星羅棋布 星罗棋布
[xīng luó qí bù]
scattered about like stars in the sky or chess pieces on a board (idiom); spread all over the place
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
〈成〉 scattered all over like stars in the sky or men on a chessboard; spread all over the place:
- 全国中小型水利工程星罗棋布。 Small and medium-sized irrigation works spread all over the country.
〈成〉 scattered all over like stars in the sky or men on a chessboard; spread all over the place:
- 全国中小型水利工程星罗棋布。 Small and medium-sized irrigation works spread all over the country.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
xīng luó qí bù
像星星似的罗列着,像棋子似的分布着。形容多而密集 {scattered all over like stars in the sky, or like pieces on a chessboard; (fig.) numerous and densely spread}:
- 电力网四通八达,排灌站~。 {The power grid stretches to every nook and cranny of the place, with drainage and irrigation pumping stations scattered like stars in the sky.}
xīng luó qí bù
像星星似的罗列着,像棋子似的分布着。形容多而密集 {scattered all over like stars in the sky, or like pieces on a chessboard; (fig.) numerous and densely spread}:
- 电力网四通八达,排灌站~。 {The power grid stretches to every nook and cranny of the place, with drainage and irrigation pumping stations scattered like stars in the sky.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
<熟> be like stars in the sky or the pieces on a chessboard; spread all over; be dotted with
- 海岸上渔村星罗棋布。 Countless fishing villages dot the coast.
<熟> be like stars in the sky or the pieces on a chessboard; spread all over; be dotted with
- 海岸上渔村星罗棋布。 Countless fishing villages dot the coast.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典