無比 无比
[wú bǐ]
⇒ 无匹 旷世 无双 未可同日而语 无与伦比 独出一时 绝代 不可同日而语 超群绝伦 傲视群伦 才华盖世 才华出众
⇒ 无双 盖世 无匹 无出其右 力大无比
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 incomparable; unparalleled; matchless:
- 无比愤怒 furious; outraged; fierce anger
- 无比英勇 unrivalled bravery; matchless courage
- 无比的优越性 incomparable (or unparalleled) superiority
动 incomparable; unparalleled; matchless:
- 无比愤怒 furious; outraged; fierce anger
- 无比英勇 unrivalled bravery; matchless courage
- 无比的优越性 incomparable (or unparalleled) superiority
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
没有别的能够相比(多用于好的方面 {usu. used in a good sense}) {incomparable; unparalleled; matchless; nothing else can compare with}:
- ~强大 {unparalleledly mighty; incomparably powerful}
- ~愤慨 {furiously indignant}
- 英勇~。 {unrivalled in bravery}�
没有别的能够相比(多用于好的方面 {usu. used in a good sense}) {incomparable; unparalleled; matchless; nothing else can compare with}:
- ~强大 {unparalleledly mighty; incomparably powerful}
- ~愤慨 {furiously indignant}
- 英勇~。 {unrivalled in bravery}�
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
形 incomparable; matchless; unmatched; peerless; unparalleled; unrivalled; beyond compare/comparison; without an equal; without a parallel/peer
- 怀着无比的耐心 have infinite patience; with incomparable patience
- 具有无比的吸引力 have unbeatable attraction
- 英勇无比 be unrivalled in bravery/courage; be unsurpassed in valour
- 无比愤怒 be furiously indignant
- 无比热情 with overflowing enthusiasm
- 无比细心 take infinite care (to do sth)
- 无比幸福 in boundless happiness
- 无比自豪 be infinitely proud
- 无比的决心 tremendous determination
- 无比的优越性 incomparable/unparalleled superiority
- 他力大无比。 He is matchless/unparalleled in physical strength.
- 她无比喜悦。 Her joy was beyond measure.
形 incomparable; matchless; unmatched; peerless; unparalleled; unrivalled; beyond compare/comparison; without an equal; without a parallel/peer
- 怀着无比的耐心 have infinite patience; with incomparable patience
- 具有无比的吸引力 have unbeatable attraction
- 英勇无比 be unrivalled in bravery/courage; be unsurpassed in valour
- 无比愤怒 be furiously indignant
- 无比热情 with overflowing enthusiasm
- 无比细心 take infinite care (to do sth)
- 无比幸福 in boundless happiness
- 无比自豪 be infinitely proud
- 无比的决心 tremendous determination
- 无比的优越性 incomparable/unparalleled superiority
- 他力大无比。 He is matchless/unparalleled in physical strength.
- 她无比喜悦。 Her joy was beyond measure.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典