
[liú shī]
(of soil etc) to wash away
涤汰 涤除 冲刷 洗脱
to be eroded
(fig.) (of talented staff, followers of a religious faith, investment funds etc) to go elsewhere
to fail to be retained
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

1   run off; be washed away; be eroded:
- 水土流失 loss of water and erosion of soil
2   lose; drain:
- 黄金储备流失 a drain on gold reserves
- 防止国有资产流失 prevent the loss of state-owned assets
3   (of personnel) leave the locality or unit; (of students) drop out:
- 人才流失 brain drain
- 流失河 lost river
- 流失生 (school) dropout
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 指自然界的矿石、土壤自己散失或被水、风力带走,也指河水等白白地流掉 {run off; be washed away; be eroded; (of minerals, and natural soil) be washed or blown away by water or wind; rivers, etc. flowingaway in a wasteful manner}:
- 水土~ {loss of water and soil erosion}
- 建造水库蓄积汛期的河水,以免~。 {At times of heavy rainfall river water is stored up in reservoirs to prevent its loss.}
2. 泛指有用的东西流散失去 {loss (of useful things); drain; leaching}:
- 肥效~ {leaching of fertility}
- 抢救~的文物。 {salvage lost cultural relics}
3. 〈比喻 fig.〉人员离开本地或本单位 {(of personnel) leave the locality or unit}:
- 人才~。 {brain drain}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
be washed away; be eroded; run/flow off
- 采取有效措施,防止水土流失 take effective measures to prevent loss of water and soil erosion
flow away; deplete; drain
- 防止国家黄金储备流失 prevent the drain of gold reserves of the country
- 国有资产流失 loss of state assets/property
- 我们学校流失了大量有成就的教师。 Our school has lost many accomplished faculty members.
(of personnel) leave the locality/unit; (of students) drop out
- 尽快采取切实有效的措施减少人才流失 take immediate and substantial measures to minimize the brain drain
(school) dropout
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
liú shī
drain away,指物质微量而持久的流失。
- 当时,外汇和黄金储备日益流失。 Foreign currency and gold reserve were drained away day by day.
- 电视使电影观众日益流失。 Television drains away the cinema audience.
seep through (away),指泄漏引起的流失。
- 堵住管道的漏洞,不让石油流失。 Stop up the leaks in the pipe so that no oil will seep through.
- 水库里的水由于土坝坝体内没有混凝土防渗墙而正在流失。 The water in the reservoir is seeping away for not having impervious concrete inside the earth dam.
water and soil erosion,指侵蚀引起的水土流失。
- 我们想尽一切办法来防止水土流失。 We tried every possible way to prevent water and soil erosion.
- 我国的水土流失长期以来一直是个老大难问题。 Water and soil erosion in China has been a problem of long standing.
- 水土保持就是要遏制水土流失。 Water and soil conservation is intended to curb water and soil erosion.
drop out, 指人员、生员的流失。
- 英语速成班由于流失了20名生员而解散。 The English accelerated course disbanded when 20 students dropped out.
- 每年都有不少会员从俱乐部里流失。 A number of members drop out of the club every year.
- 幸亏今年人员流失比较少。 Fortunately, there have been fewer dropouts this year.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典