 揣想
to surmise
⇒ 揣度 忖度 推测 揣 猜度
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 动 guess; conjecture; surmise:
- 妄加猜测 make wild guesses
II 名 guess; guesswork; conjecture; surmise:
- 那都是猜测。 That's pure conjecture.
- 考古新发现否定了过去对这个问题的猜测。 The new archaeological finds have disproved previous conjectures on this subject.
I 动 guess; conjecture; surmise:
- 妄加猜测 make wild guesses
II 名 guess; guesswork; conjecture; surmise:
- 那都是猜测。 That's pure conjecture.
- 考古新发现否定了过去对这个问题的猜测。 The new archaeological finds have disproved previous conjectures on this subject.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 自然辩证法→科学哲学→科学哲学总论
【所属学科】 自然辩证法→科学哲学→科学哲学总论
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
推测;凭想像估计 {judge or reach an opinion (about sth.) by reasoning; estimation based on imagination}:
- 这件事非常复杂,而且一点ㄦ线索也没有,叫人很难~。 {The matter is so complex and without a clue that it is hard to even hazard a guess.}
推测;凭想像估计 {judge or reach an opinion (about sth.) by reasoning; estimation based on imagination}:
- 这件事非常复杂,而且一点ㄦ线索也没有,叫人很难~。 {The matter is so complex and without a clue that it is hard to even hazard a guess.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 guess; conjecture; surmise
- 猜测年龄 guess at sb's age
- 猜测心思 guess/surmise sb's thoughts
- 大胆猜测 venture/hazard a conjecture/guess
- 胡乱/妄加猜测 make a wild/random guess; make wild speculation/surmise
- 绝对不要凭猜测作答。 Never answer by guess.
- 他全靠猜测得出了正确答案。 He arrived at the right answer by pure guesswork.
- 我不知道,我只是猜测而已。 I don't know. I'm just guessing.
- 我们的猜测已完全得到证实。 Our suppositions were fully confirmed.
- 这纯属猜测。 This is pure guesswork.
动 guess; conjecture; surmise
- 猜测年龄 guess at sb's age
- 猜测心思 guess/surmise sb's thoughts
- 大胆猜测 venture/hazard a conjecture/guess
- 胡乱/妄加猜测 make a wild/random guess; make wild speculation/surmise
- 绝对不要凭猜测作答。 Never answer by guess.
- 他全靠猜测得出了正确答案。 He arrived at the right answer by pure guesswork.
- 我不知道,我只是猜测而已。 I don't know. I'm just guessing.
- 我们的猜测已完全得到证实。 Our suppositions were fully confirmed.
- 这纯属猜测。 This is pure guesswork.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
guess; guesswork; hypothesize; imagine; surmise
guess; guesswork; hypothesize; imagine; surmise
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典