橋梁 桥梁
[qiáo liáng]
bridge (lit. and fig.)
⇒ 舰桥 网桥 桥 桥接器 彴 梁 桥段 契约桥牌 布鲁克林大桥 跨海大桥 全桥 H桥 天桥 桥面 吊桥 桥头堡 桥墩 路桥 桥牌 过街天桥 矼 咸阳桥 拱桥 桥接 架桥 引桥 过桥贷款 浮桥 桥式整流器 牙桥 登机廊桥 圯
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
名 bridge:
- 在河上架设桥梁 build a bridge across a river
- 商业是联结生产同消费的桥梁。 Commerce is a bridge that links production with consumption.
- 这本双语词典起着沟通两国文化的桥梁作用。 This bilingual dictionary serves as a bridge between the cultures of the two nations.
名 bridge:
- 在河上架设桥梁 build a bridge across a river
- 商业是联结生产同消费的桥梁。 Commerce is a bridge that links production with consumption.
- 这本双语词典起着沟通两国文化的桥梁作用。 This bilingual dictionary serves as a bridge between the cultures of the two nations.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 架在水面上或空中以便行人、车辆等通行的建筑物。 {bridge; structure built across water or in the air to provide passage for pedestrians, vehicles, etc.}
2. 〈比喻 fig.〉能起沟通作用的人或事物 {bridge; person or thing that serves as a link}:
- ~作用。 {play the role of a bridge; serve as a link}
1. 架在水面上或空中以便行人、车辆等通行的建筑物。 {bridge; structure built across water or in the air to provide passage for pedestrians, vehicles, etc.}
2. 〈比喻 fig.〉能起沟通作用的人或事物 {bridge; person or thing that serves as a link}:
- ~作用。 {play the role of a bridge; serve as a link}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 bridge
- 在河上架设桥梁 bridge a river; build a bridge across a river
- 桥梁工程 bridgework
- 桥梁建筑 bridge construction
- 连接政府与企业的桥梁 bridge that links the government and the enterprises
- 友谊的桥梁 bridge of friendship
- 该培训计划是学校与社会之间的桥梁。 This training programme is seen as a bridge between school and society.
名 bridge
- 在河上架设桥梁 bridge a river; build a bridge across a river
- 桥梁工程 bridgework
- 桥梁建筑 bridge construction
- 连接政府与企业的桥梁 bridge that links the government and the enterprises
- 友谊的桥梁 bridge of friendship
- 该培训计划是学校与社会之间的桥梁。 This training programme is seen as a bridge between school and society.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典